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<category>Key Words
<category>Key Words
<subcategory>בית ומשקוף
<li><a href="https://mg.alhatorah.org/TanakhLab/Shemot/12">Tanakh Lab</a> – The word “<span style="color: #ff0000;">בית</span>” is the second most frequently appearing word in the chapter, repeating 16 times. The word “<span style="color: #ff0000;">מַשְׁקוֹף</span>,” also associated with the house, appears only three times, but no where else in Tanakh, making it a significant word as well. This emphasizes the significance of the Jewish home in the context of the Exodus story.&#160;&#160;</li>
<li><b>Articles</b>&#160;–Several articles touch on these keywords:</li>
<li>See R. Amnon Bazak’s article,&#160;<a href="https://etzion.org.il/en/holidays/pesach/meaning-korban-pesach">The Meaning of the Korban Pesach</a>, for analysis of the nature of the Pesach sacrifice and its connection to the home.</li>
<li>See Prof. Yonatan Grossman’s <a href="https://www.etzion.org.il/en/holidays/pesach/korban-pesach-defining-israel-gods-people">The Korban Pesach: Defining Israel as God’s People</a>, for exploration of the ways in the which the home represents God’s altar in the context of the Pesach sacrifice.</li>
<li>See <a href="https://www.etzion.org.il/en/holidays/pesach/lots-pesach-and-its-significance">Lot’s “Pesach” And Its Significance</a> by R. Yoel Bin-Nun, or the Hebrew version <a href="https://etzion.org.il/he/tanakh/torah/sefer-shemot/parashat-bo/%D7%91%D7%90-%D7%A4%D7%A1%D7%97-%D7%9E%D7%A6%D7%A8%D7%99%D7%9D-%D7%95%D7%A4%D7%A1%D7%97-%D7%A1%D7%93%D7%95%D7%9D">פסח מצרים ופסח סדום</a>, in which the author compares the stories of the destruction of Sedom and the Exodus from Egypt, noting that in both the home plays a central role as a haven within a corrupt society.&#160;</li>
<category>Character Titles
<category>Character Titles

Version as of 00:53, 11 December 2023

Literary Devices – Shemot 12

This topic has not yet undergone editorial review


Parallels and Contrasts

Key Words

בית ומשקוף

  • Tanakh Lab – The word “בית” is the second most frequently appearing word in the chapter, repeating 16 times. The word “מַשְׁקוֹף,” also associated with the house, appears only three times, but no where else in Tanakh, making it a significant word as well. This emphasizes the significance of the Jewish home in the context of the Exodus story.  

Character Titles


Blood is an important symbol in the story of the Exodus, related to both punishment and covenant / redemption. 

  • Blood appears twice in Shemot 4, first in the context of the miracle of turning water to blood and then in the story of the circumcision of Moshe’s son. 
  • Later in the narrative, the plagues begin with blood.
  • In Shemot 12, the Israelites smear the blood of the Passover offering on their doorposts, leading into the actual exodus from Egypt.1
  • Blood, thus, represents Hashem’s violent confrontation with Paroh and the culture of Egypt. Moreover, the alternating symbols of blood as punitive plague and blood as symbol of the covenant (both circumcision and the Paschal sacrifice) hint to the underlying theme of the Exodus as representing the transition from being slaves of Paroh to being servants of Hashem.