
From AlHaTorah.org
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We gratefully acknowledge the generosity of the following institutions and individuals:

  • Mosad HaRav Kook and its director Rabbi Yosef Eliyahu Movshovitz for allowing us to reproduce source material from their vast array of Torah publications and for their special license to incorporate R. Yosef Kara's commentary on Melakhim II and R. D"Z Hoffmann's commentaries on Shemot and Vayikra. To purchase hard copies of these works, please visit their website.
  • Machon Maaliyot of Yeshivat Birkat Moshe in Maaleh Adumim and Rabbi Baruch Braner and Rabbi Carmiel Cohen, the editors of Ralbag's Commentary on the Torah, for their permission to incorporate the text of this edition. To purchase this work in hard copy, please visit the Yeshivah's website.
  • Rabbi Yehuda Copperman for his permission to incorporate the text of his editions of Sforno and the Meshekh Chokhmah and Rabbi Mordechai Copperman for his permission to incorporate the text of his edition of the Netziv's Ha'amek Davar. To purchase these works in hard copy, please visit Michlalah's website.
  • The Rabbi Joseph Breuer Foundation and Feldheim Publications for their permission to incorporate their new translation of R. Samson Raphael Hirsch's Commentary on the Torah.
  • Prof. Uriel Simon and Bar Ilan University for their permission to incorporate the texts of Ibn Ezra's Commentaries on Hoshea, Yoel, and Amos.
  • Rabbi David Sassoon and Rabbi Isaac Sassoon for their permission to incorporate the edition of R. Avraham b. HaRambam's commentary published by their father, Rabbi Solomon Sassoon z"l.
  • The Jewish Theological Seminary of America for its permission to incorporate Prof. Moshe Zucker's edition of R. Saadia Gaon's Commentary on Bereshit.
  • Prof. Maaravi Peretz for his permission to incorporate his edition of R. Yehuda ibn Balaam's Commentary on Bemidbar and Devarim
  • Prof. Yitzchak Berger for his permission to incorporate his edition of Radak on Divrei HaYamim.
  • Dr. Avigayil Rock for her permission to incorporate her edition of R. Yosef ibn Kaspi's Commentary on Bereshit.
  • The Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon project of the Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion for their permission to incorporate their edition of Targum Yerushalmi (Neofiti).
  • Machon HaMaor and Rabbi Daniel Biton for their permission to incorporate the text of Rabbi Ezra Chwat's critical edition of the Rif and the text of the Meiri's Commentary.
  • The Friedberg Genizah Project for its permission to incorporate their texts of several commentaries on Mishneh Torah.
  • The family of Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Blau for their permission to incorporate his many editions of commentaries on the Talmud.
  • Prof. Meir (Marty) Lockshin and The Edwin Mellen Press and Brown University for their permission to incorporate the translation of Rashbam's Commentary on Torah.
  • Rabbi Chaim N. (H. Norman) Strickman for his permission to incorporate his translations of Ibn Ezra's Commentary on Kohelet and Yesod Mora.
  • Dr. Deborah (Anderson) Baird for her permission to incorporate her translations of R. Yosef Kara and Ibn Ezra's commentaries on Eikhah.
  • The family of Rabbi Yaakov Thompson for their permission to incorporate his translation of the Attributed to Rashbam Commentary on Shir HaShirim.
  • The family of Rabbi Zvi Faier and Mr. Emanuel (Menachem) Polak, owner of MP Press for their permission to incorporate the translation of Malbim's Commentary on Torah.
  • Prof. Edward M. Cook for his permission to incorporate his translation of the Targum of Tehillim.
  • The Da'at website and its director Rabbi Professor Yehuda Eisenberg for their permission to use source material from their online collection. To view their Torah and educational resources, please visit their website.
  • Chorev Press and its owner Mr. Michael Zeev for permission to use source material from their edition of Abarbanel's commentary. To purchase this work in hard copy, visit their website.