Historical Backdrop of Yeshayahu 40/2

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Historical Backdrop of Yeshayahu 40

Exegetical Approaches

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Era of Yeshayahu

Yeshayhau was comforting the people of his own time.

Babylonian Exile

Yeshayahu's words are addressed to the nation who had been exiled to Babylonia.

Why speak about the return from Babylonia now?
"כִּי מָלְאָה צְבָאָהּ כִּי נִרְצָה עֲוֺנָהּ" – Shadal explains that "" refers to a set amount of work

Present Exile

Yeshayahu's prophecy speaks of the future redemption.  He tells the people not to despair for Hashem will ultimately redeem the nation and return those in exile to Tzion.

Why speak about Messianic times now?