Why Was Hashem Angry at Bilam/2

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Why Was Hashem Angry at Bilam?

Exegetical Approaches

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Evil Intent

Hashem was angry at Bilam since he was acting in bad faith.  Though he knew that Hashem's intentions were that the Children of Israel be blessed, Bilam was nonetheless plotting to curse them.

Lack of Transparency

Bilam was not upfront with Balak's messengers, leading them to believe that he was coming to curse as they requested, when he, in fact, had no power to do so.

No Wrongdoing

Bilam had not yet committed any problematic deed. Hashem was simply issuing a warning to emphasize that he do as told.

Changing Circumstances

Hashem's varying responses relate to the changing deeds of Israel and whether or not they merited protection from Bilam's curses.