Bemidbar 25/ChapterSummary

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Bemidbar 25 – Summary

Baal Peor – Sin, Punishment, Reward, and Revenge – In the beginning of Chapter 25, the Children of Israel sin with Moabite women, worship the Moabite gods, and are duly punished by Hashem. When one of the Israelite leaders brazenly brings a Midianite princess into his tent in full view of Moshe and the people, Pinechas (Aharon's grandson) zealously kills both evildoers, and thereby causes Hashem to end the plague which had already killed 24,000 people. Hashem rewards Pinechas for his zealous loyalty in killing the sinners Zimri and Cozbi, and then instructs Moshe to wage war against the Midianites who incited Israel to sin.

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