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<li><b>Verse by verse / Topical</b> – Rashbam, like his grandfather, Rashi, before him, wrote a verse by verse commentary. He focuses on textual and conceptual issues rather than philosophical ones. Hןis commentary, nonetheless, is not local in scope. He viewed the entire text as one integrated unit, searching for Biblical parallels and noting "ways of the text".<fn>See the discussion and examples below.</fn></li>
<li><b>Verse by verse / Topical</b> – Rashbam, like his grandfather, Rashi, before him, wrote a verse by verse commentary. He focuses on textual and conceptual issues rather than philosophical ones. Hןis commentary, nonetheless, is not local in scope. He viewed the entire text as one integrated unit, searching for Biblical parallels and noting "ways of the text".<fn>See the discussion and examples below.</fn></li>
<li><b>Peshat and Derash</b> – Rashbam repeatedly asserts<fn>See, for instance, his comments to <a href="RashbamBereshit1-1" data-aht="source">Bereshit 1:1</a>, <a href="RashbamBereshit37-2" data-aht="source">Bereshit 37:2</a>, and his introduction to <a href="RashbamShemot21Introduction" data-aht="source">Shemot 21</a> and <a href="RashbamVayikraIntroduction" data-aht="source">Vayikra</a>.</fn> that even though the Halakhic and Midrashic level of interpretation is the most essential one,<fn>Thus, Rashbam in no way denigrated Midrashic exegesis. He notes that most halakhot are derived from textual nuances and idiosyncrasies and has the utmost respect for this approach. [See also his comments to <a href="RashbamVayikra13-2" data-aht="source">Vayikra 13:2</a>, where he acknowledges that the parshiot regarding <i>tzara'at</i> cannot be explained via "פשוטו של מקרא" or "דרך ארץ" and one must rely on the Midrashim of the sages.] Despite recognizing its value, it is possible that Rashbam felt no need to include such interpretations in his own work as these had already been incorporated into his grandfather's commentary. See Rashbam in his introductions to <a href="RashbamShemot21Introduction" data-aht="source">Shemot 21</a> and <a href="RashbamVayikraIntroduction" data-aht="source">Sefer Vayikra</a> where Rashbam explicitly sends his readers to Rashi's commentary, noting that he himself will not be focusing on the "Halakhot and Derashot" but that his grandfather did.</fn> his goal is to explain the simple sense of Scripture.<fn>This focus is evident in the close to 150 times in his Torah commentary that Rashbam uses language such as: &#8206;"לפי הפשט", "לפי פשוטו&#8206;", "זה עיקר פשוטו", and the like. In fact, the latter phrase, "זהו עקר פשוטו", is somewhat unique to Rashbam, never appearing in Rashi and appearing only once in the commentary of R"Y Kara (Tehillim 5:8) and once in the commentary attributed to him on Sefer Shemuel I 3:14.</fn> In this he saw himself as a pioneer,<fn>E. Touitou, "שיטתו הפרשנית של רשב"ם על רקע המציאות ההסטורית של זמנו” in עיונים בספרי חז"ל במקרא ובתולדות ישראל, Ed. E.Z. Melammed (Ramat Gan, 1982): 48-74, discusses the possible motivations that might have led to the new focus on "peshat". He suggests that Rashbam was, at least in part, reacting to the Christian–Jewish polemics of his day. A large part of the controversy centered around the issue of Biblical exegesis and by focusing on the simple sense of Scripture, Rashbam was able to deal with Christians on their own terms. Recognizing that there are two realms of interpretation allowed him to explain passages according to the simple reading even when such explanations contradicted those of the Sages. A. Grossman, חכמי צרפת הראשונים, (Jerusalem, 1995): 480, brings support for this idea by pointing to passages in which Rashbam writes, “according to the simple sense of the text and an answer to the heretics,” connecting the two issues himself (see&#160;<a href="RashbamShemot3-22" data-aht="source">Rashbam Shemot 3:22</a> and <a href="RashbamVayikra11-3" data-aht="source">Vayikra 11:3</a>). He further notes that by focusing on the literal meaning of the text, Rashbam hindered the efforts of opponents to offer Christological or allegorical explanations.<br/>E. Touitou, 11-33 :הפשטות המתחדשים בכל יום, (ירושלים, תשס"ג), also points to a second possible factor which might have influenced Rashbam's exegesis, the 12th century renaissance. It promoted human reason alongside the authority of tradition and ushered in new modes of Biblical interpretation which focused more on the literal meaning of the text. For example, Hugh of St. Victor, a leading French theologian of the time, highlights the need to understand the text itself before reaching its spiritual significance. Others write essays on topography, the science behind creation, and the importance of history in exegesis. These tendencies likely influenced Rashbam as well (it is known that he had contact with scholars working in the monastery).<br/>It is also possible that Rashbam’s new approach was not the product of external influences but rather internal ones. Rashbam’s commentary might have simply been the result of a natural historical development, one paralleled in the world of Talmudic study. Rashi had laid the framework for those who followed him. Only after he explained the Talmudic text could the Tosafists analyze it. And, similarly, only after he pointed out the difficulties in Biblical passages could others take issue with his solutions, question his Midrashic sources, and move beyond him.</fn> often noting that his predecessors did not reach a full understanding of "פשוטו של מקרא",&#8206;<fn>See his comments to <a href="RashbamBereshit37-2" data-aht="source">Bereshit 37:2</a>, "והראשונים מתוך חסידותם נתעסקו לנטות אחרי הדרשות שהן עיקר, ומתוך כך לא הורגלו בעומק פשוטו של מקרא". See also Rashbam <a href="RashbamBereshit49-9" data-aht="source">Bereshit 49:9</a>,&#160;<a href="RashbamBereshit49-16" data-aht="source">Bereshit 49:16</a> and&#160;<a href="RashbamShemot3-11" data-aht="source">Shemot 3:11</a> where he writes that others misunderstood the simple sense of the verses and that if readers want to grasp their true meaning, they should look to his commentary. Elsewhere, he calls his predecessor’s explanations "worthless" (<a href="RashbamDevarim15-18" data-aht="source">Devarim 15:18</a>, and his concluding remarks to <a href="RashbamDevarim34Ending" data-aht="source">Devarim 34</a>) "false" (<a href="RashbamShemot2-2" data-aht="source">Shemot 2:2</a>) or "stupidity" (<a href="RashbamBereshit49-8" data-aht="source">Bereshit 49:8</a>, <a href="RashbamShemot33-14" data-aht="source">Shemot 33:14</a>, <a href="RashbamShemot34-29" data-aht="source">Shemot 34:29</a>, <a href="RashbamDevarim15-18" data-aht="source">Devarim 15:18</a>).</fn> and that even those who attempted to do so, did not go far enough.<fn>See Rashbam's concluding&#160;<a href="RashbamDevarim34Ending" data-aht="source">comments</a> to Devarim, "אם יראו הרואים פירושים קדומים שנוטים לצד פשט אחר בעניינים אחרים, יתנו לב כי אינם דרך ארץ לפי חכמת דברי בני אדם או כפירוש הפסוק אינו כן" and his well known <a href="RashbamBereshit37-2" data-aht="source">comments</a> regarding Rashi's commentary, "וגם רבנו שלמה אבי אמי מאיר עיני גולה שפירש תורה נביאים וכתובים נתן לב לפרש פשוטו של מקרא. ואף אני שמואל ב"ר מאיר חתנו זצ"ל נתווכחתי עמו ולפניו, והודה לי שאילו היה לו פנאי היה צריך לעשות פרושים אחרים לפי הפשטות המתחדשים בכל יום".</fn> Rashbam's "peshat" exegesis is exemplified on the one hand by his refusal to look outside the text to Midrashim to explain difficulties, fill in missing details, or to identify the unknown,<fn>In this he stands in contrast to Rashi who will often identify an anonymous character in Tanakh with a well know figure. Contrast the two on Bereshit 18:7, Bereshit 22:3, Bereshit 42:23, Shemot 2:13, Shemot 16:20, or Bemidbar 11:27.</fn> and by his intrascriptural exegesis (use of context, Biblical parallels, and "דרכי המקראת") on the other.<fn>See the discussion below which will elaborate on each of these points.</fn>&#160;</li>
<li><b>Peshat vs. Derash</b> – Rashbam repeatedly asserts<fn>See, for instance, his comments to <a href="RashbamBereshit1-1" data-aht="source">Bereshit 1:1</a>, <a href="RashbamBereshit37-2" data-aht="source">Bereshit 37:2</a>, and his introduction to <a href="RashbamShemot21Introduction" data-aht="source">Shemot 21</a> and <a href="RashbamVayikraIntroduction" data-aht="source">Vayikra</a>.</fn> that even though the Halakhic and Midrashic level of interpretation is the most essential one,<fn>Thus, Rashbam in no way denigrated Midrashic exegesis. He notes that most halakhot are derived from textual nuances and idiosyncrasies and has the utmost respect for this approach. [See also his comments to <a href="RashbamVayikra13-2" data-aht="source">Vayikra 13:2</a>, where he acknowledges that the parshiot regarding <i>tzara'at</i> cannot be explained via "פשוטו של מקרא" or "דרך ארץ" and one must rely on the Midrashim of the sages.] Despite recognizing its value, it is possible that Rashbam felt no need to include such interpretations in his own work as these had already been incorporated into his grandfather's commentary. See Rashbam in his introductions to <a href="RashbamShemot21Introduction" data-aht="source">Shemot 21</a> and <a href="RashbamVayikraIntroduction" data-aht="source">Sefer Vayikra</a> where Rashbam explicitly sends his readers to Rashi's commentary, noting that he himself will not be focusing on the "Halakhot and Derashot" but that his grandfather did.</fn> his goal is to explain the simple sense of Scripture.<fn>This focus is evident in the close to 150 times in his Torah commentary that Rashbam uses language such as: &#8206;"לפי הפשט", "לפי פשוטו&#8206;", "זה עיקר פשוטו", and the like. In fact, the latter phrase, "זהו עקר פשוטו", is somewhat unique to Rashbam, never appearing in Rashi and appearing only once in the commentary of R"Y Kara (Tehillim 5:8) and once in the commentary attributed to him on Sefer Shemuel I 3:14.</fn> In this he saw himself as a pioneer,<fn>E. Touitou, "שיטתו הפרשנית של רשב"ם על רקע המציאות ההסטורית של זמנו” in עיונים בספרי חז"ל במקרא ובתולדות ישראל, Ed. E.Z. Melammed (Ramat Gan, 1982): 48-74, discusses the possible motivations that might have led to the new focus on "peshat". He suggests that Rashbam was, at least in part, reacting to the Christian–Jewish polemics of his day. A large part of the controversy centered around the issue of Biblical exegesis and by focusing on the simple sense of Scripture, Rashbam was able to deal with Christians on their own terms. Recognizing that there are two realms of interpretation allowed him to explain passages according to the simple reading even when such explanations contradicted those of the Sages. A. Grossman, חכמי צרפת הראשונים, (Jerusalem, 1995): 480, brings support for this idea by pointing to passages in which Rashbam writes, “according to the simple sense of the text and an answer to the heretics,” connecting the two issues himself (see&#160;<a href="RashbamShemot3-22" data-aht="source">Rashbam Shemot 3:22</a> and <a href="RashbamVayikra11-3" data-aht="source">Vayikra 11:3</a>). He further notes that by focusing on the literal meaning of the text, Rashbam hindered the efforts of opponents to offer Christological or allegorical explanations.<br/>E. Touitou, 11-33 :הפשטות המתחדשים בכל יום, (ירושלים, תשס"ג), also points to a second possible factor which might have influenced Rashbam's exegesis, the 12th century renaissance. It promoted human reason alongside the authority of tradition and ushered in new modes of Biblical interpretation which focused more on the literal meaning of the text. For example, Hugh of St. Victor, a leading French theologian of the time, highlights the need to understand the text itself before reaching its spiritual significance. Others write essays on topography, the science behind creation, and the importance of history in exegesis. These tendencies likely influenced Rashbam as well (it is known that he had contact with scholars working in the monastery).<br/>It is also possible that Rashbam’s new approach was not the product of external influences but rather internal ones. Rashbam’s commentary might have simply been the result of a natural historical development, one paralleled in the world of Talmudic study. Rashi had laid the framework for those who followed him. Only after he explained the Talmudic text could the Tosafists analyze it. And, similarly, only after he pointed out the difficulties in Biblical passages could others take issue with his solutions, question his Midrashic sources, and move beyond him.</fn> often noting that his predecessors did not reach a full understanding of "פשוטו של מקרא",&#8206;<fn>See his comments to <a href="RashbamBereshit37-2" data-aht="source">Bereshit 37:2</a>, "והראשונים מתוך חסידותם נתעסקו לנטות אחרי הדרשות שהן עיקר, ומתוך כך לא הורגלו בעומק פשוטו של מקרא". See also Rashbam <a href="RashbamBereshit49-9" data-aht="source">Bereshit 49:9</a>,&#160;<a href="RashbamBereshit49-16" data-aht="source">Bereshit 49:16</a> and&#160;<a href="RashbamShemot3-11" data-aht="source">Shemot 3:11</a> where he writes that others misunderstood the simple sense of the verses and that if readers want to grasp their true meaning, they should look to his commentary. Elsewhere, he calls his predecessor’s explanations "worthless" (<a href="RashbamDevarim15-18" data-aht="source">Devarim 15:18</a>, and his concluding remarks to <a href="RashbamDevarim34Ending" data-aht="source">Devarim 34</a>) "false" (<a href="RashbamShemot2-2" data-aht="source">Shemot 2:2</a>) or "stupidity" (<a href="RashbamBereshit49-8" data-aht="source">Bereshit 49:8</a>, <a href="RashbamShemot33-14" data-aht="source">Shemot 33:14</a>, <a href="RashbamShemot34-29" data-aht="source">Shemot 34:29</a>, <a href="RashbamDevarim15-18" data-aht="source">Devarim 15:18</a>).</fn> and that even those who attempted to do so, did not go far enough.<fn>See Rashbam's concluding&#160;<a href="RashbamDevarim34Ending" data-aht="source">comments</a> to Devarim, "אם יראו הרואים פירושים קדומים שנוטים לצד פשט אחר בעניינים אחרים, יתנו לב כי אינם דרך ארץ לפי חכמת דברי בני אדם או כפירוש הפסוק אינו כן" and his well known <a href="RashbamBereshit37-2" data-aht="source">comments</a> regarding Rashi's commentary, "וגם רבנו שלמה אבי אמי מאיר עיני גולה שפירש תורה נביאים וכתובים נתן לב לפרש פשוטו של מקרא. ואף אני שמואל ב"ר מאיר חתנו זצ"ל נתווכחתי עמו ולפניו, והודה לי שאילו היה לו פנאי היה צריך לעשות פרושים אחרים לפי הפשטות המתחדשים בכל יום".</fn> Rashbam's "peshat" exegesis is exemplified on the one hand by his refusal to look outside the text to Midrashim to explain difficulties, fill in missing details, or to identify the unknown,<fn>In this he stands in contrast to Rashi who will often identify an anonymous character in Tanakh with a well know figure. Contrast the two on Bereshit 18:7, Bereshit 22:3, Bereshit 42:23, Shemot 2:13, Shemot 16:20, or Bemidbar 11:27.</fn> and by his intrascriptural exegesis (use of context, Biblical parallels, and "דרכי המקראת") on the other.<fn>See the discussion below which will elaborate on each of these points.</fn>&#160;</li>
<li><b>Peshat vs. Midreshei Aggadah</b> – Though Rashbam will rarely incorporate such Midrashim into his commentary as being the primary meaning of a verse (as they are not anchored in the text),<fn>Some exceptions include his comments to&#160;<a href="RashbamBemidbar11-35" data-aht="source">Bemidbar 11:35</a>, where he explains the textual motives of the Midrash at length or&#160;<a href="RashbamBemidbar13-22" data-aht="source">Bemidbar 13:22</a>, where he writes, "הגדה נראית פשט". In other cases he will bring a Midrashic explanation, but only to contrast it with his own preferred peshat approach. [See, for example, <a href="RashbamBereshit25-17" data-aht="source">Bereshit 25:17</a>, <a href="RashbamBereshit46-8" data-aht="source">Bereshit 46:8</a>, <a href="RashbamShemot6-14" data-aht="source">Shemot 6:14</a>, <a href="RashbamShemot16-31" data-aht="source">Shemot 16:31</a>, and many others.]</fn> he did not view these as false, writing, "כל דברי רבותינו ודרשותיהם כנים ואמתים"&#8206;.<fn>In other words, Rashbam's rejection of Midrash stems from the fact that it has no basis in the Biblical text, not that he thought that it could not be true. In this he differs from Ibn Ezra, who instead rejects Midrashim due to his rationalist outlook. If Ibn Ezra finds a Midrash implausible, he will reject it as being false.</fn>&#160;</li>
<li><b>Peshat vs. Midreshei Aggadah</b> – Though Rashbam will rarely incorporate such Midrashim into his commentary as being the primary meaning of a verse (as they are not anchored in the text),<fn>Some exceptions include his comments to&#160;<a href="RashbamBemidbar11-35" data-aht="source">Bemidbar 11:35</a>, where he explains the textual motives of the Midrash at length or&#160;<a href="RashbamBemidbar13-22" data-aht="source">Bemidbar 13:22</a>, where he writes, "הגדה נראית פשט". In other cases he will bring a Midrashic explanation, but only to contrast it with his own preferred peshat approach. [See, for example, <a href="RashbamBereshit25-17" data-aht="source">Bereshit 25:17</a>, <a href="RashbamBereshit46-8" data-aht="source">Bereshit 46:8</a>, <a href="RashbamShemot6-14" data-aht="source">Shemot 6:14</a>, <a href="RashbamShemot16-31" data-aht="source">Shemot 16:31</a>, and many others.]</fn> he did not view these as false, writing, "כל דברי רבותינו ודרשותיהם כנים ואמתים"&#8206;.<fn>In other words, Rashbam's rejection of Midrash stems from the fact that it has no basis in the Biblical text, not that he thought that it could not be true. In this he differs from Ibn Ezra, who instead rejects Midrashim due to his rationalist outlook. If Ibn Ezra finds a Midrash implausible, he will reject it as being false.</fn>&#160;</li>
<li><b>Peshat vs. Midreshei Halakhah</b>&#160;– At times, Rashbam will explain a verse according to its simple sense, even when this contradicts a Halakhah.<fn>Here, too, Rashbam might be contrasted with Ibn Ezra, who felt obligated to explain legal portions of Torah according to the Sage's interpretations. Rashbam felt no such need, seeing Peshat and Midrash as two legitimate modes of interpretation, both which could be valid simultaneously. A polemical issue might further explain the difference in approach. Ibn Ezra, combating the Karaites who rejected the Oral Law, could never explicitly reject Midrashic legal interpretations in his commentary. Rashbam, on the other hand, had no such concerns, and interestingly, some of his explanations even resemble those of the Karaites. [Compare, for instance, his explanation of&#160;<a href="RashbamShemot22-6" data-aht="source">Shemot 22:6</a> with that of Benjamin Nahawandi.]&#160; For further discussion, see M. Lockshin, "Tradition or Context: Two Exegetes Struggle with Peshat", in From Anceint Israel to Modern Judaism: Intellect in Quest of Undertanding Vol II, (Georgia, 1989): 173-186 who compares the two exegetes and their attitude towards halakhic interpretations of the Sages.</fn> One of the more well known instances is his explanation of <a href="RashbamShemot13-9" data-aht="source">Shemot 13:9</a>. The verse is commonly understood to refer to the command to don phylacteries, yet Rashbam writes that it is simply a call to remember the Exodus, as if it were written on one's arm.<fn>Another famous example is found in his comments to Bereshit 1:4 where he writes that during Creation day preceded the night, perhaps implying that the Shabbat of Creation began only at dawn. This position elicited much controversy. For discussion, see&#160;<a href="Commentators:Rashbam's Torah Commentary" data-aht="page">Rashbam's Torah Commentary</a> For other examples where Rashbam's explanation of a verse is at odds with (or contrasted to) the halakhah <a href="RashbamShemot12-17" data-aht="source">Shemot 12:17</a>, <a href="RashbamShemot21-6" data-aht="source">21:6</a>, <a href="RashbamShemot21-10" data-aht="source">21:10</a>, <a href="RashbamShemot21-20" data-aht="source">20</a>, <a href="RashbamShemot21-28" data-aht="source">28</a>, <a href="RashbamShemot21-33" data-aht="source">33</a>, <a href="RashbamShemot21-34" data-aht="source">34</a>, <a href="RashbamShemot22-6" data-aht="source">22:6</a>, <a href="RashbamVayikra5-13" data-aht="source">Vayikra 5:13</a>, <a href="RashbamVayikra11-40" data-aht="source">11:40</a>, <a href="RashbamVayikra16-6-10" data-aht="source">16:6-10</a>, 21:4, <a href="RashbamBemidbar30-11" data-aht="source">Bemidbar 30:11</a>, and <a href="RashbamDevarim25-6" data-aht="source">Devarim 25:6</a>.</fn></li>
<li><b>Peshat vs. Midreshei Halakhah</b>&#160;– At times, Rashbam will explain a verse according to its simple sense, even when this contradicts a Halakhah.<fn>Here, too, Rashbam might be contrasted with Ibn Ezra, who felt obligated to explain legal portions of Torah according to the Sage's interpretations. Rashbam felt no such need, seeing Peshat and Midrash as two legitimate modes of interpretation, both which could be valid simultaneously. A polemical issue might further explain the difference in approach. Ibn Ezra, combating the Karaites who rejected the Oral Law, could never explicitly reject Midrashic legal interpretations in his commentary. Rashbam, on the other hand, had no such concerns, and interestingly, some of his explanations even resemble those of the Karaites. [Compare, for instance, his explanation of&#160;<a href="RashbamShemot22-6" data-aht="source">Shemot 22:6</a> with that of Benjamin Nahawandi.]&#160; For further discussion, see M. Lockshin, "Tradition or Context: Two Exegetes Struggle with Peshat", in From Anceint Israel to Modern Judaism: Intellect in Quest of Undertanding Vol II, (Georgia, 1989): 173-186 who compares the two exegetes and their attitude towards halakhic interpretations of the Sages.</fn> One of the more well known instances is his explanation of <a href="RashbamShemot13-9" data-aht="source">Shemot 13:9</a>. The verse is commonly understood to refer to the command to don phylacteries, yet Rashbam writes that it is simply a call to remember the Exodus, as if it were written on one's arm.<fn>Another famous example is found in his comments to Bereshit 1:4 where he writes that during Creation, day preceded the night, perhaps implying that the Shabbat of Creation began only at dawn. This position elicited much controversy. For discussion, see&#160;<a href="Commentators:Rashbam's Torah Commentary" data-aht="page">Rashbam's Torah Commentary</a> For other examples where Rashbam's explanation of a verse is at odds with (or contrasted to) the halakhah <a href="RashbamShemot12-17" data-aht="source">Shemot 12:17</a>, <a href="RashbamShemot21-6" data-aht="source">21:6</a>, <a href="RashbamShemot21-10" data-aht="source">21:10</a>, <a href="RashbamShemot21-20" data-aht="source">20</a>, <a href="RashbamShemot21-28" data-aht="source">28</a>, <a href="RashbamShemot21-33" data-aht="source">33</a>, <a href="RashbamShemot21-34" data-aht="source">34</a>, <a href="RashbamShemot22-6" data-aht="source">22:6</a>, <a href="RashbamVayikra5-13" data-aht="source">Vayikra 5:13</a>, <a href="RashbamVayikra11-40" data-aht="source">11:40</a>, <a href="RashbamVayikra16-6-10" data-aht="source">16:6-10</a>, 21:4, <a href="RashbamBemidbar30-11" data-aht="source">Bemidbar 30:11</a>, and <a href="RashbamDevarim25-6" data-aht="source">Devarim 25:6</a>.</fn></li>
<li>Grammar and Linguistics –</li>
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<li><b>II. Way of the World (דרך ארץ) </b>– A second major method employed by Rashbam is to explain verses in light of "דרך ארץ", the customs, social norms and manners of people (either in the Biblical period or throughout history).</li>
<li><b>II. Way of the World (דרך ארץ) </b>– A second major method employed by Rashbam is to explain verses in light of "דרך ארץ", the customs, social norms and manners of people (either in the Biblical period or throughout history).</li>
<li><b>Language</b> – Rashbam notes that the language of the text, at times, simply reflects human speech patterns. Thus, he explains that Esav repeats the word “red” in his request to his brother for “it is the way of a man in a hurry to double his words” (<a href="RashbamBereshit25-30" data-aht="source">Bereshit 25:30</a>).<fn>Similarly, one need not learn anything from the fact that the Torah says that the angels in Jacob’s dream first went up and then down, for “it is דרך ארץ to mention rising before descending” (Bereshit 28:12). See also Bereshit 18:9, that it is a common custom to enter into a conversation by asking a question.</fn></li>
<li><b>Language</b> – Rashbam notes that the language of the text, at times, simply reflects human speech patterns. Thus, he explains that Esav repeats the word “red” in his request to his brother for “it is the way of a man in a hurry to double his words” (<a href="RashbamBereshit25-30" data-aht="source">Bereshit 25:30</a>).<fn>Similarly, one need not learn anything from the fact that the Torah says that the angels in Jacob’s dream first went up and then down, for “it is דרך ארץ to mention rising before descending” (<a href="RashbamBereshit28-12" data-aht="source">Rashbam Bereshit 28:12</a>). See also <a href="RashbamBereshit18-9" data-aht="source">Rashbam Bereshit 18:9</a>, that it is a common custom to enter into a conversation by asking a question.</fn></li>
<li><b>Customs in the time of Tanakh</b> – See&#160;<a href="RashbamBereshit24-2" data-aht="source">Bereshit 24:2</a> (regarding the custom for a servant to swear by grasping his master's legs),&#160;<a href="RashbamBereshit25-31" data-aht="source">Bereshit 25:31</a> (regarding the custom of eating as a means to seal an agreement),&#160;<a href="RashbamBereshit41-10" data-aht="source">Bereshit 41:10</a> (regarding kingly titles such as Paroh and Avimelekh),<fn>See&#160;<a href="RashbamBemidbar24-7" data-aht="source">Bemidbar 24:7</a> similarly.</fn>&#160;<a href="RashbamBereshit41-45" data-aht="source">Bereshit 41:45</a> (regarding the custom to grant a newly appointed servant a new name),<fn>Cf. Rashbam's comments to Bereshit 1:5.</fn> or&#160;<a href="RashbamBereshit47-21" data-aht="source">Bereshit 47:21</a> (regarding population displacement).<fn>For other examples where Rashbam explains a verse in light of Biblical era customs, see: <a href="RashbamBereshit38-24" data-aht="source">Bereshit 38:24</a>, <a href="RashbamShemot23-19" data-aht="source">Shemot 23:19</a>, <a href="RashbamDevarim16-21" data-aht="source">Devarim 16:21</a>, or <a href="RashbamDevarim25-9" data-aht="source">Devarim 25:9</a>. In most of the cases brought, Rashbam uses Biblical parallels to show that the action simply reflects the custom of Biblical times.</fn></li>
<li><b>Customs in the time of Tanakh</b> – See&#160;<a href="RashbamBereshit24-2" data-aht="source">Bereshit 24:2</a> (regarding the custom for a servant to swear by grasping his master's legs),&#160;<a href="RashbamBereshit25-31" data-aht="source">Bereshit 25:31</a> (regarding the custom of eating as a means to seal an agreement),&#160;<a href="RashbamBereshit41-10" data-aht="source">Bereshit 41:10</a> (regarding kingly titles such as Paroh and Avimelekh),<fn>See&#160;<a href="RashbamBemidbar24-7" data-aht="source">Bemidbar 24:7</a> similarly.</fn>&#160;<a href="RashbamBereshit41-45" data-aht="source">Bereshit 41:45</a> (regarding the custom to grant a newly appointed servant a new name),<fn>Cf. Rashbam's comments to Bereshit 1:5.</fn> or&#160;<a href="RashbamBereshit47-21" data-aht="source">Bereshit 47:21</a> (regarding population displacement).<fn>For other examples where Rashbam explains a verse in light of Biblical era customs, see: <a href="RashbamBereshit38-24" data-aht="source">Bereshit 38:24</a>, <a href="RashbamShemot23-19" data-aht="source">Shemot 23:19</a>, <a href="RashbamDevarim16-21" data-aht="source">Devarim 16:21</a>, or <a href="RashbamDevarim25-9" data-aht="source">Devarim 25:9</a>. In most of the cases brought, Rashbam uses Biblical parallels to show that the action simply reflects the custom of Biblical times.</fn></li>
<li><b>Medieval customs</b> – See&#160;<a href="RashbamBereshit25-25" data-aht="source">Rashbam Bereshit 25:25</a> and&#160;<a href="RashbamShemot28-32" data-aht="source">Shemot 28:32</a> where Rashbam describes Biblical garments in light of the clerical costumes of his day.</li>
<li><b>Medieval customs and dress</b> – See&#160;<a href="RashbamBereshit25-25" data-aht="source">Rashbam Bereshit 25:25</a> and&#160;<a href="RashbamShemot28-32" data-aht="source">Shemot 28:32</a> where Rashbam describes Biblical garments in light of the clerical costumes of his day.</li>
<li><b>General human behavior</b> – Other actions are explained by recognizing that these reflect general modes of behavior (throughout history). Thus, Lot is warned not to look back since one who does so tends to tarry (<a href="RashbamBereshit19-17" data-aht="source">Bereshit 19:17</a>). The "running" of Rivka's unborn children is simply normal fetal movement (<a href="RashbamBereshit25-22" data-aht="source">Bereshit 25:22</a>).<fn>Rashbam is countering (and perhaps trying to minimize the miraculous in) Rashi's understanding that Esav would try to exit when Rivka passed a house of idolatry and Yaakov would do so when passing a house of learning.</fn> Moshe lifted his hands and staff when the people battled Amalek since banners boost a soldier's morale (<a href="RashbamShemot17-16" data-aht="source">Shemot 17:16</a>). <fn>For many other examples see Rashbam's comments to: <a href="RashbamBereshit18-1" data-aht="source">Bereshit 18:1</a>, 25:23, 31:38, 33:18, 34:25 41:2,4,34, 44:10,15, 49:19, Shemot 7:15, 8:18, 22:6, 17, 32:19 and Devarim 21:23.</fn></li>
<li><b>General human behavior and realia</b> – Other actions are explained by recognizing that these reflect general modes of behavior or realities of life (throughout history). Thus, Lot is warned not to look back since one who does so tends to tarry (<a href="RashbamBereshit19-17" data-aht="source">Bereshit 19:17</a>). The "running" of Rivka's unborn children is simply normal fetal movement (<a href="RashbamBereshit25-22" data-aht="source">Bereshit 25:22</a>).<fn>Rashbam is countering (and perhaps trying to minimize the miraculous in) Rashi's understanding that Esav would try to exit when Rivka passed a house of idolatry and Yaakov would do so when passing a house of learning.</fn> Moshe lifted his hands and staff when the people battled Amalek since banners boost a soldier's morale (<a href="RashbamShemot17-16" data-aht="source">Shemot 17:16</a>). <fn>For many other examples see Rashbam's comments to: <a href="RashbamBereshit18-1" data-aht="source">Bereshit 18:1</a>, <a href="RashbamBereshit25-23" data-aht="source">25:23</a>, <a href="RashbamBereshit31-38" data-aht="source">31:38</a>, <a href="RashbamBereshit33-18" data-aht="source">33:18</a>,&#160;<a href="RashbamBereshit34-25" data-aht="source">34:25</a>, <a href="RashbamBereshit41-2-4" data-aht="source">41:2-4</a>, 42:8, 43:25, <a href="RashbamBereshit44-10" data-aht="source">44:10</a>, <a href="RashbamBereshit44-15" data-aht="source">44:15</a>, <a href="RashbamBereshit49-19" data-aht="source">Rashbam Bereshit 49:19</a>, <a href="RashbamShemot7-15" data-aht="source">Shemot 7:15</a>, <a href="RashbamShemot8-18" data-aht="source">8:18</a>, <a href="RashbamShemot22-6_2" data-aht="source">22:6</a>, <a href="RashbamShemot22-17" data-aht="source">22:17</a>,&#160;<a href="RashbamShemot32-19" data-aht="source">32:19</a> and <a href="RashbamDevarim21-23" data-aht="source">Devarim 21:23</a>.</fn></li>
<li><b>Way of nature</b> – See&#160;<a href="RashbamBereshit27-1" data-aht="source">Bereshit 27:1</a> where Rashbam explains that Yitzchak's grew blind due to old age,<fn>In this he is likely countering Rashi and the Midrashic interpretation that Yitzchak's eyes dimmed due to the smoke of Esav's wives' idolatry.</fn> and <a href="RashbamShemot14-21" data-aht="source">Shemot 14:21</a>, regarding the affects of wind on drying water.</li>
<li><b>Way of nature</b> – See&#160;<a href="RashbamBereshit27-1" data-aht="source">Bereshit 27:1</a> where Rashbam explains that Yitzchak's grew blind due to old age,<fn>In this he is likely countering Rashi and the Midrashic interpretation that Yitzchak's eyes dimmed due to the smoke of Esav's wives' idolatry.</fn> and <a href="RashbamShemot14-21" data-aht="source">Shemot 14:21</a>, regarding the affects of wind on drying water.<fn>See also Bereshit 27:29 regrading the similarity of goat wool to human hair.</fn></li>
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<li><b>Polemics</b> – In a handful of places in His Torah commentary, Rashbam explicitly targets "המינים", noting that his explanation is a response to Christian claims.<fn>Other explanations might also be polemically motivated, even if not explicit. See, for instance, Rashbam on Bereshit 1:26 and compare with R. Yosef Bekhor Shor.</fn> See, for instance his comments to <a href="RashbamShemot3-22" data-aht="source">Shemot 3:22</a>,<fn>Cf. Rashbam Shemot 11:2 and 12:36.</fn> where he explains that the Israelites did not borrow vessels from the Egyptians but rather received them as presents. This might be a response to Christian claims of unethical behavior on the part of Israel.<fn>Rashbam's comments to <a href="RashbamDevarim22-6" data-aht="source">Devarim 22:6</a>, where he explains that certain laws such as sending away the mother bird are an attempt to distance cruelty, might have a similar motive. In his explanation to the laws of Kashrut in <a href="RashbamVayikra11-3" data-aht="source">Vayikra 11:3</a> Rashbam also writes, "לפי פשוטו של מקרא ותשובת המינים". M. Lockshin (see his edition of Rashbam's commentary (Jerusalem, 2004) and his notes on Vayikra 13:3) explains that Christian claims that dietary restrictions were unnecessary are what led Rashbam to defend them and point to their utility and health benefits. This might have also motivated him to offer an explanation that displays the laws' universal benefit, rather than one limited exclusively to Jews. [For more, see <a href="Purpose of the Laws of Kashrut" data-aht="page">Purpose of the Laws of Kashrut</a>.] <br/>In his comments to both&#160;<a href="RashbamShemot20-12" data-aht="source">Shemot 20:12</a> and <a href="RashbamVayikra19-19" data-aht="source">Vayikra 19:19</a>, Rashbam not only mentions "the heretics" but also claims that they agreed to his explanations. [Unfortunately both of these explanations of Rashbam are somewhat difficult to understand. Regarding Vayikra 19:19, see: א. טויוטו, "הפשטות המתחדשים בכל יום", (ירושלים, תשס"ג): 284.]<br/>A final example is Rashbam's commentary to Bereshit 49:10, where he notes that his explanation of "Shiloh" as a place name is a response to Christian claims (presumably, their Christological readings of the verse).</fn> It is possible that other explanations, such as Rashbam's defense of the Avot, are similarly motivated.<fn>See E. Touitou (ibid, p.45) who suggests that Rashbam's explanation that Yaakov actually paid money for the birthright is a response to Christian claims of dishonesty among Jews (<a href="RashbamBereshit25-31-34" data-aht="source">Bereshit 25:31-34</a>). Though Rashbam is not explicit, his reading of the verse is later elaborated upon by R. Yosef HaMekannei who prefaces his remarks by noting how a Dominican Friar denounced Yaakov as a thief. [For further discussion, <a href="Sale of the Birthright – A Fair Deal" data-aht="page">Sale of the Birthright</a>.]<br/>In Touitou's article "בין פשוטו של מקרא לרוחו של תורה" יחסה של נחמה ליבוביץ לפירוש רשב"ם לתורה", פרקי נחמה (ירושלים, תשס"א):230-231, he suggests that Rashbam's claim that the brothers did not sell Yosef (Bereshit 37:28) is similarly polemically motivated. He advances the theory that Rashbam desired to combat the Christian view of the story as prefiguring Judas (Yehuda) Iscariot's betrayal of Jesus for thirty pieces of silver (cf. the Testament of Gad 2:3-4 which has the brothers selling Yosef for thirty shekel, of which ten were hidden). [For further discussion see: <a href="Who Sold Yosef" data-aht="page">Who Sold Yosef</a>.]<br/>A. Grossman, "The School of Literal Exegesis in Northern France", Hebrew Bible/Old Testament: The History Of Its Interpretation 1: 2: The Middle Ages (Göttingen, Germany 2000): 361-362, also points to Rashbam's defense of Avraham in sending Hagar away with little water (<a href="RashbamBereshit21-14" data-aht="source">Rashbam Bereshit 21:14</a>).</fn></li>
<li><b>Polemics</b> – In a handful of places in His Torah commentary, Rashbam explicitly targets "המינים", noting that his explanation is a response to Christian claims.<fn>Other explanations might also be polemically motivated, even if not explicit. See, for instance, Rashbam on Bereshit 1:26 and compare with R. Yosef Bekhor Shor.</fn> See, for instance his comments to <a href="RashbamShemot3-22" data-aht="source">Shemot 3:22</a>,<fn>Cf. Rashbam Shemot 11:2 and 12:36.</fn> where he explains that the Israelites did not borrow vessels from the Egyptians but rather received them as presents. This might be a response to Christian claims of unethical behavior on the part of Israel.<fn>Rashbam's comments to <a href="RashbamDevarim22-6" data-aht="source">Devarim 22:6</a>, where he explains that certain laws such as sending away the mother bird are an attempt to distance cruelty, might have a similar motive. In his explanation to the laws of Kashrut in <a href="RashbamVayikra11-3" data-aht="source">Vayikra 11:3</a> Rashbam also writes, "לפי פשוטו של מקרא ותשובת המינים". M. Lockshin (see his edition of Rashbam's commentary (Jerusalem, 2004) and his notes on Vayikra 13:3) explains that Christian claims that dietary restrictions were unnecessary are what led Rashbam to defend them and point to their utility and health benefits. This might have also motivated him to offer an explanation that displays the laws' universal benefit, rather than one limited exclusively to Jews. [For more, see <a href="Purpose of the Laws of Kashrut" data-aht="page">Purpose of the Laws of Kashrut</a>.] Cf. Rashbam's discussion of impurity in Vayikra 11:34.<br/>In his comments to both&#160;<a href="RashbamShemot20-12" data-aht="source">Shemot 20:12</a> and <a href="RashbamVayikra19-19" data-aht="source">Vayikra 19:19</a>, Rashbam not only mentions "the heretics" but also claims that they agreed to his explanations. [Unfortunately both of these explanations of Rashbam are somewhat difficult to understand. Regarding Vayikra 19:19, see: א. טויוטו, "הפשטות המתחדשים בכל יום", (ירושלים, תשס"ג): 284.]<br/>A final example is Rashbam's commentary to <a href="RashbamBereshit49-10" data-aht="source">Bereshit 49:10</a>, where he notes that his explanation of "Shiloh" as a place name is a response to Christian claims (presumably, their Christological readings of the verse).</fn> It is possible that other explanations, such as Rashbam's defense of the Avot, are similarly motivated.<fn>See E. Touitou (ibid, p.45) who suggests that Rashbam's explanation that Yaakov actually paid money for the birthright is a response to Christian claims of dishonesty among Jews (<a href="RashbamBereshit25-31-34" data-aht="source">Bereshit 25:31-34</a>). Though Rashbam is not explicit, his reading of the verse is later elaborated upon by R. Yosef HaMekannei who prefaces his remarks by noting how a Dominican Friar denounced Yaakov as a thief. [For further discussion, <a href="Sale of the Birthright – A Fair Deal" data-aht="page">Sale of the Birthright</a>.]<br/>In Touitou's article "בין פשוטו של מקרא לרוחו של תורה" יחסה של נחמה ליבוביץ לפירוש רשב"ם לתורה", פרקי נחמה (ירושלים, תשס"א):230-231, he suggests that Rashbam's claim that the brothers did not sell Yosef (Bereshit 37:28) is similarly polemically motivated. He advances the theory that Rashbam desired to combat the Christian view of the story as prefiguring Judas (Yehuda) Iscariot's betrayal of Jesus for thirty pieces of silver (cf. the Testament of Gad 2:3-4 which has the brothers selling Yosef for thirty shekel, of which ten were hidden). [For further discussion see: <a href="Who Sold Yosef" data-aht="page">Who Sold Yosef</a>.]<br/>A. Grossman, "The School of Literal Exegesis in Northern France", Hebrew Bible/Old Testament: The History Of Its Interpretation 1: 2: The Middle Ages (Göttingen, Germany 2000): 361-362, also points to Rashbam's defense of Avraham in sending Hagar away with little water (<a href="RashbamBereshit21-14" data-aht="source">Rashbam Bereshit 21:14</a>).</fn></li>
<li><b>Defense of Avot </b>– In several places in Torah Rashbam appears to defend the Avot, removing blame for potential misdeeds. See his defense of Avraham in sending away Hagar with little water (<a href="RashbamBereshit21-14" data-aht="source">Bereshit 21:14</a>), Yaakov in his interactions with Esav (<a href="RashbamBereshit25-31" data-aht="source">Bereshit 25:31</a> and 27:13), or the brothers for their role in the sale of Yosef (<a href="RashbamBereshit37-28" data-aht="source">Bereshit 37:28</a>).<fn>See the note above that some scholars suggest that these readings are polemically motivated to combat Christian claims of Jewish dishonesty and immoral behavior.</fn> It should be noted, however, that Rashbam does not always paint our ancestors as blameless,<fn>Thus, for instance, he makes no attempt to reread Reuven's actions with Bilhah so as to mitigate blame. In some cases he even introduces wrongdoing that is not evident in the text. For example, he presents the Akeidah as punishment to Avraham for having made a covenant with the Philistines&#160; and Yaakov as sinning in attempting to run away from Esav.</fn> nor does he always paint their counterparts as evil.<fn>Thus, in contrast to Rashi, he does not explain Sarah's banishment of Yishmael to be due to his wicked behavior but rather due to her desire to ensure that Yitzchak alone inherit. [See <a href="Banishment of Hagar and Yishmael" data-aht="page">Banishment of Hagar and Yishmael</a>.] See also his comments to <a href="RashbamBereshit25-22" data-aht="source">Bereshit 25:22</a>, 27-28, 31-34 and 32:1-8 and 21-29, where he depicts Esav somewhat neutrally. Here, too, he stands in contrast to Rashi (and appears to be reacting to his commentary) who paints Esav black.</fn></li>
<li><b>Defense of Avot </b>– In several places in Torah Rashbam appears to defend the Avot, removing blame for potential misdeeds. See his defense of Avraham in sending away Hagar with little water (<a href="RashbamBereshit21-14" data-aht="source">Bereshit 21:14</a>), Yaakov in his interactions with Esav (<a href="RashbamBereshit25-31" data-aht="source">Bereshit 25:31</a> and 27:13), or the brothers for their role in the sale of Yosef (<a href="RashbamBereshit37-28" data-aht="source">Bereshit 37:28</a>).<fn>See the note above that some scholars suggest that these readings are polemically motivated to combat Christian claims of Jewish dishonesty and immoral behavior.</fn> It should be noted, however, that Rashbam does not always paint our ancestors as blameless,<fn>Thus, for instance, he makes no attempt to reread Reuven's actions with Bilhah so as to mitigate blame. In some cases he even introduces wrongdoing that is not evident in the text. For example, he presents the Akeidah as punishment to Avraham for having made a covenant with the Philistines&#160; and Yaakov as sinning in attempting to run away from Esav.</fn> nor does he always paint their counterparts as evil.<fn>Thus, in contrast to Rashi, he does not explain Sarah's banishment of Yishmael to be due to his wicked behavior but rather due to her desire to ensure that Yitzchak alone inherit. [See <a href="Banishment of Hagar and Yishmael" data-aht="page">Banishment of Hagar and Yishmael</a>.] See also his comments to <a href="RashbamBereshit25-22" data-aht="source">Bereshit 25:22</a>, 27-28, 31-34 and 32:1-8 and 21-29, where he depicts Esav somewhat neutrally. Here, too, he stands in contrast to Rashi (and appears to be reacting to his commentary) who paints Esav black.</fn></li>
<li><b>Authorship of Torah</b> – In several places in Torah,<fn>See his comments to <a href="RashbamBereshit1-1" data-aht="source">Bereshit 1:1</a> 1:5, 1:27, 19:37, 37:2, <a href="RashbamShemot16-15" data-aht="source">Shemot 16:15</a>, <a href="RashbamBemidbar24-14" data-aht="source">Bemidbar 24:14</a>, Devarim 2:5.</fn> Rashbam uses language such as "Moshe wrote" when discussing the composition of Torah. About half of these are examples of literary anticipation, where Rashbam states that Moshe wrote something so that a later portion of Torah (often, a legal portion) will be understood. This has led E. Touitou<fn>E.Touitou, Exegesis in Perpetual Motion: Studies in the Pentateuchal Commentary of Rabbi Samuel ben Meir (Ramat Gan, 2003), 120–21.</fn> to claim that Rashbam assumed that Moshe composed the narrative sections of Torah and Sefer Devarim (with Divine inspiration), while only the legal core is direct from Hashem. The theory has been questioned on several grounds.<fn>See מ.סבתו, "פירוש רשב"ם לתורה", מחניים, 3 (תשנ"ג):110-125&#160; and M. Lockshin, "Moses Wrote the Torah: Rashbam's Perspective", Hebrew Union College Annual 84-85 (2014): 109–125.</fn></li>
<li><b>Authorship of Torah</b> – In several places in Torah,<fn>See his comments to <a href="RashbamBereshit1-1" data-aht="source">Bereshit 1:1</a> 1:5, 1:27, 19:37, 37:2, <a href="RashbamShemot16-15" data-aht="source">Shemot 16:15</a>, <a href="RashbamBemidbar24-14" data-aht="source">Bemidbar 24:14</a>, Devarim 2:5.</fn> Rashbam uses language such as "Moshe wrote" when discussing the composition of Torah. About half of these are examples of literary anticipation, where Rashbam states that Moshe wrote something so that a later portion of Torah (often, a legal portion) will be understood. This has led E. Touitou<fn>E.Touitou, Exegesis in Perpetual Motion: Studies in the Pentateuchal Commentary of Rabbi Samuel ben Meir (Ramat Gan, 2003), 120–21.</fn> to claim that Rashbam assumed that Moshe composed the narrative sections of Torah and Sefer Devarim (with Divine inspiration), while only the legal core is direct from Hashem. The theory has been questioned on several grounds.<fn>See מ.סבתו, "פירוש רשב"ם לתורה", מחניים, 3 (תשנ"ג):110-125&#160; and M. Lockshin, "Moses Wrote the Torah: Rashbam's Perspective", Hebrew Union College Annual 84-85 (2014): 109–125.</fn>&#160;</li>
<li><b>Reasons for the commandments</b> (טעמי המצוות) – Rashbam often offers rationalist explanations for the commandments.<fn>See, for example, <a href="RashbamVayikra11-3" data-aht="source">Vayikra 11:3</a> and his utilitarian understanding of Kashrut, Vayikra 11:34 (regarding laws of purity), <a href="RashbamVayikra19-19" data-aht="source">Vayikra 19:19</a> (regarding the laws of hybrids), Shemot 23:19 (on milk and meat), Vauyikra 23:43 (regarding the festival of Sukkot and why it takes place in Autumn, when gathering crops). See the discussion above, that some of these explanations might be polemically motivated.</fn></li>
<li><b>Reasons for story details (טעמי הסיפורים)</b> – Rashbam will often address why a seemingly trivial detail is included in a story and explain what it comes to teach. For example, he suggests that the text goes out of its way to state that Yaakov "gather his feet" onto his bed before death (49:33) to teach that in His love for Yaakov, Hashem had granted him strength until the very moment of death.<fn>For other examples, see Bereshit 25:17, 27:30, 29:10, 30:21, 35:8, 37:2, 37:15 and 48:2.</fn></li>
<li><b>Attitude towards the text</b> – Rashbam sought accurate texts, as evidenced by his comments to Shemot 12:14, 23:24, Devarim 7:14 and Devarim 18:11.</li>
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<subcategory>Significant Influences
<subcategory>Significant Influences
<li><b>Relationship to Rashi </b>– Probably the most major influence on Rashbam was Rashi. Rashbam's entire Torah commentary is set up as a foil and complement to that of his grandfather, with most of the lemma upon which he comments being the same as those in Rashi's commentary. At times, Rashbam explicitly directs his readers to Rashi's commentary,<fn>See his introductions to <a href="RashbamShemot21Introduction" data-aht="source">Shemot 21</a>, Shemot 25, and <a href="RashbamVayikraIntroduction" data-aht="source">Sefer Vayikra</a>, and his comments to Shemot 28:6 and Bemidbar 34:2.</fn> perhaps a sign that he viewed his own as only an addition to that of his illustrious relative.</li>
<li><b>Rashi </b>– Probably the most major influence on Rashbam was Rashi. Rashbam's entire Torah commentary is set up as a foil and complement to that of his grandfather, with most of the lemma upon which he comments being the same as those in Rashi's commentary. At times, Rashbam explicitly directs his readers to Rashi's commentary,<fn>See his introductions to <a href="RashbamShemot21Introduction" data-aht="source">Shemot 21</a>, Shemot 25, and <a href="RashbamVayikraIntroduction" data-aht="source">Sefer Vayikra</a>, and his comments to Shemot 28:6 and Bemidbar 34:2.</fn> perhaps a sign that he viewed his own as only an addition to that of his illustrious relative.</li>
<li>More often than not, Rashbam will disagree with Rashi. Generally, though, he is very respectful towards him. One exception is his comments to <a href="RashbamDevarim34Ending" data-aht="source">Devarim 34</a>, where he is very strident in his criticism, calling Rashi's interpretation "הבל".&#8206;<fn>In some other cases where Rashbam refers to another interpretation as "foolish", "mistaken" and the like it is not clear to whom he is referring. In some cases, these comments, too, might be aimed at Rashi. [See, for example <a href="RashbamBereshit33-18" data-aht="source">Bereshit 33:18</a>, Bereshit 36:24, <a href="RashbamBereshit49-16" data-aht="source">Bereshit 49:16</a>, Shemot 2:6, <a href="RashbamBemidbar22-33" data-aht="source">Bemidbar 22:33</a> where Rashbam appears to be reacting to an interpretation brought by Rashi.]</fn>&#160;</li>
<li>More often than not, Rashbam will disagree with Rashi, often respectfully, but sometimes sharply. [See, for example, his comments to <a href="RashbamDevarim34Ending" data-aht="source">Devarim 34</a>, where he is very strident in his criticism, calling Rashi's interpretation "הבל".&#8206;]<fn>In some other cases where Rashbam refers to another interpretation as "foolish", "mistaken" and the like it is not clear to whom he is referring. In some cases, these comments, too, might be aimed at Rashi. [See, for example <a href="RashbamBereshit33-18" data-aht="source">Bereshit 33:18</a>, Bereshit 36:24, <a href="RashbamBereshit49-16" data-aht="source">Bereshit 49:16</a>, Shemot 2:6, <a href="RashbamBemidbar22-33" data-aht="source">Bemidbar 22:33</a> where Rashbam appears to be reacting to an interpretation brought by Rashi.]</fn> </li>
<li>Despite the vast differences between the commentaries, there are multiple cases where the interpretations of the two overlap. At times Rashbam will elaborate upon Rashi (adding a proof text or explanation),<fn>For example, compare the two on Bereshit 37:18, Bereshit 38:2, Bereshit 42:8, 43:12, Shemot 5:13, Shemot 8:19, Shemot 15:13, and Devarim 4:16.</fn> at times he will restate Rashi's main point more succinctly,<fn>Compare the two on Shemot 2:10, 6:2, 7:27, 8:5, 9:30, Vayikra 10:16, 22:3, Bemidbar 16:22, Devarim 11:7 and 32:1.</fn> and elsewhere he might choose among two of Rashi's explanations.<fn>See, for example, Bereshit 19:20, 28:10, 32:16 or 35:22. [In each of these cases Rashi brings a Midrashic explanation and a more peshat-oriented one. Rashbam consistently brings just the latter.]</fn></li>
<li>Despite the vast differences between the commentaries, there are multiple cases where the interpretations of the two overlap. At times Rashbam will elaborate upon Rashi (adding a proof text or explanation),<fn>For example, compare the two on Bereshit 37:18, Bereshit 38:2, Bereshit 42:8, 43:12, Shemot 5:13, Shemot 8:19, Shemot 15:13, and Devarim 4:16.</fn> at times he will restate Rashi's main point more succinctly,<fn>Compare the two on Shemot 2:10, 6:2, 7:27, 8:5, 9:30, Vayikra 10:16, 22:3, Bemidbar 16:22, Devarim 11:7 and 32:1.</fn> and elsewhere he might choose among two of Rashi's explanations.<fn>See, for example, Bereshit 19:20, 28:10, 32:16 or 35:22. [In each of these cases Rashi brings a Midrashic explanation and a more peshat-oriented one. Rashbam consistently brings just the latter.]</fn></li>
<li><b>Earlier Sources</b> –&#160;</li>
<li><b>Earlier Sources</b> – Rashbam mentions Menachem b. Saruk and Dunash b. Labbrat, R"Y Kara, </li>
<li><b>Teachers</b> –&#160;</li>
<li><b>Teachers</b> –&#160;</li>
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<li>&#160;<b>Ibn Ezra</b> – Rashbam and Ibn Ezra were contemporaries, both were pioneers of "peshat" analysis, and some of their interpretations resemble one another, yet neither ever cites the other by name, leading scholars to debate the degree of influence they had upon one another (and in which direction).</li>
<li>&#160;<b>Ibn Ezra</b> – Rashbam and Ibn Ezra were contemporaries, both were pioneers of "peshat" analysis, and some of their interpretations resemble one another, yet neither ever cites the other by name, leading scholars to debate the degree of influence they had upon one another (and in which direction).</li>
<li><b>Was Ibn Ezra aware of Rashbam's commentary</b>? Several scholars assume that Ibn Ezra did not have access to Rashbam's commentary when he wrote his First Commentary to Torah in Italy,<fn>See: א. סימון, "אחרית דבר: הפן הפולמוסי של יסוד מורא", ר' אברהם אבן עזרא יסוד מורה וסוד התורה, מהדורת מ' כהן וא' סימון (רמת גן, תשס"ד): 216-217.</fn> but that by the time he wrote his Second Commentary in Rouen, he either had it in its entirety or was at least aware of individual comments.<fn>See: E. Margaliot "היחס שבין פירוש הרשב"ם לפירוש הראב"ע על התורה", ספר אסף, (ירושלים, תשי"ג): 357-369 who points to seven explanations in Ibn Ezra's second commentary to Shemot which he believes were influenced by Rashbam's comments. [He points to Ibn Ezra on Shemot 4:10,14, 7:1, 11:11, 20:21, and 25:6,9.] See also discussions by A. Mondschein, "לשאלת היחס בין פירושיהם של ראב"ע ורשב"ם לתורה: בחינה מחודשת, תעודה ט"ז-י"ז (תשס"א): 22-29," who concludes that Ibn Ezra first gained access to Rashbam's commentary when in England, though he likely heard about individual comments earlier, and I. Kislev, "הזיקה בין פירושיהם של ראב"ע ורשב"ם: סוגיית מרכיבי הקטורת", תרביץ ע"ח (תשס"ט): 61-80, who attempts to show that when Ibn Ezra wrote his second commentary he was very familiar with Rashbam's commentary.</fn> Similarly, it has been suggested that Ibn Ezra's Iggeret HaShabbat was written to combat Rashbam's explanation of Bereshit 1:4-8 where he implies that the day precedes the night. In addition, R. Merdler<fn>See her article, "תגובתו של ר' אברהם אבן עזרא לפירושו הדקדוקי של ר' שמואל בן מאיר", &#8206;ש"י לשרה יפת,&#8206; (Jerusalem, 2007): 195-216.</fn> has demonstrated that Ibn Ezra in his Second Commentary on Bereshit is responding to Rashbam's Sefer HaDayyakot. See a comparison table here.</li>
<li><b>Was Ibn Ezra aware of Rashbam's commentary</b>? Several scholars assume that Ibn Ezra did not have access to Rashbam's commentary when he wrote his First Commentary to Torah in Italy,<fn>See: א. סימון, "אחרית דבר: הפן הפולמוסי של יסוד מורא", ר' אברהם אבן עזרא יסוד מורה וסוד התורה, מהדורת מ' כהן וא' סימון (רמת גן, תשס"ד): 216-217.</fn> but that by the time he wrote his Second Commentary in Rouen, he either had it in its entirety or was at least aware of individual comments.<fn>See: E. Margaliot "היחס שבין פירוש הרשב"ם לפירוש הראב"ע על התורה", ספר אסף, (ירושלים, תשי"ג): 357-369 who points to seven explanations in Ibn Ezra's second commentary to Shemot which he believes were influenced by Rashbam's comments. [He points to Ibn Ezra on Shemot 4:10,14, 7:1, 11:11, 20:21, and 25:6,9.] See also discussions by A. Mondschein, "לשאלת היחס בין פירושיהם של ראב"ע ורשב"ם לתורה: בחינה מחודשת, תעודה ט"ז-י"ז (תשס"א): 22-29," who concludes that Ibn Ezra first gained access to Rashbam's commentary when in England, though he likely heard about individual comments earlier, and I. Kislev, "הזיקה בין פירושיהם של ראב"ע ורשב"ם: סוגיית מרכיבי הקטורת", תרביץ ע"ח (תשס"ט): 61-80, who attempts to show that when Ibn Ezra wrote his second commentary he was very familiar with Rashbam's commentary.</fn> Similarly, it has been suggested that Ibn Ezra's Iggeret HaShabbat was written to combat Rashbam's explanation of Bereshit 1:4-8 where he implies that the day precedes the night.<fn>See A. Mondschein, ibid.</fn> In addition, R. Merdler<fn>See her article, "תגובתו של ר' אברהם אבן עזרא לפירושו הדקדוקי של ר' שמואל בן מאיר", &#8206;ש"י לשרה יפת,&#8206; (Jerusalem, 2007): 195-216.</fn> has demonstrated that Ibn Ezra in his Second Commentary on Bereshit is responding to Rashbam's Sefer HaDayyakot. See a comparison table here.</li>
<li><b>Was Rashbam aware of Ibn Ezra's commentary?</b> Noting the similarity between many of the exegetes' interpretations, some have suggested that Rashbam might have had access to individual interpretations of Ibn Ezra, or even to the entire First Commentary while writing his own work.<fn>For discussion see J. Jacobs, "Does Rashbam's Commentary on the Torah Acknowledge the Commentaries of R. Abraham ibn Ezra", Journal of Jewsih Studies LXI:2 (2010): 291-304 and I. Kislev "הפשטות המתחדשים בכל יום: פירושו הקצר של רבי אברהם אבן עזרא לתורה כמקור לרשב"ם בפירושו לתורה".</fn> Alternatively, though, it is possible that some of the overlap might simply be due to the similar style of exegesis or to shared sources.</li>
<li><b>Was Rashbam aware of Ibn Ezra's commentary?</b> Noting the similarity between many of the exegetes' interpretations, some have suggested that Rashbam might have had access to individual interpretations of Ibn Ezra, or even to the entire First Commentary while writing his own work.<fn>For discussion see J. Jacobs, "Does Rashbam's Commentary on the Torah Acknowledge the Commentaries of R. Abraham ibn Ezra", Journal of Jewsih Studies LXI:2 (2010): 291-304 and I. Kislev "הפשטות המתחדשים בכל יום: פירושו הקצר של רבי אברהם אבן עזרא לתורה כמקור לרשב"ם בפירושו לתורה".</fn> Alternatively, though, it is possible that some of the overlap might simply be due to the similar style of exegesis or to shared sources.</li>
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<subcategory>Later exegetes
<subcategory>Later exegetes
<li>Tosafist works and collections&#160;– R"Y Bekhor Shor cites Rashbam by name five times in his commentary.&#160;<fn>See R. Bekhor Shor Bereshit 36:12, Shemot 2:14, 3:14, 6:13 and 14:25.</fn> There are many other comments, though, which show a similarity in content (though not in language) to Rashbam's explanations. Sefer HaGan cites Rashbam 27 times.</li>
<li>R. Eliezer of Beaugency – Some have suggested that R"E of Beuagency was a student of Rashbam.<fn>See R.A. Harris, The Literary Hermeneutic of Rabbi Eliezer of Beaugency, doctoral dissertation, (University of Michigan, 1997).</fn>&#160; See his commentary to Yeshayahu 33:24, where he writes "מפי רבנו שמואל".</li>

Version as of 07:37, 6 June 2021

R. Shemuel b. Meir (Rashbam)

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R. Shemuel b. Meir
ר' שמואל בן מאיר, רשב"ם
WorksTanakh and Talmud commentaries
Exegetical Characteristics
Influenced byRashi, his father R. Meir
Impacted onR. Eliezer of Beaugency, R. Yosef Bekhor Shor



  • Name – 
    • Hebrew name – R. Shemuel b. Meir (ר' שמואל בן מאיר), of which Rashbam (רשב"ם) is an acronym.
  • Dates – c.10851 – c.1174.2
  • Location – Rashbam lived in cities in Northern France including Troyes, Ramerupt,3 Caen,4 Paris and Loudun.5
  • Occupation – Rashbam had a flock of ewes, which provided milk and wool.6
  • Family – Rashbam was the grandson of Rashi7 and the son of R. Meir8 and Yocheved.9 His brothers were R. Yitzchak, R. Tam, and R. Shelomo.10 He had a daughter Marona and perhaps a son Yosef.11 It is possible that he married  a daughter of R. Shemaya, Rashi's scribe and disciple.12
  • Education – Rashbam engaged in Mikra, Talmud, and grammar.
  • Teachers – R. Meir, his father, and Rashi his grandfather.
  • Contemporaries – 
  • Students – 
  • Time period – The First and Crusades took place in this period.


  • Biblical commentaries – Rashbam wrote a commentary on most or all of Tanakh. See below regarding his Torah commentary. Commentaries of Rashbam on Tehillim,13 Iyyov, Kohelet, and Shir HaShirim have recently been published, but his authorship of these works is disputed.14 [For discussion, see Rashbam's Commentaries on Nakh.] Citations from Rashbam's commentaries on Neviim and Ketuvim also survived in the Arugat HaBosem of R. Avraham b. Azriel and in various Northern French commentaries.
  • Grammar – Rashbam wrote a grammatical work, Sefer HaDayyakot.15 It contains two parts: 1) a grammatical treatise of eight chapters discussing various families of roots, the construct state (סמיכות), masculine and feminine forms and other issues 2) a grammatical commentary to Tanakh. In the heading to the second section, Rashbam expresses his intention to cover all 24 books of Tanakh but only his comments until Bereshit 7:5 have survived.16
  • Rabbinics – 
    • Talmudic novellae – Rashbam wrote commentaries on the tenth chapter of Pesachim and on Bava Batra 29a17 through the end18 in order to complete missing sections of Rashi's commentary.19  Sections of his commentary to Avodah Zarah have also survived and have been published separately by R. Moshe Yehuda HaKohen Blau20 and by d R. Hillel Gershoni.21 In addition Rashbam wrote commentaries on Eiruvin,22 Gittin,23 Bava Kama,24 other sections of Bava Batra,25 Makkot,26 Chullin,27 and Niddah28 which are not extant, but are cited by other commentaries.
    • Halakhic codes – 
    • Responses to the works of others – Rashbam wrote Tosafot to the Rif in which he brings traditions from France and Germany, sometimes arguing with R. Alfasi and sometimes addressing the Talmud itself.29
    • Responsa – 
  • Jewish thought – 

Torah Commentary

Textual Issues

  • Manuscripts – Rashbam's commentary on Torah survived in only one manuscript, MS Breslau 103, and even this manuscript was lost during the Holocaust. This manuscript was missing the first three Parashot of Sefer Bereshit (chapter 1-17), Parashat Pinechas, and Devarim 33:4 through the end of Torah.30 Fortuitously, Rashbam's commentary on two of these chapters survived in two other manuscripts. The commentary on Bereshit 1 (until the middle of the last verse of the chapter) was discovered by A. Geiger as an appendix to MS Munich 5 and is now incorporated in most printed editions31 and the commentary to part of Devarim 34 was published by M. Sokolow from MS Oxford Opp. 34. Recently, the other missing portions of Rashbam's commentary to Bereshit have been reconstructed by R. Dr. Hillel Novetsky.  For discussion of the reconstruction and for the reconstructed text itself, see Rashbam's Torah Commentary.
  • Printings – The commentary was printed for the first time in 1705 in Berlin.
  • Long and short commentaries – 
  • The writing process – 
  • Rashbam's later updates – 


  • Verse by verse / Topical – Rashbam, like his grandfather, Rashi, before him, wrote a verse by verse commentary. He focuses on textual and conceptual issues rather than philosophical ones. Hןis commentary, nonetheless, is not local in scope. He viewed the entire text as one integrated unit, searching for Biblical parallels and noting "ways of the text".32
  • Peshat vs. Derash – Rashbam repeatedly asserts33 that even though the Halakhic and Midrashic level of interpretation is the most essential one,34 his goal is to explain the simple sense of Scripture.35 In this he saw himself as a pioneer,36 often noting that his predecessors did not reach a full understanding of "פשוטו של מקרא",‎37 and that even those who attempted to do so, did not go far enough.38 Rashbam's "peshat" exegesis is exemplified on the one hand by his refusal to look outside the text to Midrashim to explain difficulties, fill in missing details, or to identify the unknown,39 and by his intrascriptural exegesis (use of context, Biblical parallels, and "דרכי המקראת") on the other.40 
    • Peshat vs. Midreshei Aggadah – Though Rashbam will rarely incorporate such Midrashim into his commentary as being the primary meaning of a verse (as they are not anchored in the text),41 he did not view these as false, writing, "כל דברי רבותינו ודרשותיהם כנים ואמתים"‎.42 
    • Peshat vs. Midreshei Halakhah – At times, Rashbam will explain a verse according to its simple sense, even when this contradicts a Halakhah.43 One of the more well known instances is his explanation of Shemot 13:9. The verse is commonly understood to refer to the command to don phylacteries, yet Rashbam writes that it is simply a call to remember the Exodus, as if it were written on one's arm.44
  • Grammar and Linguistics –


  • Programmatic statements – Though Rashbam does not write an introduction to his commentary where he lays out his methodology, in several of his comments he hints to it,45 most notably in his conclusion to Devarim 34. There he writes, "ואני פירשתיו יפה לפי הפסוקים ולפי דרך ארץ", noting that his commentary is marked by intrascriptural exegesis and an eye to realia. Each of these will be elaborated on below:
  • Intrascriptural exegesis – Rather than looking outside of the text to explain its difficulties, Rashbam's lets the Biblical text explain itself. This is manifest in both his usage of Biblical parallels, proof texts,46 and context and in his recognition of "דרכי המקראות" (lit. the way of the text), the literary methods of Tanakh.
    • A. Biblical parallels, proof texts and context – Rashbam will often turn to other verses to explain a word or address a conceptual or textual difficulty:
      • Definitions – Rashbam generally explains difficult words by looking at their usage in other places in Tanakh rather than looking to cognate languages or Mishnaic Hebrew.47 Often his definitions will be followed by a list of proof texts that support his opinion.48 When a word is rare or a hapax legomenon, he will turn to the context, stating "פתרונו לפי עניינו",‎49 or draw off a parallel in the verse.50
      • Contextual explanations – Often, Rashbam will address a difficulty in a verse by looking to immediately surrounding ones. Thus, for example, he explains the content of the "חֹק וּמִשְׁפָּט" given in Marah (Shemot 15:25), by pointing to the very next verse, "אִם שָׁמוֹעַ תִּשְׁמַע לְקוֹל ה'... וְשָׁמַרְתָּ כׇּל חֻקָּיו".‎51
      • Clarifications and explanations – Similarly, Rashbam might clarify the intent of a verse by turning to another verse elsewhere in Tanakh,52 sometimes, even without any further explanation.53 
      • Background – In places where the Torah refers back to an event that previously took place, Rashbam elucidates the reference by including the relevant verses in his comments.54 
    • B. דרכי המקראות – Rashbam explains certain difficulties in the Biblical text by noting that these are not really anomalies, but common Biblical literary phenomena, "the way of the text."55 Several categories of examples follow:
      • Literary Anticipation (הקדמות) – This principle assumes that certain statements appear in the text not because they are needed at that point in the narrative, but rather to prepare the reader for what is to come. Rashbam introduces and explains the theory in his comments to Bereshit 1:1, where he brings the well known example of "חם הוא אבי כנען".‎56 Though Rashbam is not the first to apply the principle,57 he develops the idea, uses it more extensively,58 and takes it further than his predecessors. Perhaps his most radical application is the suggestion that the entire creation narrative serves merely to introduce the commandment to keep the Shabbat.59
      • Issues of Chronology:
        • אין מוקדם ומאוחר – Rashbam invokes the rule "אין מוקדם ומאוחר" only once in his commentary,60 generally preferring to posit that the Torah is written in chronological order.61
        • לא להפסיק הענין – In the few places where he does posit a lack of order, he provides a literary reason, noting that Tanakh might delay or prepone the recording of certain details62 so as not to interrupt a storyline (לא להפסיק הענין).63
      • כלל ופרט – Rashbam explains that it is confluent with the Torah’s style to first generalize and afterwards explain.64
      • Geographical markers (סימן בתוך סימן) – Rashbam notes that Tanakh often "gives signs upon signs" to mark the exact location of a place.65
      •  Poetic Doubling (פסוקי דשמואל)66 – Rashbam explains many examples of doubled phrases (such as: "בן פורת יוסף בן פורת עלי עין") as being simply a common stylistic feature of poetic passages in Tanakh.67
      • Parallelism and doubling (כפל לשון) – Similarly, Rashbam notes that it is the way of Tanakh to repeat an idea in synonymous parallels.68 In such cases, one need not assume that each half of the verse is coming to teach something new.69
      • Names and references – Rashbam observes that it is common in Tanakh for a sister to be called after the name of her older brother70 or a messenger to be referred to by the name of the one who sent him.71 He further notes that when listing people, males will generally be named before females72 and those who are more important before those of lesser stature.73
      • Grammatical phenomena – Rashbam states that it is "דרך המקראות" to sometimes use a singular formulation when referring to the plural (Bereshit 1:14), to double the word "נא" (Bereshit 12:11)74 or "גם" (Bereshit 24:25),75 leave out the word "אשר" (Bereshit 18:5), or to use androgynous forms.76
      • Linguistic Phenomena – Rashbam notes that it is the way of the text to use the word "והנה" when expressing wonder (Bereshit 25:24, 29:25), the term "ten" to refer to many (Bereshit 31:7), or the specific terms "דגן ותירוש ויצהר" to refer to any agricultural produce (Shemot 23:11)
  • II. Way of the World (דרך ארץ) – A second major method employed by Rashbam is to explain verses in light of "דרך ארץ", the customs, social norms and manners of people (either in the Biblical period or throughout history).
    • Language – Rashbam notes that the language of the text, at times, simply reflects human speech patterns. Thus, he explains that Esav repeats the word “red” in his request to his brother for “it is the way of a man in a hurry to double his words” (Bereshit 25:30).77
    • Customs in the time of Tanakh – See Bereshit 24:2 (regarding the custom for a servant to swear by grasping his master's legs), Bereshit 25:31 (regarding the custom of eating as a means to seal an agreement), Bereshit 41:10 (regarding kingly titles such as Paroh and Avimelekh),78 Bereshit 41:45 (regarding the custom to grant a newly appointed servant a new name),79 or Bereshit 47:21 (regarding population displacement).80
    • Medieval customs and dress – See Rashbam Bereshit 25:25 and Shemot 28:32 where Rashbam describes Biblical garments in light of the clerical costumes of his day.
    • General human behavior and realia – Other actions are explained by recognizing that these reflect general modes of behavior or realities of life (throughout history). Thus, Lot is warned not to look back since one who does so tends to tarry (Bereshit 19:17). The "running" of Rivka's unborn children is simply normal fetal movement (Bereshit 25:22).81 Moshe lifted his hands and staff when the people battled Amalek since banners boost a soldier's morale (Shemot 17:16). 82
    • Way of nature – See Bereshit 27:1 where Rashbam explains that Yitzchak's grew blind due to old age,83 and Shemot 14:21, regarding the affects of wind on drying water.84


  • Polemics – In a handful of places in His Torah commentary, Rashbam explicitly targets "המינים", noting that his explanation is a response to Christian claims.85 See, for instance his comments to Shemot 3:22,86 where he explains that the Israelites did not borrow vessels from the Egyptians but rather received them as presents. This might be a response to Christian claims of unethical behavior on the part of Israel.87 It is possible that other explanations, such as Rashbam's defense of the Avot, are similarly motivated.88
  • Defense of Avot – In several places in Torah Rashbam appears to defend the Avot, removing blame for potential misdeeds. See his defense of Avraham in sending away Hagar with little water (Bereshit 21:14), Yaakov in his interactions with Esav (Bereshit 25:31 and 27:13), or the brothers for their role in the sale of Yosef (Bereshit 37:28).89 It should be noted, however, that Rashbam does not always paint our ancestors as blameless,90 nor does he always paint their counterparts as evil.91
  • Authorship of Torah – In several places in Torah,92 Rashbam uses language such as "Moshe wrote" when discussing the composition of Torah. About half of these are examples of literary anticipation, where Rashbam states that Moshe wrote something so that a later portion of Torah (often, a legal portion) will be understood. This has led E. Touitou93 to claim that Rashbam assumed that Moshe composed the narrative sections of Torah and Sefer Devarim (with Divine inspiration), while only the legal core is direct from Hashem. The theory has been questioned on several grounds.94 
  • Reasons for the commandments (טעמי המצוות) – Rashbam often offers rationalist explanations for the commandments.95
  • Reasons for story details (טעמי הסיפורים) – Rashbam will often address why a seemingly trivial detail is included in a story and explain what it comes to teach. For example, he suggests that the text goes out of its way to state that Yaakov "gather his feet" onto his bed before death (49:33) to teach that in His love for Yaakov, Hashem had granted him strength until the very moment of death.96
  • Attitude towards the text – Rashbam sought accurate texts, as evidenced by his comments to Shemot 12:14, 23:24, Devarim 7:14 and Devarim 18:11.


Significant Influences

  • Rashi – Probably the most major influence on Rashbam was Rashi. Rashbam's entire Torah commentary is set up as a foil and complement to that of his grandfather, with most of the lemma upon which he comments being the same as those in Rashi's commentary. At times, Rashbam explicitly directs his readers to Rashi's commentary,97 perhaps a sign that he viewed his own as only an addition to that of his illustrious relative.
    • More often than not, Rashbam will disagree with Rashi, often respectfully, but sometimes sharply. [See, for example, his comments to Devarim 34, where he is very strident in his criticism, calling Rashi's interpretation "הבל".‎]98
    • Despite the vast differences between the commentaries, there are multiple cases where the interpretations of the two overlap. At times Rashbam will elaborate upon Rashi (adding a proof text or explanation),99 at times he will restate Rashi's main point more succinctly,100 and elsewhere he might choose among two of Rashi's explanations.101
  • Earlier Sources – Rashbam mentions Menachem b. Saruk and Dunash b. Labbrat, R"Y Kara,
  • Teachers – 
    • Rashbam's father, R. Meir – Rashbam cites his father twice in his commentary, in Bereshit 25:32 and Bemidbar 31:49.

Occasional Usage

Possible Relationship

  •  Ibn Ezra – Rashbam and Ibn Ezra were contemporaries, both were pioneers of "peshat" analysis, and some of their interpretations resemble one another, yet neither ever cites the other by name, leading scholars to debate the degree of influence they had upon one another (and in which direction).
    • Was Ibn Ezra aware of Rashbam's commentary? Several scholars assume that Ibn Ezra did not have access to Rashbam's commentary when he wrote his First Commentary to Torah in Italy,102 but that by the time he wrote his Second Commentary in Rouen, he either had it in its entirety or was at least aware of individual comments.103 Similarly, it has been suggested that Ibn Ezra's Iggeret HaShabbat was written to combat Rashbam's explanation of Bereshit 1:4-8 where he implies that the day precedes the night.104 In addition, R. Merdler105 has demonstrated that Ibn Ezra in his Second Commentary on Bereshit is responding to Rashbam's Sefer HaDayyakot. See a comparison table here.
    • Was Rashbam aware of Ibn Ezra's commentary? Noting the similarity between many of the exegetes' interpretations, some have suggested that Rashbam might have had access to individual interpretations of Ibn Ezra, or even to the entire First Commentary while writing his own work.106 Alternatively, though, it is possible that some of the overlap might simply be due to the similar style of exegesis or to shared sources.


Later exegetes

  • Tosafist works and collections – R"Y Bekhor Shor cites Rashbam by name five times in his commentary. 107 There are many other comments, though, which show a similarity in content (though not in language) to Rashbam's explanations. Sefer HaGan cites Rashbam 27 times.
  • R. Eliezer of Beaugency – Some have suggested that R"E of Beuagency was a student of Rashbam.108  See his commentary to Yeshayahu 33:24, where he writes "מפי רבנו שמואל".
