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<category>Coronation of David
<category>Coronation of David
<mekorot><multilink><a href="BavliPesachim119a" data-aht="source">Bavli Pesachim</a><a href="BavliPesachim119a" data-aht="source">Pesachim 119a</a><a href="Talmud Bavli" data-aht="parshan">About the Bavli</a></multilink>,<multilink><a href="RadakTehillim118" data-aht="source"> Radak</a><a href="RadakTehillim118" data-aht="source">Tehillim 118</a><a href="R. David Kimchi (Radak)" data-aht="parshan">About R. David Kimchi</a></multilink>, <multilink><a href="AnonymousNorthernFrenchTehillim118" data-aht="source">Anonymous Northern French</a><a href="AnonymousNorthernFrenchTehillim118" data-aht="source">Tehillim 118</a><a href="Anonymous Northern French" data-aht="parshan">About Anonymous Northern French</a></multilink></mekorot>
<mekorot><multilink><a href="BavliPesachim119a" data-aht="source">Bavli Pesachim</a><a href="BavliPesachim119a" data-aht="source">Pesachim 119a</a><a href="Talmud Bavli" data-aht="parshan">About the Bavli</a></multilink>,<multilink><a href="RadakTehillim118" data-aht="source"> Radak</a><a href="RadakTehillim118" data-aht="source">Tehillim 118</a><a href="R. David Kimchi (Radak)" data-aht="parshan">About R. David Kimchi</a></multilink>, <multilink><a href="AnonymousNorthernFrenchTehillim118" data-aht="source">Anonymous Northern French</a><a href="AnonymousNorthernFrenchTehillim118" data-aht="source">Tehillim 118</a><a href="Anonymous Northern French" data-aht="parshan">About Anonymous Northern French</a></multilink></mekorot>
<point><b>יֹאמַר נָא יִשְׂרָאֵל,&#160; בֵית אַהֲרֹן,&#160;&#160; יִרְאֵי י"י</b></point>
<point><b>יֹאמַר נָא יִשְׂרָאֵל,&#160; בֵית אַהֲרֹן,&#160;&#160; יִרְאֵי י"י</b> – According to Radak, after David was kinged, he called on all of Israel to thank Hashem for his anointment, singling out individual groups which would have specific cause for gratitude:<br/>
<li>He tells Israel at large that they should be thankful for his anointment for he will help them defeat their enemies.</li>
<li>The priests should be grateful that he was replacing Shaul who had killed off the priests of Nov.</li>
<li>The righteous too have reason to praise Hashem, as his reign was to usher in a period pf peace which would give them time to study.</li>
<point><b>"מִן הַמֵּצַר קָרָאתִי"</b></point>
<category name="Thanksgiving Offering">
<category name="Thanksgiving Offering">

Version as of 13:01, 8 April 2019

The Historical Setting of Tehillim 118

Exegetical Approaches

This topic has not yet undergone editorial review

Coronation of David

יֹאמַר נָא יִשְׂרָאֵל,  בֵית אַהֲרֹן,   יִרְאֵי י"י – According to Radak, after David was kinged, he called on all of Israel to thank Hashem for his anointment, singling out individual groups which would have specific cause for gratitude:
  • He tells Israel at large that they should be thankful for his anointment for he will help them defeat their enemies.
  • The priests should be grateful that he was replacing Shaul who had killed off the priests of Nov.
  • The righteous too have reason to praise Hashem, as his reign was to usher in a period pf peace which would give them time to study.
"מִן הַמֵּצַר קָרָאתִי"

Laymen Bringing a Thanksgiving Offering

Sources:RashbamTehillim 118About R. Shemuel b. Meir, Netiv Binah, Daat Mikra

Chizkiyahu and Sancheriv

Redemption in Messianic Times