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<category name="">Protection Ritual
<category name="">Apotropaic Blood Rite
<p>The Pesach served to protect the Israelites from the plague wrought upon the Egyptian firstbornsCommentators differ in their understandings of the character of this ritual:</p>
<p>The blood of the Pesach protected the Israelites by deterring the destroying angel from entering their homes and killing their firstborns.</p>
<opinion name="">Apotropaic Blood Rite
<p>The blood of the Pesach was a sign which warded off evil and deterred the destroying angel from entering the Israelite homes.</p>
<multilink><aht source="Jubilees49">Jubilees</aht><aht source="Jubilees49">Chapter 49</aht><aht parshan="Jubilees" /></multilink>,
<multilink><aht source="ShemotRabbah18-7">Shemot Rabbah</aht><aht source="ShemotRabbah18-7">18:7</aht><aht parshan="Shemot Rabbah" /></multilink>,
<multilink><aht source="IbnEzraShemotLong12-7">Ibn Ezra</aht><aht source="IbnEzraShemotLong4-25">Shemot Long Commentary 4:25</aht><aht source="IbnEzraShemotLong12-7">Shemot Long Commentary 12:7</aht><aht source="IbnEzraShemotLong12-13">Shemot Long Commentary 12:13</aht><aht source="IbnEzraShemotLong12-27">Shemot Long Commentary 12:27</aht><aht source="IbnEzraShemotShort12-7">Shemot Short Commentary 12:7</aht><aht source="IbnEzraShemotShort12-11">Shemot Short Commentary 12:11</aht><aht source="IbnEzraShemotShort12-13">Shemot Short Commentary 12:13</aht><aht parshan="R. Avraham ibn Ezra" /></multilink>,<fn>It is not totally clear from Ibn Ezra's comments if he views the entire sacrifice as a ransom, or just the blood.  See also <multilink><aht source="RYBSShemot12-7">R. Yosef Bekhor Shor</aht><aht source="RYBSShemot12-7">Shemot 12:7</aht><aht source="RYBSShemot12-13">Shemot 12:13</aht><aht source="RYBSShemot12-14">Shemot 12:14</aht><aht parshan="R. Yosef Bekhor Shor" /></multilink>Like Ibn Ezra, also R. Yosef Bekhor Shor is unclear whether it is the sheep or just the blood which acts as the ransom.</fn>
<multilink><aht source="IbnDaud">R. Avraham Ibn Daud</aht><aht source="IbnDaud">Sefer HaEmunah HaRamah, Maamar 3</aht></multilink>
<multilink><aht source="SefornoShemot12-13">Seforno</aht><aht source="SefornoShemot12-13">Shemot 12:13</aht><aht source="SefornoShemot12-22">Shemot 12:22</aht><aht parshan="R. Ovadyah Seforno" /></multilink>,
<point><b>Target audience</b> – </point>
<point><b>Meaning of the name "פֶּסַח"</b> – </point>
<point><b>Nature of the משחית</b> – </point>
<point><b>Focal point of the ceremony</b> – </point>
<point><b>Accompanying actions</b> – </point>
<point><b>Purpose of the blood</b> – </point>
<point><b>Inner or outer doorpost?</b> – </point>
<point><b>Biblical parallels</b> – </point>
<point><b>"לֹא תֵצְאוּ אִישׁ מִפֶּתַח בֵּיתוֹ"</b> – </point>
<point><b>"לֵיל שִׁמֻּרִים"</b> – </point>
<point><b>General purpose of sacrifices</b> – </point>
<point><b>פסח דורות</b> – </point>
<point><b>Israelites' Religious identity</b> – </point>
<point><b></b> – </point>
<point><b></b> – </point>
<category name="">Sacrifice to Hashem
<p>The Pesach strengthened the bond between the Children of Israel and Hashem, in preparation for the Exodus.</p>
<opinion name="">To Merit Redemption
<p>The Israelites needed to accumulate mitzvot in order to compensate for their sinful behavior in Egypt and be worthy of His deliverance.</p>
<multilink><aht source="Jubilees49">Jubilees</aht><aht source="Jubilees49">Chapter 49</aht><aht parshan="Jubilees" /></multilink>,  
R. Matya b. Charash in <multilink><aht source="MekhiltaPischa5">Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael</aht><aht source="MekhiltaPischa5">Bo Pischa 5</aht><aht parshan="Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael">About the Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael</aht></multilink>,  
<multilink><aht source="IbnEzraShemotLong12-7">Ibn Ezra</aht><aht source="IbnEzraShemotLong4-25">Shemot Long Commentary 4:25</aht><aht source="IbnEzraShemotLong12-7">Shemot Long Commentary 12:7</aht><aht source="IbnEzraShemotLong12-13">Shemot Long Commentary 12:13</aht><aht source="IbnEzraShemotLong12-27">Shemot Long Commentary 12:27</aht><aht source="IbnEzraShemotShort12-7">Shemot Short Commentary 12:7</aht><aht source="IbnEzraShemotShort12-11">Shemot Short Commentary 12:11</aht><aht source="IbnEzraShemotShort12-13">Shemot Short Commentary 12:13</aht><aht parshan="R. Avraham ibn Ezra" /></multilink>,<fn>It is not totally clear from Ibn Ezra's comments if he views the entire sacrifice as a ransom, or just the blood.</fn>  
R. Yishmael in <multilink><aht source="MekhiltaPischa11">Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael</aht><aht source="MekhiltaPischa11">Bo Pischa 11</aht><aht parshan="Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael">About the Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael</aht></multilink>,
<multilink><aht source="IbnDaud">R. Avraham Ibn Daud</aht><aht source="IbnDaud">Sefer HaEmunah HaRamah, Maamar 3</aht></multilink>,  
<multilink><aht source="RashiShemot12-6">Rashi</aht><aht source="RashiShemot12-6">Shemot 12:6</aht><aht parshan="Rashi">About R. Shelomo Yitzchaki</aht></multilink>,
<multilink><aht source="RYBSShemot12-7">R. Yosef Bekhor Shor</aht><aht source="RYBSShemot12-7">Shemot 12:7</aht><aht source="RYBSShemot12-13">Shemot 12:13</aht><aht source="RYBSShemot12-14">Shemot 12:14</aht><aht parshan="R. Yosef Bekhor Shor" /></multilink><fn>Like Ibn Ezra, also R. Yosef Bekhor Shor is unclear whether it is the sheep or just the blood which acts as the ransom.</fn></mekorot>
<multilink><aht source="RBachyaShemot12-13">R. Bachya</aht><aht source="RBachyaShemot12-13">Shemot 12:13</aht><aht parshan="R. Bachya b. Asher">R. Bachya b. Asher</aht></multilink>,  
<point><b></b> – </point>
<multilink><aht source="AvudrahamHaggadah">Avudraham</aht><aht source="AvudrahamHaggadah">Commentary on Haggadah s.v. "Lo al yedei malakh"</aht></multilink>,
<point><b></b> – </point>
<multilink><aht source="TzerorShemot12-3">Tzeror HaMor</aht><aht source="TzerorShemot12-3">Shemot 12:3</aht><aht parshan="R. Avraham Saba" /></multilink>,  
<point><b></b> – </point>
<multilink><aht source="RHirschShemot12-3">R. S"R Hirsch</aht><aht source="RHirschShemot12-3">Shemot 12:3-8</aht><aht source="RHirschShemot12-11">Shemot 12:11</aht><aht source="RHirschShemot12-24">Shemot 12:24</aht><aht parshan="R. S&quot;R Hirsch" /></multilink>,
<multilink><aht source="RDZHoffmannShemot12-12">R. D"Z Hoffmann</aht><aht source="RDZHoffmannShemot12-12">Shemot 12:12-13</aht><aht parshan="R. D&quot;Z Hoffmann" /></multilink>,<fn>R. D"Z Hoffmann combines this possibility with the option that the Pesach was a thanksgiving sacrifice – see below.</fn>  
<multilink><a href="/5#">Zvi Karl</a><a href="/5#">Commentary on Mishnayot Pesachim, pp.12-15</a></multilink>,  
<multilink><aht source="CassutoShemot12-5">U. Cassuto</aht><aht source="CassutoShemot12-5">Shemot 12:5</aht><aht parshan="Umberto Cassuto">About U. Cassuto</aht></multilink>
<point><b>Petitionary Offering</b> – The Pesach was brought as a request for Hashem's protection, and the sheep represented the Israelites' dependence on Hashem to be their shepherd.</point>
<point><b>Redemption of the Firstborn (פדיון בכור)</b> – The Paschal lambs served as an exchange for the lives of the Israelite firstborns, and their blood symbolized the consecration of the Israelites to God's worship.</point>
<point><b>Target audience</b> – </point>
<point><b>Meaning of the name "פֶּסַח"</b> – </point>
<point><b>Nature of the משחית</b> – </point>
<point><b>Focal point of the ceremony</b> – </point>
<point><b>Accompanying actions</b> – </point>
<point><b>Purpose of the blood</b> – </point>
<point><b>Inner or outer doorpost?</b> – </point>
<point><b>Biblical parallels</b> – </point>
<point><b>"לֹא תֵצְאוּ אִישׁ מִפֶּתַח בֵּיתוֹ"</b> – </point>
<point><b>"לֵיל שִׁמֻּרִים"</b> </point>
<point><b>General purpose of sacrifices</b> – </point>
<point><b>פסח דורות</b> – </point>
<point><b>Israelites' Religious identity</b> – </point>
<point><b></b> – </point>
<point><b></b> – </point>
<point><b></b> – </point>
<point><b></b> – </point>
<opinion name="Redemption of the Firstborn">Redemption of the Firstborn (פדיון בכור)
<opinion name="">Thanksgiving Offering
<p>The Paschal lambs served as an exchange for the lives of the Israelite firstborns, and their blood symbolized the consecration of the Israelites to God's worship.</p>
<p>The Pesach was a <i>Korban Todah</i>, a celebratory sacrifice thanking Hashem for the nation's impending salvation.</p>
<mekorot><multilink><aht source="CassutoShemot12-5">U. Cassuto</aht><aht source="CassutoShemot12-5">Shemot 12:5</aht><aht parshan="Umberto Cassuto">About U. Cassuto</aht></multilink></mekorot>
<point><b></b> – </point>
<multilink><aht source="PhiloSpecialLawsII">Philo</aht><aht source="PhiloSpecialLawsII">On the Special Laws II:XXVII:145-149</aht><aht source="PhiloQ4">Questions and Answers on Exodus #4</aht><aht source="PhiloQ7">Questions and Answers on Exodus #7</aht><aht source="PhiloQ10">Questions and Answers on Exodus #10</aht><aht source="PhiloQ12">Questions and Answers on Exodus #12</aht><aht parshan="Philo" /></multilink>,
<point><b></b> – </point>
<multilink><aht source="DerashatHaPesach">R. Chasdai Crescas</aht><aht source="DerashatHaPesach">Derashat HaPesach (p. 166)</aht><aht parshan="R. Chasdai Crescas" /></multilink>,
<point><b></b> – </point>
<multilink><aht source="RDZHoffmannShemot12-12">R. D"Z Hoffmann</aht><aht source="RDZHoffmannShemot12-12">Shemot 12:12-13</aht><aht parshan="R. D&quot;Z Hoffmann" /></multilink>
<point><b>Target audience</b> – </point>
<point><b>Meaning of the name "פֶּסַח"</b> – </point>
<point><b>Nature of the משחית</b> – </point>
<point><b>Focal point of the ceremony</b> – </point>
<point><b>Accompanying actions</b> – </point>
<point><b>Purpose of the blood</b> – </point>
<point><b>Inner or outer doorpost?</b> – </point>
<point><b>Biblical parallels</b> – </point>
<point><b>"לֹא תֵצְאוּ אִישׁ מִפֶּתַח בֵּיתוֹ"</b> – </point>
<point><b>"לֵיל שִׁמֻּרִים"</b> </point>
<point><b>General purpose of sacrifices</b> – </point>
<point><b>פסח דורות</b> – </point>
<point><b>Israelites' Religious identity</b> – </point>
<point><b></b> – </point>
<point><b></b> – </point>
<point><b></b> – </point>
<point><b></b> – </point>
<opinion name="">Petitionary Offering
<p>The Pesach was brought as a request for Hashem's protection, and the sheep represented the Israelites' dependence on Hashem to be their shepherd.</p>
<mekorot><multilink><aht source="RDZHoffmannShemot12-12">R. D"Z Hoffmann</aht><aht source="RDZHoffmannShemot12-12">Shemot 12:12-13</aht><aht parshan="R. D&quot;Z Hoffmann" /></multilink>,<fn>R. D"Z Hoffmann combines this possibility with the option that the Pesach was a thanksgiving sacrifice – see below.</fn> <multilink><a href="/5#">Zvi Karl</a><a href="/5#">Commentary on Mishnayot Pesachim, pp.12-15</a></multilink></mekorot>
<point><b></b> – </point>
<point><b></b> – </point>
<point><b></b> – </point>
<point><b></b> – </point>
<point><b></b> – </point>
<category name="">Demonstrative Act Against Idolatry
<category name="">Demonstrative Act Against Idolatry
<p>The Pesach was an educational/religious act which declared the Israelites' loyalty to Hashem and His supremacy over the Egyptian gods.  This approach subdivides regarding the intended audience.</p>
<p>The Egyptians worshiped sheep, and the slaughtering of the Pesach proclaimed the sovereignty of Hashem and His supremacy over the Egyptian gods.  This approach subdivides regarding the intended audience:</p>
<opinion name="">Educating the Israelites
<opinion name="">Transforming the Israelites
<p>The Pesach was intended to transform the Israelites into a God-fearing nation that rejected Egyptian idolatry.</p>
<p>The Paschal rite facilitated and symbolized the Israelites' rejection of Egyptian idolatry.</p>
<mekorot>R. Matya b. Charash and R. Eliezer HaKappar in the <multilink><aht source="MekhiltaPischa5">Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael</aht><aht source="MekhiltaPischa5">Bo Pischa 5</aht><aht parshan="Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael">About the Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael</aht></multilink>, R. Yosi HaGelili in <multilink><aht source="MekhiltaPischa11">Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael</aht><aht source="MekhiltaPischa11">Bo Pischa 11</aht><aht parshan="Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael">About the Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael</aht></multilink>, R. Eliezer in <multilink><aht source="MekhiltaDeRashbi12-21">Mekhilta DeRashbi</aht><aht source="MekhiltaDeRashbi12-21">Shemot 12:21</aht><aht parshan="Mekhilta DeRashbi" /></multilink>, <multilink><aht source="ShemotRabbah16-2">Shemot Rabbah</aht><aht source="ShemotRabbah16-2">16:2</aht><aht parshan="Shemot Rabbah" /></multilink>, <multilink><aht source="RashiShemot12-6">Rashi</aht><aht source="RashiShemot12-6">Shemot 12:6</aht><aht parshan="Rashi">About R. Shelomo Yitzchaki</aht></multilink>, <multilink><aht source="SeikhelTovShemot12-6">Seikhel Tov</aht><aht source="SeikhelTovShemot12-6">Shemot 12:6</aht><aht parshan="R. Menachem b. Shelomo" /></multilink>, <multilink><aht source="RambamMoreh3-46">Rambam</aht><aht source="RambamMoreh3-46">Moreh Nevukhim 3:46</aht><aht parshan="Rambam">About R. Moshe Maimonides</aht></multilink>, <multilink><aht source="RBachyaShemot12-13">R. Bachya</aht><aht source="RBachyaShemot12-13">Shemot 12:13</aht><aht parshan="R. Bachya b. Asher">R. Bachya b. Asher</aht></multilink>, <multilink><aht source="RalbagShemot12-3">Ralbag</aht><aht source="RalbagShemot12-3">Shemot 12:3</aht><aht source="RalbagShemot12-7">Shemot 12:7</aht><aht source="RalbagShemot12-9">Shemot 12:9</aht><aht source="RalbagShemot12-13">Shemot 12:13</aht><aht source="RalbagShemot12-22">Shemot 12:22-23</aht><aht source="RalbagShemot12T3">Shemot 12 Toelet 3</aht><aht parshan="Ralbag">About R. Levi b. Gershon</aht></multilink>, <multilink><aht source="TzerorShemot12-3">Tzeror HaMor</aht><aht source="TzerorShemot12-3">Shemot 12:3</aht><aht parshan="R. Avraham Saba" /></multilink>, <multilink><aht source="Akeidat38">Akeidat Yitzchak</aht><aht source="Akeidat38">Shemot #38</aht><aht parshan="Akeidat Yitzchak">About R. Yitzchak Arama</aht></multilink>, <multilink><aht source="AbarbanelShemot12Q4">Abarbanel</aht><aht source="AbarbanelShemot12Q4">Shemot 12, Question 4</aht><aht source="AbarbanelShemot12-3">Shemot 12:3-14</aht><aht parshan="Abarbanel">About R. Yitzchak Abarbanel</aht></multilink>, <multilink><aht source="AlshikhShemot12Intro">R"M Alshikh</aht><aht source="AlshikhShemot12Intro">Shemot 12 Introduction</aht><aht source="AlshikhShemot12-7">Shemot 12:7-9</aht><aht parshan="R. Moshe Alshikh" /></multilink>, <multilink><aht source="HaKetavShemot12-13">HaKetav VeHaKabbalah</aht><aht source="HaKetavShemot12-13">Shemot 12:13</aht><aht parshan="HaKetav VeHaKabbalah">About R"Y Mecklenburg</aht></multilink>, <multilink><aht source="RHirschShemot12-3">R. S"R Hirsch</aht><aht source="RHirschShemot12-3">Shemot 12:3-8</aht><aht source="RHirschShemot12-11">Shemot 12:11</aht><aht source="RHirschShemot12-24">Shemot 12:24</aht><aht parshan="R. S&quot;R Hirsch" /></multilink>, <multilink><aht source="CassutoShemot12-5">U. Cassuto</aht><aht source="CassutoShemot12-5">Shemot 12:5</aht><aht parshan="Umberto Cassuto">About U. Cassuto</aht></multilink></mekorot>
<point><b></b> – </point>
R. Eliezer HaKappar in <multilink><aht source="MekhiltaPischa5">Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael</aht><aht source="MekhiltaPischa5">Bo Pischa 5</aht><aht parshan="Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael">About the Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael</aht></multilink>,  
<point><b></b> – </point>
R. Yosi HaGelili in <multilink><aht source="MekhiltaPischa11">Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael</aht><aht source="MekhiltaPischa11">Bo Pischa 11</aht><aht parshan="Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael">About the Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael</aht></multilink>,  
<point><b></b> – </point>
R. Eliezer in <multilink><aht source="MekhiltaDeRashbi12-21">Mekhilta DeRashbi</aht><aht source="MekhiltaDeRashbi12-21">Shemot 12:21</aht><aht parshan="Mekhilta DeRashbi" /></multilink>,  
<multilink><aht source="ShemotRabbah16-2">Shemot Rabbah</aht><aht source="ShemotRabbah16-2">16:2</aht><aht parshan="Shemot Rabbah" /></multilink>,  
<multilink><aht source="BemidbarRabbahNaso13">Bemidbar Rabbah</aht><aht source="BemidbarRabbahNaso13">Naso 13</aht><aht parshan="Bemidbar Rabbah" /></multilink>,  
<multilink><aht source="SeikhelTovShemot12-6">Seikhel Tov</aht><aht source="SeikhelTovShemot12-6">Shemot 12:6</aht><aht parshan="R. Menachem b. Shelomo" /></multilink>,  
<multilink><aht source="RambamMoreh3-46">Rambam</aht><aht source="RambamMoreh3-46">Moreh Nevukhim 3:46</aht><aht parshan="Rambam">About R. Moshe Maimonides</aht></multilink>,  
<multilink><aht source="RalbagShemot12-3">Ralbag</aht><aht source="RalbagShemot12-3">Shemot 12:3</aht><aht source="RalbagShemot12-7">Shemot 12:7</aht><aht source="RalbagShemot12-9">Shemot 12:9</aht><aht source="RalbagShemot12-13">Shemot 12:13</aht><aht source="RalbagShemot12-22">Shemot 12:22-23</aht><aht source="RalbagShemot12T3">Shemot 12 Toelet 3</aht><aht parshan="Ralbag">About R. Levi b. Gershon</aht></multilink>,  
<multilink><aht source="Akeidat38">Akeidat Yitzchak</aht><aht source="Akeidat38">Shemot #38</aht><aht parshan="Akeidat Yitzchak">About R. Yitzchak Arama</aht></multilink>,  
<multilink><aht source="AbarbanelShemot12-3">Abarbanel</aht><aht source="AbarbanelShemot12Q4">Shemot 12, Question 4</aht><aht source="AbarbanelShemot12-3">Shemot 12:3-14</aht><aht source="AbarbanelShemot12-14">Shemot 12:14</aht><aht source="AbarbanelHaggadah">Commentary on Haggadah s.v. "Pesach"</aht><aht parshan="Abarbanel">About R. Yitzchak Abarbanel</aht></multilink>,  
<multilink><aht source="AlshikhShemot12Intro">R"M Alshikh</aht><aht source="AlshikhShemot12Intro">Shemot 12 Introduction</aht><aht source="AlshikhShemot12-7">Shemot 12:7-9</aht><aht parshan="R. Moshe Alshikh" /></multilink>,  
<multilink><aht source="HaKetavShemot12-13">HaKetav VeHaKabbalah</aht><aht source="HaKetavShemot12-13">Shemot 12:13</aht><aht parshan="HaKetav VeHaKabbalah">About R"Y Mecklenburg</aht></multilink>
<point><b>Target audience</b> – </point>
<point><b>Meaning of the name "פֶּסַח"</b> </point>
<point><b>Nature of the משחית</b> </point>
<point><b>Focal point of the ceremony</b> </point>
<point><b>Accompanying actions</b> </point>
<point><b>Purpose of the blood</b> </point>
<point><b>Inner or outer doorpost?</b> </point>
<point><b>Biblical parallels</b> </point>
<point><b>"לֹא תֵצְאוּ אִישׁ מִפֶּתַח בֵּיתוֹ"</b> </point>
<point><b>"לֵיל שִׁמֻּרִים"</b> </point>
<point><b>General purpose of sacrifices</b> – </point>
<point><b>פסח דורות</b> – </point>
<point><b>Israelites' Religious identity</b> – </point>
<point><b></b> – </point>
<point><b></b> – </point>
<point><b></b> – </point>
<point><b></b> – </point>
<opinion name="">Proclaiming to the Egyptians
<opinion name="">Mocking the Egyptians
<p>The public sacrifice of the sheep served to teach the Egyptians the worthlessness of idolatry, as their gods were disgraced and proven incapable of defending themselves.</p>
<p>The public slaughter of the sheep proved to the Egyptians that their gods were powerless.</p>
<mekorot><multilink><aht source="ShemotRabbah16-3">Shemot Rabbah</aht><aht source="ShemotRabbah16-3">16:3</aht><aht parshan="Shemot Rabbah" /></multilink>, <multilink><aht source="ChizkuniShemot12-3">Chizkuni</aht><aht source="ChizkuniShemot12-3">Shemot 12:3,5-7</aht><aht source="ChizkuniShemot12-8">Shemot 12:8-11</aht><aht source="ChizkuniShemot12-13">Shemot 12:13</aht><aht parshan="Chizkuni">About R. Chizkiyah b. Manoach</aht></multilink>,<fn>Chizkuni emphasizes the teaching to the Egyptians, but notes that this was a lesson learned by the Israelites as well.</fn> <multilink><aht source="RambanShemot12-3">Ramban</aht><aht source="RambanShemot12-3">Shemot 12:3</aht><aht parshan="Ramban">About R. Moshe Nachmanides</aht></multilink>, <multilink><aht source="RBachyaShemot12-23">R. Bachya</aht><aht source="RBachyaShemot12-23">Shemot 12:23</aht><aht parshan="R. Bachya b. Asher">R. Bachya b. Asher</aht></multilink><fn>R. Bachya sees in the Pesach also  a demonstration of Israelite belief in Hashem, which earned them their salvation.  See his comments on 12:13 and the discussion above.</fn></mekorot>
<point><b></b> – </point>
R. Yitzchak in <multilink><aht source="MekhiltaPischa6">Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael</aht><aht source="MekhiltaPischa6">Bo Pischa 6</aht><aht parshan="Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael">About the Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael</aht></multilink>,
<point><b></b> – </point>
<multilink><aht source="PesiktaDRK5-17">Pesikta DeRav Kahana</aht><aht source="PesiktaDRK5-17">Pesikta DeRav Kahana HaChodesh 5:17</aht><aht parshan="Pesikta DeRav Kahana" /></multilink>,
<point><b></b> – </point>
<multilink><aht source="ShemotRabbah16-3">Shemot Rabbah</aht><aht source="ShemotRabbah16-3">16:3</aht><aht parshan="Shemot Rabbah" /></multilink>,  
<multilink><aht source="ChizkuniShemot12-3">Chizkuni</aht><aht source="ChizkuniShemot12-3">Shemot 12:3,5-7</aht><aht source="ChizkuniShemot12-8">Shemot 12:8-11</aht><aht source="ChizkuniShemot12-13">Shemot 12:13</aht><aht parshan="Chizkuni">About R. Chizkiyah b. Manoach</aht></multilink>,<fn>Chizkuni emphasizes the teaching to the Egyptians, but notes that this was a lesson learned by the Israelites as well.</fn>  
<multilink><aht source="RambanShemot12-3">Ramban</aht><aht source="RambanShemot12-3">Shemot 12:3</aht><aht parshan="Ramban">About R. Moshe Nachmanides</aht></multilink>,  
<multilink><aht source="RBachyaShemot12-23">R. Bachya</aht><aht source="RBachyaShemot12-23">Shemot 12:23</aht><aht parshan="R. Bachya b. Asher">R. Bachya b. Asher</aht></multilink><fn>R. Bachya sees in the Pesach also  a demonstration of Israelite belief in Hashem, which earned them their salvation.  See his comments on 12:13 and the discussion above.</fn>
<point><b>Target audience</b> – </point>
<point><b>Meaning of the name "פֶּסַח"</b> – </point>
<point><b>Nature of the משחית</b> – </point>
<point><b>Focal point of the ceremony</b> – </point>
<point><b>Accompanying actions</b> – </point>
<point><b>Purpose of the blood</b> – </point>
<point><b>Inner or outer doorpost?</b> – </point>
<point><b>Biblical parallels</b> – </point>
<point><b>"לֹא תֵצְאוּ אִישׁ מִפֶּתַח בֵּיתוֹ"</b> – </point>
<point><b>"לֵיל שִׁמֻּרִים"</b> – </point>
<point><b>General purpose of sacrifices</b> – </point>
<point><b>פסח דורות</b> – </point>
<point><b>Israelites' Religious identity</b> – </point>
<point><b></b> – </point>
<point><b></b> – </point>
<point><b></b> – </point>
<point><b></b> – </point>
<category name="">Thanksgiving Sacrifice
<p>The Pesach was a <i>Korban Todah</i>, a celebratory sacrifice thanking Hashem for the nation's impending redemption.</p>
<mekorot><multilink><aht source="PhiloSpecialLawsII">Philo</aht><aht source="PhiloSpecialLawsII">On the Special Laws II:XXVII:145-149</aht><aht source="PhiloQ4">Questions and Answers on Exodus #4</aht><aht source="PhiloQ7">Questions and Answers on Exodus #7</aht><aht source="PhiloQ10">Questions and Answers on Exodus #10</aht><aht source="PhiloQ12">Questions and Answers on Exodus #12</aht><aht parshan="Philo" /></multilink>, <multilink><aht source="RDZHoffmannShemot12-12">R. D"Z Hoffmann</aht><aht source="RDZHoffmannShemot12-12">Shemot 12:12-13</aht><aht parshan="R. D&quot;Z Hoffmann" /></multilink></mekorot>
<point><b></b> – </point>
<point><b></b> – </point>
<point><b></b> – </point>
<point><b></b> – </point>
<point><b></b> – </point>

Version as of 02:54, 28 March 2014

Purpose of the Pesach

Exegetical Approaches

Apotropaic Blood Rite

The blood of the Pesach protected the Israelites by deterring the destroying angel from entering their homes and killing their firstborns.

Target audience
Meaning of the name "פֶּסַח"
Nature of the משחית
Focal point of the ceremony
Accompanying actions
Purpose of the blood
Inner or outer doorpost?
Biblical parallels
"לֹא תֵצְאוּ אִישׁ מִפֶּתַח בֵּיתוֹ"
"לֵיל שִׁמֻּרִים"
General purpose of sacrifices
פסח דורות
Israelites' Religious identity

Sacrifice to Hashem

The Pesach strengthened the bond between the Children of Israel and Hashem, in preparation for the Exodus.

To Merit Redemption

The Israelites needed to accumulate mitzvot in order to compensate for their sinful behavior in Egypt and be worthy of His deliverance.

Petitionary Offering – The Pesach was brought as a request for Hashem's protection, and the sheep represented the Israelites' dependence on Hashem to be their shepherd.
Redemption of the Firstborn (פדיון בכור) – The Paschal lambs served as an exchange for the lives of the Israelite firstborns, and their blood symbolized the consecration of the Israelites to God's worship.
Target audience
Meaning of the name "פֶּסַח"
Nature of the משחית
Focal point of the ceremony
Accompanying actions
Purpose of the blood
Inner or outer doorpost?
Biblical parallels
"לֹא תֵצְאוּ אִישׁ מִפֶּתַח בֵּיתוֹ"
"לֵיל שִׁמֻּרִים"
General purpose of sacrifices
פסח דורות
Israelites' Religious identity

Thanksgiving Offering

The Pesach was a Korban Todah, a celebratory sacrifice thanking Hashem for the nation's impending salvation.

Target audience
Meaning of the name "פֶּסַח"
Nature of the משחית
Focal point of the ceremony
Accompanying actions
Purpose of the blood
Inner or outer doorpost?
Biblical parallels
"לֹא תֵצְאוּ אִישׁ מִפֶּתַח בֵּיתוֹ"
"לֵיל שִׁמֻּרִים"
General purpose of sacrifices
פסח דורות
Israelites' Religious identity

Demonstrative Act Against Idolatry

The Egyptians worshiped sheep, and the slaughtering of the Pesach proclaimed the sovereignty of Hashem and His supremacy over the Egyptian gods. This approach subdivides regarding the intended audience:

Transforming the Israelites

The Paschal rite facilitated and symbolized the Israelites' rejection of Egyptian idolatry.

Target audience
Meaning of the name "פֶּסַח"
Nature of the משחית
Focal point of the ceremony
Accompanying actions
Purpose of the blood
Inner or outer doorpost?
Biblical parallels
"לֹא תֵצְאוּ אִישׁ מִפֶּתַח בֵּיתוֹ"
"לֵיל שִׁמֻּרִים"
General purpose of sacrifices
פסח דורות
Israelites' Religious identity

Mocking the Egyptians

The public slaughter of the sheep proved to the Egyptians that their gods were powerless.

Target audience
Meaning of the name "פֶּסַח"
Nature of the משחית
Focal point of the ceremony
Accompanying actions
Purpose of the blood
Inner or outer doorpost?
Biblical parallels
"לֹא תֵצְאוּ אִישׁ מִפֶּתַח בֵּיתוֹ"
"לֵיל שִׁמֻּרִים"
General purpose of sacrifices
פסח דורות
Israelites' Religious identity