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<point><b>Why is the story achronological?</b> R. Saadia&#160; asserts that since leaving Ur Kasdim is connected to the death of Terach in Charan, the Torah wanted to first discuss the matters relating to Terach before moving into the material relevant only to Avraham.</point>
<point><b>Why is the story achronological?</b> R. Saadia&#160; asserts that since leaving Ur Kasdim is connected to the death of Terach in Charan, the Torah wanted to first discuss the matters relating to Terach before moving into the material relevant only to Avraham.</point>
<point><b>Meaning of "מֵאַרְצְךָ וּמִמּוֹלַדְתְּךָ וּמִבֵּית אָבִיךָ"</b> – These sources understand the word "מולדת"&#160; to mean birthplace, and use this as proof that Hashem must have spoken to Avraham in Ur Kasdim,<fn>Since Avraham is in Ur Kasdim before he starts his travels, this position assumes that he was born there as well.</fn> for if Avraham had been in Charan, he would not be leaving his place of birth.&#160; The phrase "מִבֵּית אָבִיךָ", though, is somewhat difficult in light of the fact that Avraham did not leave his&#160; immediate family behind him. &#160; Ibn Ezra explains that Hashem knew that Terach was to stay in Charan. Alternatively, one might suggest that the term refers literally to the house Avraham grew up in, or perhaps to the rest of the family that did not join.</point>
<point><b>&#160;"מֵאַרְצְךָ וּמִמּוֹלַדְתְּךָ וּמִבֵּית אָבִיךָ"</b> – These sources understand the word "מולדת"&#160; to mean birthplace, and use this as proof that Hashem must have spoken to Avraham in Ur Kasdim,<fn>Since Avraham is in Ur Kasdim before he starts his travels, this position assumes that he was born there as well.</fn> for if Avraham had been in Charan, he would not be leaving his place of birth.&#160; The phrase "מִבֵּית אָבִיךָ", though, is somewhat difficult in light of the fact that Avraham did not leave his&#160; immediate family behind him. &#160; Ibn Ezra explains that Hashem knew that Terach was to stay in Charan. Alternatively, one might suggest that the term refers literally to the house Avraham grew up in, or perhaps to the rest of the family that did not join.</point>
<point><b>Avraham's servant – "אֶל אַרְצִי וְאֶל מוֹלַדְתִּי תֵּלֵךְ"</b> – This understanding must explain how when Avraham tells his servant to go "אֶל אַרְצִי וְאֶל מוֹלַדְתִּי", he&#160; heads to the city of Nachor, or Charan, rather than Ur Kasdim.&#160; Ibn Ezra suggests that only the word "מוֹלַדְתִּי" referred to Ur Kasdim, while the the word "אַרְצִי" referred to Charan,<fn>Cf. Radak who suggests that the term refers to Aram Naharayim, the larger region.</fn> where Avraham had lived for some years.<fn>Ramban questions why the verse would refer to a place that Avraham had lived for just a short while as "אַרְצִי".&#160; One normally thinks of a place as their land only if they were born there or have lived there for a long while.</fn></point>
<point><b>Avraham's servant – "אֶל אַרְצִי וְאֶל מוֹלַדְתִּי תֵּלֵךְ"</b> – This understanding must explain how when Avraham tells his servant to go "אֶל אַרְצִי וְאֶל מוֹלַדְתִּי", he&#160; heads to the city of Nachor, or Charan, rather than Ur Kasdim.&#160; Ibn Ezra suggests that only the word "מוֹלַדְתִּי" referred to Ur Kasdim, while the the word "אַרְצִי" referred to Charan,<fn>Cf. Radak who suggests that the term refers to Aram Naharayim, the larger region.</fn> where Avraham had lived for some years.<fn>Ramban questions why the verse would refer to a place that Avraham had lived for just a short while as "אַרְצִי".&#160; One normally thinks of a place as their land only if they were born there or have lived there for a long while.</fn></point>
<point><b>Location of Ur Kasdim - Is Avraham from עֵבֶר הַנָּהָר?</b> Ramban questions this position from Yehoshua 24 which presents Avraham as coming from "עֵבֶר הַנָּהָר" which he assumes refers to the area of Aram Naharayim (Charan)<fn>See, for instance Shemuel II 10:16 which identifies Aram as living in עבר הנהר.</fn> rather than Ur Kasdim, which would be in the area of Babylonia (the Chaldeans).&#160;<br/>
<point><b>Location of Ur Kasdim - Is Avraham from עֵבֶר הַנָּהָר?</b> Ramban questions this position from Yehoshua 24 which presents Avraham as coming from "עֵבֶר הַנָּהָר" which he assumes refers to the area of Aram Naharayim (Charan)<fn>See, for instance Shemuel II 10:16 which identifies Aram as living in עבר הנהר.</fn> rather than Ur Kasdim, which would be in the area of Babylonia (the Chaldeans).&#160;<br/>
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<point><b>"&#8206;&#8207;וַיִּקַּח תֶּרַח אֶת אַבְרָם...&#8207;"</b> – The verse attributes the move to Terach since he initiated it.</point>
<point><b>"&#8206;&#8207;וַיִּקַּח תֶּרַח אֶת אַבְרָם...&#8207;"</b> – The verse attributes the move to Terach since he initiated it.</point>
<point><b>" וַיֹּאמֶר ה' אֶל אַבְרָם לֶךְ לְךָ"</b> – According to this position, this sentence is found in its chronological place and Hashem only commanded Avraham to emigrate once he had already moved to&#160; Charan.</point>
<point><b>" וַיֹּאמֶר ה' אֶל אַבְרָם לֶךְ לְךָ"</b> – According to this position, this sentence is found in its chronological place and Hashem only commanded Avraham to emigrate once he had already moved to&#160; Charan.</point>
<point><b>Meaning of "מֵאַרְצְךָ וּמִמּוֹלַדְתְּךָ"</b><ul>
<point><b>"מֵאַרְצְךָ וּמִמּוֹלַדְתְּךָ"</b> – This position must explain how leaving Charan constituted leaving Avraham's "מולדת".<fn>Leaving his "land" is much less problematic since Charan could be called avraham's land even if he had only resided there a short while, as that was his present location.</fn>&#160; These sources differ in their understanding of the word, and, thus, also in how they resolve the problem:<br/>
<li><b>Birthplace</b>&#160;– According to both R"Y Bekhor Shor and Ramban "מולדת" is a place of birth.&#160; R. Yosef Bekhor Shor asserts that, even though Avraham had already physically left his home, Hashem told him to also mentally sever ties and to have no intentions of returning there.&#160; Ramban, in contrast, assumes that Charan, rather than Ur Kasdim, was Avraham's birthplace.<fn>To support his claim, Ramban points out that the land of Ur Kasdim belonged to the descendants of Cham, not Shem, the line of avraham.&#160; Moroever, Avraham is known as "אַבְרָם הָעִבְרִי" and in&#160;<a href="Yehoshua24-2-3" data-aht="source">Yehoshua 24</a> we are told that he was from "עֵבֶר הַנָּהָר" which would support the idea that he came from Aram Narahayim, or Charan.&#160; In addition, it is known that Nachor lives in Charan even though it is never mentioned that he travelled there with Terach and Avraham.&#160; Ramban explains that he had remained behind in Charan when the rest of the family had moved temporarily to Ur Kasdim.&#160; as such, only the youngest of the brothers, Haran, was born in Ur Kasdim.</fn> At some point, Terach had uprooted his family to live in Ur Kasdim, but that was not their place of birth.</li>
<li><b>Birthplace</b>&#160;– According to both R"Y Bekhor Shor and Ramban "מולדת" is a place of birth.&#160; R. Yosef Bekhor Shor asserts that, even though Avraham had already physically left his home, Hashem told him to also mentally sever ties and to have no intentions of returning there.&#160; Ramban, in contrast, assumes that Charan, rather than Ur Kasdim, was Avraham's birthplace.<fn>To support his claim, Ramban points out that the land of Ur Kasdim belonged to the descendants of Cham, not Shem, the line of avraham.&#160; Moroever, Avraham is known as "אַבְרָם הָעִבְרִי" and in&#160;<a href="Yehoshua24-2-3" data-aht="source">Yehoshua 24</a> we are told that he was from "עֵבֶר הַנָּהָר" which would support the idea that he came from Aram Narahayim, or Charan.&#160; In addition, it is known that Nachor lives in Charan even though it is never mentioned that he travelled there with Terach and Avraham.&#160; Ramban explains that he had remained behind in Charan when the rest of the family had moved temporarily to Ur Kasdim.&#160; as such, only the youngest of the brothers, Haran, was born in Ur Kasdim.</fn> At some point, Terach had uprooted his family to live in Ur Kasdim, but that was not their place of birth.</li>
<li><b>Family</b> – Shadal claims that the word means family, obviating the issue of Charan not being Avraham's place of birth.&#160; As evidence of this usage, Shadal points to&#160; Bereshit 43:7, Esther 2:10, and 8:6.</li>
<li><b>Family</b> – Shadal claims that the word means family, obviating the issue of Charan not being Avraham's place of birth.&#160; As evidence of this usage, Shadal points to&#160; Bereshit 43:7, Esther 2:10, and 8:6.</li>
<point><b>"מִבֵּית אָבִיךָ"</b> – As Avraham was leaving his family behind in Charan, this term is easily understood.</point>
<category name="Moved Multiple TImes">Moved to Israel Multiple Times
<category name="Moved Multiple TImes">Moved to Israel Multiple Times

Version as of 11:10, 16 June 2015

Avraham's Aliyah

Exegetical Approaches

This topic is currently in progress

Left Ur Kasdim at 70

Hashem commanded Avraham to leave Ur Kasdim when he was 70.  He emigrated, stayed in Charan for five years, and then made the final move to Canaan.

" וַיֹּאמֶר ה' אֶל אַבְרָם לֶךְ לְךָ" – Though all these sources agree that Hashem's command to Avraham was given while he was still in Ur Kasdim, they differ in how they read this verse:
  • According to Ibn Ezra the statement is but one example of many verses which are not found in their chronological place.
  • R. Saadia agrees that the story is not told chronologically but asserts that Tanakh simply reversed the cause and effect.  He suggests that the verse is connected to the previous passage and should in effect read as if written, "And Terach took... [because] Hashem said to Avraham, go".
  • Radak, in contrast, maintains that the word "וַיֹּאמֶר" should be understood as "He had already said".
Why did Avraham's family leave Ur Kasdim? According to these sources, the family left due to this command of Hashem.  It was the initiative of Avraham, rather than Terach, that led to the family's uprooting.
"‎‏וַיִּקַּח תֶּרַח אֶת אַבְרָם...‏" – R. Saadia and Radak suggest that despite it being Avraham's decision to leave, the verse nonetheless attributes the move to Terach since he was the patriarch of the family.1
"לָלֶכֶת אַרְצָה כְּנַעַן" – These commentators disagree in how they explain why Avraham went towards Canaan if Hashem had not told him where he was headed.
  • According to Ibn Ezra, even though it is not explicit in the text, Hashem did in fact tell Avraham upfront that he should travel to Canaan.2 The family left with the intent of arriving there and Avraham only procrastinated in Charan since the land was pleasing to his father.  
  • Radak disagrees, suggesting that though Avraham was unaware of the final destination, he headed towards Canaan since that was the first country outside the borders of Aram.3
Why is the story achronological? R. Saadia  asserts that since leaving Ur Kasdim is connected to the death of Terach in Charan, the Torah wanted to first discuss the matters relating to Terach before moving into the material relevant only to Avraham.
 "מֵאַרְצְךָ וּמִמּוֹלַדְתְּךָ וּמִבֵּית אָבִיךָ" – These sources understand the word "מולדת"  to mean birthplace, and use this as proof that Hashem must have spoken to Avraham in Ur Kasdim,4 for if Avraham had been in Charan, he would not be leaving his place of birth.  The phrase "מִבֵּית אָבִיךָ", though, is somewhat difficult in light of the fact that Avraham did not leave his  immediate family behind him.   Ibn Ezra explains that Hashem knew that Terach was to stay in Charan. Alternatively, one might suggest that the term refers literally to the house Avraham grew up in, or perhaps to the rest of the family that did not join.
Avraham's servant – "אֶל אַרְצִי וְאֶל מוֹלַדְתִּי תֵּלֵךְ" – This understanding must explain how when Avraham tells his servant to go "אֶל אַרְצִי וְאֶל מוֹלַדְתִּי", he  heads to the city of Nachor, or Charan, rather than Ur Kasdim.  Ibn Ezra suggests that only the word "מוֹלַדְתִּי" referred to Ur Kasdim, while the the word "אַרְצִי" referred to Charan,5 where Avraham had lived for some years.6
Location of Ur Kasdim - Is Avraham from עֵבֶר הַנָּהָר? Ramban questions this position from Yehoshua 24 which presents Avraham as coming from "עֵבֶר הַנָּהָר" which he assumes refers to the area of Aram Naharayim (Charan)7 rather than Ur Kasdim, which would be in the area of Babylonia (the Chaldeans). 
  • It is not clear, though, where exactly this position assumes that Ur Kasdim is.  Radak, in fact, appears to believe that both Charan and Ur Kasdim are cities in the same general region of Aram.8
  • Moreover, it is not clear that עֵבֶר הַנָּהָר is limited to the area of Aram.  If the river spoken of is the Euphrates, it could perhaps refer to any region along the river, to the east or west, in the northern or southern region.
"אֲנִי י"י אֲשֶׁר הוֹצֵאתִיךָ מֵאוּר כַּשְׂדִּים" – Ibn Ezra points to this verse in the Covenant of the Pieces as evidence that Hashem commanded Avraham to leave while still in Ur Kasdim.9
430 vs 400 – This position is motivated to set Avraham's departure from Ur Kasdim at 70 specifically in order to solve the discrepancy regarding the duration of the exile.  These sources maintain that the 430 year period is dated from Avraham's personal exile, while the 400 years is dated from the birth of YItzchak.
"וְאַבְרָם בֶּן חָמֵשׁ שָׁנִים וְשִׁבְעִים שָׁנָה בְּצֵאתוֹ מֵחָרָן" – This approach must explain why the Torah deems it important to tell the reader that Avraham left Charan at 75, if Charan had just been a transition point and the main departure took place at 70.

Left Charan at 75

Hashem first commanded Avraham to go to Israel after he was already living in Charan.  He headed towards the promised land at the age of 75.

Why did Avraham's family leave Ur Kasdim for Canaan? This position offers various possibilities:
  • According to Ramban, due to Avraham's monotheistic beliefs, he was in danger of persecution in Ur Kasdim.10 Thus, Terach decided to take the family to Canaan, a long distance from the Chaldeans.11
  • Abarbanel asserts that Terach thought that the atmosphere of Ur Kasdim was detrimental to his family, leading him to bear only three children, his son to die early, and Avraham and Sarah to be barren.  He hoped that a change of place and the good air of the mountainous Canaan would be beneficial to his household.12
  • Chizkuni  maintains that the family, being of Semitic origins, headed to Canaan since that land was given to them as an inheritance.13 
"‎‏וַיִּקַּח תֶּרַח אֶת אַבְרָם...‏" – The verse attributes the move to Terach since he initiated it.
" וַיֹּאמֶר ה' אֶל אַבְרָם לֶךְ לְךָ" – According to this position, this sentence is found in its chronological place and Hashem only commanded Avraham to emigrate once he had already moved to  Charan.
"מֵאַרְצְךָ וּמִמּוֹלַדְתְּךָ" – This position must explain how leaving Charan constituted leaving Avraham's "מולדת".14  These sources differ in their understanding of the word, and, thus, also in how they resolve the problem:
  • Birthplace – According to both R"Y Bekhor Shor and Ramban "מולדת" is a place of birth.  R. Yosef Bekhor Shor asserts that, even though Avraham had already physically left his home, Hashem told him to also mentally sever ties and to have no intentions of returning there.  Ramban, in contrast, assumes that Charan, rather than Ur Kasdim, was Avraham's birthplace.15 At some point, Terach had uprooted his family to live in Ur Kasdim, but that was not their place of birth.
  • Family – Shadal claims that the word means family, obviating the issue of Charan not being Avraham's place of birth.  As evidence of this usage, Shadal points to  Bereshit 43:7, Esther 2:10, and 8:6.
"מִבֵּית אָבִיךָ" – As Avraham was leaving his family behind in Charan, this term is easily understood.

Moved to Israel Multiple Times

Avraham moved to Israel for the Covenant of the Pieces,  returned to Charan, and then left agin at the age of 75.