Nature of the Pre-Shemittah Blessing of the Produce/2

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Nature of the Pre-Shemittah Blessing of the Produce

Exegetical Approaches

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Increased Production

Hashem blessed the land so that it brought forth more grain than usual, enough to sustain the people for thee years.

Sources:Standard interpretation

Produce Goes Further

The amount harvested in the sixth year was no different than in any other year. However, Hashem made a miracle that the same amount of grains would nourish the people for three years instead of the usual one.

Dependent on Faith

The blessing differed in line with the amount of faith held by the people.  When they did not doubt Hashem, He ensured that a regular sized harvest would be of such quality that it could nourish the nation for three years.  However, when the people questioned Hashem, He increased the quantity of the harvest so they could see with their own eyes how it would suffice.