Parashat Devarim/ParashahSummary

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Parashat Devarim – Summary

  • Parashat Devarim begins the first of Moshe's speeches to the Children of Israel at the Plains of Moav on the cusp of their entry to the land of Israel. This speech revisits the previous thirty-eight years of history to prepare the nation to reforge their covenant with God.
  • From Horev to Kadesh – In Chapter 1, Moshe retells the nation of the events that transpired after the Children of Israel left Horev to conquer the Land of Israel, focusing on the Sin of the Spies - the event that delayed fulfillment of that plan for thirty-eight long years.
  • Off-Limits Nations and Victory over SichonChapter 2 resumes the historical account from the fortieth year in the wilderness with a description of how Hashem instructed the Israelites to avoid military confrontations with the nations of Esav, Moav, and Ammon, but to do battle with the Amorite king, Sichon.
  • Victory over Og and Apportionment of TransjordanChapter 3 recounts the victory over Og, the king of the Bashan, and the apportionment of the lands conquered from Sichon and Og to the tribes of Reuven, Gad, and half of Menasheh.

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