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Part of SpeechVerb
Possible Meanings
  1. Drop or wither
Related Wordsנְבֵלָה

Possible Meanings

1. Drop or wither

  • Biblical verses – 
  • The root נבל is related to נפל‎.1 For other examples of interchangeability of the ב and פ, see here.
  • Forms of the verb נבל or the noun נבלה appear in Tanakh in reference to humans, animals, and plants:
    • Humans – נבלה (e.g. Devarim 21:23).
    • Animals – נבלה (e.g. Vayikra 5:2).
    • Plants – נבלת עליה (Yeshayahu 1:30). All examples are in Neviim Acharonim (Later Prophets) and Ketuvim.

Disputed Cases

Shemot 18:18 – נָבֹל תִּבֹּל


Relationship to Synonyms

Semantic Evolution


Rabbinic Hebrew

Modern Hebrew
