Chazael and the Tel Dan Stele/0

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Chazael and the Tel Dan Stele

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The Tel Dan Stele is most well known for its mention of the "House of David," considered by many to be the earliest extra-Biblical reference to the Davidic dynasty yet discovered.  The Aramaic inscription describes the triumph of Aram over Israel and Yehuda and is believed to speak of Chazael's war against Yehoram and Achazyah, discussed briefly in Melakhim II 8.

Biblical Sources

Chazael is first mentioned in Melakhim I 19, where Hashem tells Eliyahu to anoint him as king over Aram, declaring that he will decimate the nation for their sins. The appointment is first fulfilled in the time of Elisha, who reaffirms the prophecy, telling Chazael not only that he is to be king, but that "יָדַעְתִּי אֵת אֲשֶׁר תַּעֲשֶׂה לִבְנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל רָעָה מִבְצְרֵיהֶם תְּשַׁלַּח בָּאֵשׁ וּבַחֻרֵיהֶם בַּחֶרֶב תַּהֲרֹג וְעֹלְלֵיהֶם תְּרַטֵּשׁ וְהָרֹתֵיהֶם תְּבַקֵּעַ" (Melakhim II 8:12). The words come true as Chazael usurps the throne and proceeds to attack Yisrael and Yehuda.1

Chazael's first battle is described almost tangentially in Melakhim II 8:26-29 and Melakhim II 9:15. We are told only that Achazyahu of Yehuda  joined Yehoram of Yisrael to fight Aram in Ramot Gilad. Though not explicit, it is possible that the war was initiated by Yehoram when he saw Chazael usurp the throne in Aram. He hoped to take advantage of the relatively unstable situation in Aram so as to retrieve Ramot Gilad. No details of the battle itself are given and only the outcome is relayed: Aram smote Yehoram, wounding Yehoram who was forced to return to Yizrael to recuperate. Soon after, Achazyahu came to visit, but unfortunately for him, his visit coincided with Yehu's revolt and overtaking of the throne. Yehu, thus kills both Yehoram and Achazyahu.

Tel Dan Inscription The Tel Dan Stele was discovered in 1993 during excavations led by Avraham Biran in Tel Dan in Northern Israel. It contains an inscription written in Aramaic which commemorates the victory of an Aramean king over his southern neighbors, the "king of Israel" and king of the "House of David."2 Due to the fragmentary nature of the stele and inscription, the name of the Aramean king is missing entirely and the names of the others are only partially legible.3  A. Biran and Y. Naveh have reconstructed the latter names as Yehoram and Achazyah, leading to the assumption that the Aramean king who commissioned the stele was Chazael. The king tells how he slew thousands of chariots and horsemen, turned towns into ruins, and killed both the king of Yisrael and Yehuda.

Relationship to Tanakh

Due to the small amount of data preserved in the inscription, it does not add much to our understanding of Melakhim 8, though it provides further attestation of the desolation wrought by Chazael.