Yosef's Economic Policies/2

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Yosef's Economic Policies

Exegetical Approaches

This topic has not yet undergone editorial review

Development of Yosef's Character

The details of Yosef's economic policies help the reader better appreciate the character of Yosef, revealing both his intense care for his family and his wisdom in dealing with the Egyptian crisis.

What's special about Yosef? These commentators differ regarding which attributes of Yosef they think emerge from the episode:
  • Honesty - Philo, R. Avraham b. HaRambam, Radak, Ramban, Ibn Kaspi and Ralbag all suggest that story highlights Yosef's honesty and loyalty to Paroh.  The verse emphasizes that "וַיָּבֵא יוֹסֵף אֶת הַכֶּסֶף בֵּיתָה פַרְעֹה", taking nothing for himself.1  All he did was aimed to enrich Paroh, not to increase his own power.2
  • Concern for family – Bavli Chulin, Rashi, Keli Yakar and Or HaChayyim suggest that Yosef's policy of population displacement served to help his family.  They were not singled out as poor foreigners since the entire country had similarly been displaced and impoverished.  Maasei Hasehm and Neziv add that it freed up Goshen, providing them with a sheltered place to live that might prevent their assimilation.
  • Economic Wisdom
Did Yosef enslave the Egyptians?
"וְאֶת הָעָם הֶעֱבִיר אֹתוֹ לֶעָרִים" - why?
"וַיִּקְבֹּץ אֶת כָּל אֹכֶל שֶׁבַע שָׁנִים" - for payment?
When does the episode take place?
Two-fold mention of priestly exemption
What happened to Canaan?
Was Yaakov's family originally intending to stay ?
Evaluation of Yosef's actions

Backdrop to Israelite Bondage

The story lays the background for the Egyptian enslavement of the Israelites.  Yosef's enslaving of the Egyptians later led to a backlash against his family who had been spared the severe policy.

Cause of Prolonged Stay

The harsh conditions of the famine, highlighted in this episode, explain why Yaakov's family did not simply return to Canaan immediately, but rather stayed on foreign soil.