Did Yaakov's Sons Marry Canaanites/2

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Did Yaakov's Sons Marry Canaanites?

Exegetical Approaches

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Yaakov's sons, like their father and grandfather before them, were careful not to marry from the women of Canaan.

Yehuda and Bat-Shua, "בַּת אִישׁ כְּנַעֲנִי" – These sources assert that the term "כְּנַעֲנִי"  refers not to the ethnicity of Shua but to his profession as a merchant.1  As evidence for this meaning, Resh LakishPesachim 50aAbout the Bavli points to Hoshea 12:8 and Yeshayahu 23:8.2  However, in Divrei HaYamim I 2:3, Bat Shua herself is referred to as "הַכְּנַעֲנִית" which makes this read somewhat difficult.  Ramban answers that she  was so called after her father, who was well known and an expert in his field.
"שָׁאוּל בֶּן הַכְּנַעֲנִית" – According to this position, the word Canaanite in this verse, too, is not to be taken as a marker of nationality.   Opinions in Bereshit Rabbah3 identify the Canaanite woman with Dinah and assert that she is given the title either because she had slept with a Canaanite or acted like one.4  They suggest that after Dinah was violated by Shechem, Shimon agreed to marry her so she would not be forsaken in disgraced.
Tamar – This approach assumes that Tamar was not of Canaanite origins.  According to R. Meir5 and Targum Pseudo-Jonathan identify her with the daughter of Shem, or Malkizedek, priest of Shalem,6 while Bavli Sotah asserts that she was a convert.

Rare Exception

Though most of Yaakov's sons married non-Canaanites, either Yehudah, Shimon, or both, married Canaanites.


A number of Yaakov's sons might have married Canaanites and this was not viewed a singular occurrence.