How Did Esther Conceal Her Nationality/2

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When and How Did Esther Conceal Her Nationality?

Exegetical Approaches

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Until the Banquet

Acahshverosh did not know Esther's nationality until she revealed it at the second party.

Sources:Rashi, R. Yosef Kara, Rashbam, Ibn Ezra, Ralbag  R. MItrani,  R. Yosef NachmiasEsther 2:8About R. Yosef Nachmias, Akeida YitzchakEsther 2:10About R. Yitzchak Arama [majority]
Why conceal her nationality? These sources offer an array of opinions:
  • Aid observance – Ibn Ezra asserts that Esther hid her religion so that she would be able to observe commandments in secret.  If her Judaism were known, Achashverosh might have actively forced her to transgress commandments. 
  • Save the nation – According to the Lekach Tov, the Rokeach and Ralbag, Esther hid her religious identity so that she would be best positioned to save the nation.1
  • Prevent her becoming Queen –

Until She Became Queen

Esther only kept her identity a secret until she was chosen as queen.

Never Concealed

Esther never hid that she was Jewish.