Elisha and the Son of the Shunamite/2

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Elisha and the Son of the Shunamite

Exegetical Approaches

This topic has not yet undergone editorial review

Flaw in Elisha

Overstepped Prophetic Authority

Elisha overstepped his prophetic authority in declaring that he could bring life to the world.

Sources:R. Sabato, R. Ariel, Prof. Simon, Y. Amit, Dr. Gili Zivan,

Lack of Empathy

Elisha's treatment of the Shunamite and unsolicited promise of a son portrayed a lack of sensitivity.

Sources:Y. Amit, R"M Lichtenstein

Flaw in the Shunamite

The Shunamite did not sufficiently appreciate the miracle bestowed upon her, and did not recognize that the supernatural birth of her son came with the accompanying responsibility of raising him to greatness.

Sources:R"E Samet

No Flaw

The death of the son of the Shunamite was not related to any sin, but was rather was the result of natural causes.