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<h1>Parashat Behaalotekha – Summary</h1>
<h1>Parashat Behaalotekha – Summary</h1>
<dedication class="parashah">
Parashat Behaalotekha has been dedicated by _<br/>
in _ of _.
<ul class="collapsible outline">
<ul class="collapsible outline">
<li><aht subpage="PlainText#8">Parashat Behaalotekha</aht> </li>
<li><aht subpage="PlainText#8">Parashat Behaalotekha</aht> first describes the Children of Israel's final preparations for their imminent entry into the Land of Canaan, and then how the original plan begins to unravel through a series of moral failings.</li>
<li><b></b> – <aht subpage="PlainText#8">Chapter 8</aht> </li>
<li><b>Levite Consecration</b> – In <aht subpage="PlainText#8">Chapter 8</aht>, Aharon receives instructions for the lighting of the menorah, and the Levites are initiated into their service in the Mishkan.</li>
<li><b></b> – <aht subpage="PlainText#9">Chapter 9</aht> </li>
<li><b>Pesach Sheni</b> – <aht subpage="PlainText#9">Chapter 9</aht> presents the laws of a Second Pesach (Pesach Sheni) in response to a petition by individuals who could not bring the Paschal sacrifice  because they were ritually impure. This is followed by a description of the Cloud of Glory and how it served as an indicator of when to travel and when to camp.</li>
<li><b></b> – <aht subpage="PlainText#10">Chapter 10</aht> </li>
<li><b>On the Road</b> – <aht subpage="PlainText#10">Chapter 10</aht> describes the silver trumpets and their use for assembling the nation and commencing travel. The Children of Israel begin traveling in their planned formation from Mount Sinai, on their way to the Land of Canaan. The chapter concludes with Moshe's invitation to Chovav to join the nation on their journey to Canaan.</li>
<li><b></b> – <aht subpage="PlainText#11">Chapter 11</aht> </li>
<li><b>Lust for Meat and Crisis of Leadership</b> – In <aht subpage="PlainText#11">Chapter 11</aht>, the Children of Israel demand that Moshe satiate their lustful desire for meat. God’s twofold response involves the appointment of 70 elders to assist Moshe in governing the people, and a miraculous influx of quail to the Israelite camp that ultimately leads to the punishment of the gluttonous sinners.</li>
<li><b></b> – <aht subpage="PlainText#12">Chapter 12</aht> </li>
<li><b>Moshe Slandered</b> – In <aht subpage="PlainText#12">Chapter 12</aht>, Aharon and Miryam are reprimanded by God for speaking against Moshe, and Miryam is afflicted with leprosy as a punishment.</li>
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<author>Ayelet Rabinowitz</author>

Version as of 05:43, 6 June 2014

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Parashat Behaalotekha – Summary

Parashat Behaalotekha has been dedicated by _
in _ of _.
  • Parashat Behaalotekha first describes the Children of Israel's final preparations for their imminent entry into the Land of Canaan, and then how the original plan begins to unravel through a series of moral failings.
  • Levite Consecration – In Chapter 8, Aharon receives instructions for the lighting of the menorah, and the Levites are initiated into their service in the Mishkan.
  • Pesach SheniChapter 9 presents the laws of a Second Pesach (Pesach Sheni) in response to a petition by individuals who could not bring the Paschal sacrifice because they were ritually impure. This is followed by a description of the Cloud of Glory and how it served as an indicator of when to travel and when to camp.
  • On the RoadChapter 10 describes the silver trumpets and their use for assembling the nation and commencing travel. The Children of Israel begin traveling in their planned formation from Mount Sinai, on their way to the Land of Canaan. The chapter concludes with Moshe's invitation to Chovav to join the nation on their journey to Canaan.
  • Lust for Meat and Crisis of Leadership – In Chapter 11, the Children of Israel demand that Moshe satiate their lustful desire for meat. God’s twofold response involves the appointment of 70 elders to assist Moshe in governing the people, and a miraculous influx of quail to the Israelite camp that ultimately leads to the punishment of the gluttonous sinners.
  • Moshe Slandered – In Chapter 12, Aharon and Miryam are reprimanded by God for speaking against Moshe, and Miryam is afflicted with leprosy as a punishment.

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