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(Original Author: Ayelet Rabinowitz)
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Version as of 22:04, 28 November 2013

Parashat Vayetze – Summary


  • Parashat Vayetze recounts the story of Yaakov's life in exile in the house of Lavan, where despite difficulties and hardships, he succeeds in building a large family and achieving material prosperity.
  • Yaakov's Dream and Divine Promise – Parashat Vayetze begins in the middle of Chapter 28, with Yaakov's departure from Be'er Sheva towards Charan, in flight from Esav and in search of a wife. Yaakov has a vision of God's messengers ascending and descending a ladder reaching to heaven. Hashem appears to Yaakov, bestows upon him the blessings of offspring and inheritance of the Land of Canaan, and promises to protect him and return him home.
  • Yaakov Marriages and First Four ChildrenChapter 29 describes how Yaakov falls in love with Rachel, and works for her father Lavan for seven years to earn her hand in marriage. When Lavan deceives Yaakov, giving him Leah instead, Yaakov agrees to work an additional seven years for Rachel. Leah gives birth to four children in this chapter, while Rachel remains barren.
  • Eight More Children and Yaakov's Wages – In Chapter 30, Rachel gives Yaakov her handmaid, Bilhah, to bear him children, and Leah follows suit, giving Yaakov her handmaid, Zilpah. Each handmaid bears two children, Leah gives birth to three additional children, and Rachel's prayers are also finally answered and she gives birth to Yosef. Yaakov agrees to continue working for Lavan in return for all speckled and spotted sheep that are born. Despite Lavan's repeated efforts to swindle him, Yaakov prospers.
  • Yaakov Flees From Lavan – In Chapter 31, following Hashem's command to return to Canaan, Yaakov takes his family and possessions, and sets out for Canaan without Lavan's knowledge. When Lavan finds out, he pursues Yaakov, and only a warning from God prevents him from harming Yaakov.
  • Yaakov Meets Divine Messengers – The first few verses of Chapter 32 conclude the Parashah with Yaakov on his way home, encountering Divine messengers just as he did upon his departure from home.

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