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<div><b><center>THIS TOPIC HAS NOT YET UNDERGONE EDITORIAL REVIEW</center></b></div>
<div><b><center>THIS TOPIC HAS NOT YET UNDERGONE EDITORIAL REVIEW</center></b></div>
<h2 name="">Introduction</h2>
<h2 name="">Introduction</h2>
The plethora of similarities between the Yosef narratives and the Book of Esther have been noted by many.<fn>See Esther Rabbah 7 and more recent studies.</fn>&#160; There is much overlap between the general setting of the stories, the events that transpire and the actions of many of the characters.&#160; Moreover, these content parallels are buttressed by numerous linguistic similarities, suggesting that the author of Megillat Esther was intentionally calling on the reader to compare the two stories.
The plethora of similarities between the Yosef narratives and the Book of Esther have been noted by many.<fn>See Esther Rabbah 7 and more recent studies.</fn>&#160; There is much overlap between the general setting of the stories, the events that transpire and the character of the protagonists.&#160; Moreover, these content parallels are buttressed by numerous linguistic similarities, suggesting that the author of Megillat Esther was intentionally calling on the reader to compare the two stories.
<h2 name="">Content Parallels</h2>
<h2 name="">Content Parallels</h2>
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<td><b><span style="color: #ff0000;">Backdrop </span></b></td>
<li><b><span style="color: #ff0000;">Exile</span></b> – Both the Yosef saga and the story of Esther take place in exile, the first in Egypt and the second in Persia.</li>
<li><b><span style="color: #ff0000;">Position of power</span></b> – Yosef, Esther, and Mordechai all rise to power in the king' palace, putting them in place to aid their brethren.</li>
<li><span style="color: #ff0000;"><b>Children of Rachel</b> </span>– In each narrative, the main protagonists are descendants of Rachel. [Mordechai is from the line of Binyamin.]</li>
<td><b><span style="color: #008000;">Yosef and Esther</span></b></td>
<li><b><span style="color: #008000;">Beauty and charm</span></b> – Both Yosef and Esther are marked by exceptional beauty and charm.</li>
<li><span style="color: #008000;"><b>Dual name</b></span> – Yosef is given the name Tzafnat Paneach while Hadasah is known as Esther.</li>
<li><b><span style="color: #008000;">Hiding of identity</span> </b>– Yosef disguises himself in front of his brothers, while Esther hides her Jewish identity. Both reveal themselves at the end of the story.</li>
<td>&#160;<b><span style="color: #0000ff;">Yosef and Mordechai</span></b></td>
<li><b><span style="color: #0000ff;">Refuse to be swayed</span></b> – Yosef rejects Mrs. Potiphar's daily advances while Mordechai rejects Haman's daily demand that he bow.</li>
<li><b><span style="color: #0000ff;">Second in command</span> </b>– Both Yosef and Mordechai rise to second in command.</li>
<li><span style="color: #0000ff;"><b>Signs of kingship</b></span> – Both characters are given the king's signet ring, dressed in royal finery and paraded through the streets on the king's horse/chariot as others proclaim their preferential status.</li>
<li><span style="color: #0000ff;"><b>Good deeds forgotten</b></span> – Yosef is forgotten by the butler, only to be remembered two years later, when Paroh's sleep is bothered by dreams. Mordechai's saving of the king's life is similarly ignored until the king's turbulent sleep leads him to read a record thereof.</li>
<td><b><span style="color: #ff6600;">&#160;Paroh and Achashverosh</span></b></td>
<li><b><span style="color: #ff6600;">Punishing of eunuchs</span></b> – Paroh imprisons the butler and baker while Achashverosh hangs Bigtan and Tersah.</li>
<li><b><span style="color: #ff6600;">Party</span></b> – Both celebrate parties at which fateful events occur.</li>
<li><b><span style="color: #ff6600;">Troubled sleep</span></b> – Paroh's sleep is plagued by inexplicable dreams while Achashverosh's uneasy sleep awakens him.</li>
<td><b><span style="color: #800080;">&#160;Mordechai and Esther and Yaakov's family</span></b></td>
<li><b><span style="color: #800080;">Mourning</span></b> – Upon hearing distressing news, both Yaakov and Mordechai don signs of mourning and refuse to be consoled.</li>
<li><b><span style="color: #800080;">Reluctant agreement</span></b> – Yaakov and Esther both reluctantly agree to their relative's plan to save the nation/family from harm, recognizing that it might cost them their life/son.</li>
<li><b><span style="color: #800080;">Plea</span> </b>– Both Yehuda and Esther plea for salvation (for Binyamin/nation) before the ruler, claiming that they can't bear to see evil befall their loved ones.</li>

Version as of 02:52, 12 December 2014

Yosef and Megillat Esther



The plethora of similarities between the Yosef narratives and the Book of Esther have been noted by many.1  There is much overlap between the general setting of the stories, the events that transpire and the character of the protagonists.  Moreover, these content parallels are buttressed by numerous linguistic similarities, suggesting that the author of Megillat Esther was intentionally calling on the reader to compare the two stories.

Content Parallels


  • Exile – Both the Yosef saga and the story of Esther take place in exile, the first in Egypt and the second in Persia.
  • Position of power – Yosef, Esther, and Mordechai all rise to power in the king' palace, putting them in place to aid their brethren.
  • Children of Rachel – In each narrative, the main protagonists are descendants of Rachel. [Mordechai is from the line of Binyamin.]
Yosef and Esther
  • Beauty and charm – Both Yosef and Esther are marked by exceptional beauty and charm.
  • Dual name – Yosef is given the name Tzafnat Paneach while Hadasah is known as Esther.
  • Hiding of identity – Yosef disguises himself in front of his brothers, while Esther hides her Jewish identity. Both reveal themselves at the end of the story.
 Yosef and Mordechai
  • Refuse to be swayed – Yosef rejects Mrs. Potiphar's daily advances while Mordechai rejects Haman's daily demand that he bow.
  • Second in command – Both Yosef and Mordechai rise to second in command.
  • Signs of kingship – Both characters are given the king's signet ring, dressed in royal finery and paraded through the streets on the king's horse/chariot as others proclaim their preferential status.
  • Good deeds forgotten – Yosef is forgotten by the butler, only to be remembered two years later, when Paroh's sleep is bothered by dreams. Mordechai's saving of the king's life is similarly ignored until the king's turbulent sleep leads him to read a record thereof.
 Paroh and Achashverosh
  • Punishing of eunuchs – Paroh imprisons the butler and baker while Achashverosh hangs Bigtan and Tersah.
  • Party – Both celebrate parties at which fateful events occur.
  • Troubled sleep – Paroh's sleep is plagued by inexplicable dreams while Achashverosh's uneasy sleep awakens him.
 Mordechai and Esther and Yaakov's family
  • Mourning – Upon hearing distressing news, both Yaakov and Mordechai don signs of mourning and refuse to be consoled.
  • Reluctant agreement – Yaakov and Esther both reluctantly agree to their relative's plan to save the nation/family from harm, recognizing that it might cost them their life/son.
  • Plea – Both Yehuda and Esther plea for salvation (for Binyamin/nation) before the ruler, claiming that they can't bear to see evil befall their loved ones.