Parashat Eikev/ParashahSummary

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Parashat Eikev – Summary

  • In Parashat Eikev, Moshe prefaces his discourse on the commandments by establishing their foundations, namely love and fear of God, and by presenting manifold reasons why the Children of Israel should observe these directives.

  • Obedience Leads to Blessing – At the end of Chapter 7, Moshe promises the Children of Israel that if they listen to Hashem’s commandments, they will be blessed with health and military success. Moshe encourages the people not to fear the Canaanite nations, for God will defeat them just as He did the Egyptians.
  • Recognizing God's Hand in Nature – In Chapter 8, Moshe exhorts the Children of Israel to always bear in mind, even during times of prosperity, that it is God who has given them the ability to succeed, and not their own might. Failure to remember this will lead to their destruction.
  • Israel's Sins – In Chapter 9, Moshe warns Israel against thinking that they are entering the Land due to their own virtues. To prove this point, Moshe reminds them of the Sin of the Golden Calf and their other sins in the wilderness, which culminated with the Sin of the Spies.
  • Loving God and Observing His Commandments – In Chapter 10, Moshe recounts how after the Golden Calf, Hashem commanded him regarding the second set of Tablets and selected the Levites to serve Him. Moshe urges the Children of Israel to love and fear God and follow His commandments since He is the master of the universe, He chose our forefathers and their descendants, and He took us out of Egypt.
  • Punishment and RewardChapter 11 opens with an instruction to love God and observe His commandments, for the Children of Israel witnessed His miracles. Moshe encourages the people to keep God's commandments so that they will have the strength to conquer the land and prosper. Failure to do so will lead to material hardships and exile.

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