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Moshe – Overview

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Unique Traits

Prophetic Powers



The concluding verses of Torah suggest that no other prophet compares to Moshe, not only in his prophetic prowess, but also in all of the signs and wonders he wrought. What, though, was so exceptional about Moshe's miracle-making? Did not other prophets perform similar feats?1 Commentators explain the greatness of Moshe's miracles in several ways: [See Moshe's Epitaph – Signs and Wonders and Miracles for more.]



Possible Flaws

Misunderstanding Hashem

Commentators disagree as to whether it is legitimate to maintain that Moshe could have ever misunderstand Hashem and His instructions:2

Misunderstanding the Nation

Commentators disagree as to whether this happened:


Commentators disagree as to whether this happened:

  • Moshe could have made errors of judgment – see Mystery at the Malon.
  • Moshe did not make errors of judgment – 



The Torah explicitly notes Moshe's wrath in three places: Shemot 16:20, Vayikra 10:16, and Bemidbar 31:14.

There are a number of additional cases where some commentators claim that Moshe's temper got the better of him - see discussions in Shemot 2, Shemot 32, Bemidbar 20, Bemidbar 32.

Administrative Shortcomings

Some exegetes suggest that Moshe exhibited certain weaknesses as an administrator.

  • Yitro's Advice – When Yitro sees the nation standing online to await Moshe's judgment, he suggests that Moshe delegate some of his responsibilities to lighten the load. Yitro's advice seems like such an obvious and simple solution that one cannot help but wonder: How could it be that Moshe, the greatest of all men and in possession of a direct line to Hashem, needed Yitro's help to figure this out? [For discussion, see Did Moshe Need Yitro's Advice.]
  • Bemidbar 11
  • Moshe and Mei Merivah.– Though many suggest that Moshe's sin at Mei Merivah related to the realm of man and God, others suggest that the problem was one of faulty leadership. The Avvat Nefesh and Minchah BelulahBemidbar 20:12About R. Avraham Porto assert that in "fleeing" to the Tent of Meeting, Moshe betrayed a fear of the nation and an inability to take initiative and rebuke them on his own. For elaboration, see Moshe's Misstep and Mei Merivah.

Speech Impediment

The three verses of Shemot 4:10, 6:12, and 6:30 describe Moshe's speech impediment using the terms of "כְבַד פֶּה וּכְבַד לָשׁוֹן" and "עֲרַל שְׂפָתָיִם‎". Exegetes debate whether or not this disability was of a physical nature, and why Hashem would choose a disabled messenger to be His spokesman. See Moshe's Speech Impediment.

Religious Identity

Was Moshe's Son Uncircumcised and Why?

Upbringing, Marriage and Family Life

Miraculous Birth?

Commentators divide in how they views Moshe's birth and early years, with some presenting

Palace Upbringing

Moshe's Marriage