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<li><b>תָּבוֹאתָה</b>&#160;– See Devarim 33:16, "תָּבוֹאתָה לְרֹאשׁ יוֹסֵף" (as opposed to "תבוא"),<fn>Ibn Ezra notes the double marker, but does not explain its meaning.</fn> and Shemuel I 25:24 "כִּי לוּלֵי מִהַרְתְּ וַתָּבֹאת".<fn>Here, too, Radak suggests that the form reflects the speed and diligence of the action. David is emphasizing that Avigayil came quickly to prevent bloodshed.</fn></li>
<li><b>תָּבוֹאתָה</b>&#160;– See Devarim 33:16, "תָּבוֹאתָה לְרֹאשׁ יוֹסֵף" (as opposed to "תבוא"),<fn>Ibn Ezra notes the double marker, but does not explain its meaning.</fn> and Shemuel I 25:24 "כִּי לוּלֵי מִהַרְתְּ וַתָּבֹאת".<fn>Here, too, Radak suggests that the form reflects the speed and diligence of the action. David is emphasizing that Avigayil came quickly to prevent bloodshed.</fn></li>
<li><b>בַּצָּרָתָה</b> – See Tehillim 120:1, "בַּצָּרָתָה לִּי קָרָאתִי וַיַּעֲנֵנִי" (as opposed to "בצרה") and see Radak<fn>See Malbim as well.</fn> that the extra feminine marker emphasize the greatness of the psalmist's distress.</li>
<li><b>בַּצָּרָתָה</b> – See Tehillim 120:1, "בַּצָּרָתָה לִּי קָרָאתִי וַיַּעֲנֵנִי" (as opposed to "בצרה") and see Radak<fn>See Malbim as well.</fn> that the extra feminine marker emphasize the greatness of the psalmist's distress.</li>
<li>&#160;תבואתה (דברים ל״ג:ט״ז), נפלאתה (שמואל ב א׳:כ״ו)</li>
<li>&#160; נפלאתה (שמואל ב א׳:כ״ו)</li>

Version as of 02:21, 24 April 2022


This topic has not yet undergone editorial review

Dual Gendered Nouns

There are several words In Tanakh which are treated as both masculine and feminine, at times taking a masculine verb or adjective and at other times taking a feminine one. R. SaadiaCommentary Bereshit 19:23About R. Saadia Gaon suggests that in such cases one must conclude either that these words are dual gendered, or that the verse is assuming a missing word and it is that word which conforms with the gender of the verb or adjective that follows.1 

  • ארון – Though the word is usually treated as masculine, at times it takes feminine verbs as well. See Shemuel I 4, where verse 11 reads, "וַאֲרוֹן אֱלֹהִים נִלְקָח", while verse 17 reads, "וַאֲרוֹן הָאֱלֹהִים נִלְקָחָה".‎2  See RadakShemuel I 4:17Shemuel I 6:12Yechezkel 37:7About R. David Kimchi there for discussion.
  • ארץ - Compare Bereshit 1:2 (הָאָרֶץ הָיְתָה), where "ארץ" is feminine, with Yechezkel 21:24 (מֵאֶרֶץ אֶחָד), where it is masculine.  See also Yeshayahu 33:9 where the word takes both a feminine and masculine adjective (אָבַל אֻמְלְלָה אָרֶץ). See Ibn EzraYeshayahu 33:9About R. Avraham ibn Ezra there who notes this, but compare ShadalYeshayahu 33:9About R. Shemuel David Luzzatto who suggests that the verse should be understood as if written: "אָבַל יושב האָרֶץ ואֻמְלְלָה אָרֶץ".
  • אש – Compare Shemot 22:5 where it takes a feminine verb (כִּי תֵצֵא אֵשׁ)3  with Yirmeyahu 48:45 where it takes a masculine one (כִּי אֵשׁ יָצָא).4  See also Iyyov 20:26 where it takes both forms in the very same verse (תְּאׇכְלֵהוּ אֵשׁ לֹא נֻפָּח).5
  • בית – Compare Mishlei 2:18 where it is feminine (כִּי שָׁחָה אֶל מָוֶת בֵּיתָהּ) with Devarim 8:12 (בָתִּים טֹבִים) where it is masculine (like most occurrences).6
  • גן – Compare Bereshit 2:15 where it takes a feminine referent (וַיַּנִּחֵהוּ בְגַן עֵדֶן לְעׇבְדָהּ וּלְשׇׁמְרָהּ),7 with Shir HaShirim 4:12, where it takes a masculine adjective ("גַּן נָעוּל").8 Ibn Ezrafurther notes that the plural form of the verb also sometimes appears with a masculine ending (גנים)9 and sometimes with a feminine one (גנות).10
  • דרך – Compare Bereshit 28:20 where it is masculine ("וּשְׁמָרַנִי בַּדֶּרֶךְ הַזֶּה")11 with Shemot 18:20 where it is feminine ("הַדֶּרֶךְ יֵלְכוּ בָהּ").12 See also Yeshayahu 35:8 where it takes both forms in one verse (וָדֶרֶךְ וְדֶרֶךְ הַקֹּדֶשׁ יִקָּרֵא לָהּ לֹא יַעַבְרֶנּוּ).13
  • חצר – Though it usually acts as a feminine noun, as in Melakhim I 6:36 (הֶחָצֵר הַפְּנִימִית),14 see Yechezkel 40:19-23 where it takes a masculine adjective ("לֶחָצֵר הַפְּנִימִי"). See also Shemot 35:17 where in the same verse, it is referred to as both feminine and masculine ("אֵת קַלְעֵי הֶחָצֵר אֶת עַמֻּדָיו וְאֶת אֲדָנֶיהָ").15 
  • יד – Compare Bereshit 26:25 where it is feminine ("וְיָדוֹ אֹחֶזֶת")16 with Shemot 17:12 where it is masculine ("וִידֵי מֹשֶׁה כְּבֵדִים").17  See also Yechezkel 2:9 where it takes both forms in the same verse, "וְהִנֵּה יָד שְׁלוּחָה אֵלָי וְהִנֵּה בוֹ".‎18
  • מחנה – Compare Tehillim 27:3 where it is treated as feminine (תַּחֲנֶה עָלַי מַחֲנֶה)19 with Bereshit 33:8 where it is treated as masculine (הַמַּחֲנֶה הַזֶּה).20 See also Bereshit 32:921 where in the very same verse it takes both a feminine and masculine adjective (הַמַּחֲנֶה הָאַחַת וְהִכָּהוּ... הַמַּחֲנֶה הַנִּשְׁאָר).
  • מלאכה –Though normally treated as feminine, in several verse it takes a masculine verb or adjective.  See, for example, Shemot 12:16, "כׇּל מְלָאכָה לֹא יֵעָשֶׂה בָהֶם".‎22  See also Shemuel I 15:9 where it takes both a feminine and masculine adjective in one verse: "וְכׇל הַמְּלָאכָה נְמִבְזָה וְנָמֵס".
  • מקום – The word is usually masculine, but see Ibn Ezra Bereshit 2:15 Bereshit Lexical Commentary 2:15About R. Avraham ibn Ezra
  • רוח – Compare Bereshit 1:2 where it is takes a feminine verb ("יוְרוּחַ אֱלֹהִים מְרַחֶפֶת")23 with Bemidbar 11:31 where it takes a masculine verb ("וְרוּחַ נָסַע").  See also Melakhim I 19:1124 and Iyyov 1:1925 in each of which it acts as both masculine and feminine in the very same verse.26
  • שמש – Compare Bereshit 15:17 where it takes a feminine verb (הַשֶּׁמֶשׁ בָּאָה)27 and Bereshit 19:23 where it takes a masculine verb (הַשֶּׁמֶשׁ יָצָא).28  See, though, R. Saadia that in the latter cases perhaps the verses mean "אור השמש יצא".

Androgynous Verbs

Sometimes a verb will combine a masculine and feminine form. For example:

Double Feminine

Sometimes a word will have two feminine markers. Radak suggests that in such cases, the doubling serves as an intensifier

  • הֶחְבְּאַתָה – See Yehoshua 6:17, "כִּי הֶחְבְּאַתָה אֶת הַמַּלְאָכִים" (as opposed to the expected "החביאה").  Radak explains that the connotation is that Rachav had hidden the spies very well.
  • יְשׁוּעָתָה – See Tehillim 3:3, "אֵין יְשׁוּעָתָה לּוֹ" (as opposed to the expected "ישועה"). Radak explains that the word refers to a  "great salvation".
  • עֶזְרָתָה – See Tehillim 44:27, 63:8, 94:17  (this form replaces the expected "עזרה"). Radak (on Tehillim 3:3) explains that in each case the people are either requesting or thanking Hashem for abundant aid.
  • תָּבוֹאתָה – See Devarim 33:16, "תָּבוֹאתָה לְרֹאשׁ יוֹסֵף" (as opposed to "תבוא"),30 and Shemuel I 25:24 "כִּי לוּלֵי מִהַרְתְּ וַתָּבֹאת".31
  • בַּצָּרָתָה – See Tehillim 120:1, "בַּצָּרָתָה לִּי קָרָאתִי וַיַּעֲנֵנִי" (as opposed to "בצרה") and see Radak32 that the extra feminine marker emphasize the greatness of the psalmist's distress.
  •   נפלאתה (שמואל ב א׳:כ״ו)

Pausal Form