Parashat Pekudei/VirtualMishkan

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Virtual Mishkan

The Torah devotes a very large amount of text to the blueprints of the Tabernacle and its vessels, yet many details of their construction still remain unclear. Some of these unknowns are relatively obvious, while others become more apparent only when constructing or viewing a model of the Mishkan. The Mishkan pages and their accompanying models will attempt to analyze and illustrate many of the possible understandings of these issues.

The navigable models of the Mishkan, its structure, and its vessels which appear on this site are the work of David Rabinowitz. The models currently require Flash to be installed (and thus cannot yet be viewed on iPads). They are a work in progress, and he welcomes your comments, questions, and suggestions.

Aron HaEidut:  R. Yehuda  /  R. Meir  /  Ibn Ezra
Menorah:  Rashi  /  Rambam
Shulchan, Mizbach HaKetoret, Mizbach HaOlah, Kiyyor
*Complete Mishkan Model* (8 MB)