Yosef and Daniel/0

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Yosef and Daniel


Content Parallels

  • Exile – Both the Yosef saga and the story of Daniel take place in exile, in Egypt and Bavel respectively.  In addition they were both taken away from their homes when they were young, and were the first to be exiled from their nation, in each the Egyptian exile and Babylonian exile.
  • Thrown into a pit – Yosef was thrown by his brothers into a pit and by Potiphar into prison, and so was Daniel put in the lion's den.
  • Position of power – Yosef and Daniel rise to power in the king's palace.
  • Dual name – Yosef is given the name Tzafenat Paneach, and Daniel is given the name Belshazzar.
  • Beauty and charm – Yosef is described as being beautiful, and so is Daniel while accounting for all of the children brought to Bavel.
Dreams and Solutions
  • The dream itself – In Paroh and Belshazzar's dreams, animals come out of water.
  • Reaction to dream – When both Paroh and Nevuchadnezzar had a dream they wake up with their spirit being moved.
  • Inability to solve – In both Paroh and Nevuchadnezzar's second dream, they don't know what the dream was / how to solve the dream, and they call wizards who are not able to solve it.
  • Solution by Yosef and Daniel –At the end Yosef and Daniel solve the dream.
Position of power
  • Ruling over the land – After solving the king's dream, they are put by the king as a ruler on the whole country.
  • Signs of kingship – Both characters are dressed in royal finery, given a necklace to wear on their neck, as others proclaim their royal status.
  • Refuse to be swayed – Yosef rejects Mrs. Potiphar's daily advances, while Daniel rejects the non-Kosher food he is offered to eat.