Difference between revisions of "Yitro – Names/4"

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(Original Author: Ariella Novetsky, Rabbi Hillel Novetsky)
(Original Author: Ariella Novetsky, Rabbi Hillel Novetsky)
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<topic>How much time elapsed between <aht page="Chronology – Shemot 2">Shemot 2 and 3</aht>
<topic>How much time elapsed between <a href="Chronology – Shemot 2" data-aht="page">Shemot 2 and 3</a>
<p>What is the meaning of ויהי בימים הרבים ההם in Shemot 2:23)?</p>
<p>What is the meaning of ויהי בימים הרבים ההם in Shemot 2:23)?</p>
<opinion>Many years – Michaelis (cited in Shadal).</opinion>
<opinion>Many years – Michaelis (cited in Shadal).</opinion>
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<topic><aht page="Who Accompanied Yitro">Who accompanied Yitro</aht> in Shemot 18?
<topic><a href="Who Accompanied Yitro" data-aht="page">Who accompanied Yitro</a> in Shemot 18?
<opinion>Zipporah and her two sons – this is the standard assumption.</opinion>
<opinion>Zipporah and her two sons – this is the standard assumption.</opinion>
<opinion>His own wife and sons, in addition to Zipporah and her two sons – Minchah Belulah Shemot 18:5 (see <aht page="Who Accompanied Yitro">here</aht>).</opinion>
<opinion>His own wife and sons, in addition to Zipporah and her two sons – Minchah Belulah Shemot 18:5 (see <a href="Who Accompanied Yitro" data-aht="page">here</a>).</opinion>
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<topic><aht page="Yitro – Religious Identity">Did Yitro convert</aht>?
<topic><a href="Yitro – Religious Identity" data-aht="page">Did Yitro convert</a>?
<opinion>Yes – Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael Yitro Amalek 1, Bavli Zevachim 116a,<fn>This is explicit in the printed editions of the Bavli which read 'and he converted' (ונתגייר).  However, most manuscripts (as well as the Sheiltot #166) do not contain that word.</fn> Targum Pseudo-Jonathan Shemot 18:6-7, Ramban.  If Yitro converted, it is likely that he would have chosen to remain with the Jewish people.  Thus, R"E HaModai in Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael Yitro Amalek 2 and Ramban assume that Yitro converted, went back and forth, and ultimately stayed on with the nation.</opinion>
<opinion>Yes – Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael Yitro Amalek 1, Bavli Zevachim 116a,<fn>This is explicit in the printed editions of the Bavli which read 'and he converted' (ונתגייר).  However, most manuscripts (as well as the Sheiltot #166) do not contain that word.</fn> Targum Pseudo-Jonathan Shemot 18:6-7, Ramban.  If Yitro converted, it is likely that he would have chosen to remain with the Jewish people.  Thus, R"E HaModai in Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael Yitro Amalek 2 and Ramban assume that Yitro converted, went back and forth, and ultimately stayed on with the nation.</opinion>
<opinion>No – Shadal and Cassuto posit that he did not convert, came only once, and left.</opinion>
<opinion>No – Shadal and Cassuto posit that he did not convert, came only once, and left.</opinion>
<opinion>See <aht page="Yitro – Religious Identity">here</aht> for a discussion of Yitro's religious beliefs during the various stages of his life.</opinion>
<opinion>See <a href="Yitro – Religious Identity" data-aht="page">here</a> for a discussion of Yitro's religious beliefs during the various stages of his life.</opinion>

Version as of 18:59, 11 August 2014

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