Literary Devices – Shemot 15/0

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Literary Devices – Shemot 15

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Prof. Cassuto suggests that the song of the sea can be divided into three strophes, each ending with a celebration of Hashem's supremacy, formulated with a poetic doubling.1 The division is further marked by the fact that the  penultimate verse2 of each stanza contains a comparison of the drowning Egyptians to either stone or lead. The poem would be divided as follows:3

  • Verses 1-6: Introduction
  • Verses 7-11: Details of the Miracle
  • Verses 12-end:  Wish for Future Salvation4

Wordplay and Alliteration There are several examples of wordplay in the song:


  • גאה – The word “גאה” in verse 1 has the double meaning of “has triumphed” and “has surged”.5  This forms a play on words, as Hashem triumphs by engulfing His enemies in surging waters.6 
  • רמה – Amos Hakham7 suggests that it is possible that the word “רמה” (hurled) is used here due to its associations with the root “רום” (to raise / be exalted), often paired with the word “גאה”.‎8  Here, “רמה” ironically has the opposite meaning of רם and גאה.
  • Alliteration of "א" – Almost every word of the first half of verse 9 begins with the letter "א", meaning:"I will", (אָמַר אוֹיֵב אֶרְדֹּף אַשִּׂיג אֲחַלֵּק שָׁלָל ). The alliteration reflects the content of the verse, highlighting Paroh's arrogance and self confidence in his victory.

Articles The following articles contain general discussion of wordplay in Tanakh:

Key Words

Character Titles