David's Deathbed Instructions to Shelomo/2
David's Deathbed Instructions to Shelomo
Exegetical Approaches
Changing Circumstances
David asked Shelomo to deal with his opponents even though he himself had not done so because he realized that with the change of monarch, there was to be an accompanying change in the strength of the kingdom. This approach subdivides regarding the direction of this change and whether it views David or Shelomo as the stronger king:
From Weakness to Strength
As much of David's reign was marked by turmoil and attempted rebellions, he never found himself in the position of strength needed to assassinate his opponents.
From Strength to Weakness
As David was a strong king, he had no need to kill his opponents and could keep them in check without bloodshed. Shelomo, though, was a young boy who would need to rid himself of any threats to his kingdom.
Change of Heart
During most of his reign, David intentionally maintained a policy of clemency towards his enemies, refusing to kill them. The stresses of the end of his life, however, hardened him, making him rethink this policy and instruct Shelomo to act differently.