Parashat Vayakhel/ParashahSummary

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Parashat Vayakhel – Summary

  • Parashat Vayakhel follows the blueprint of the Mishkan laid out in the previous parashot and describes the actual construction of the Mishkan under the guidance of Bezalel and Oholiav.
  • Transmitting God's Commandment to the People – In Chapter 35, Moshe gathers the Children of Israel and conveys all the details regarding the construction of the Mishkan.
  • Construction of the Structure of the MishkanChapter 36 describes the Children of Israel's generous contributions towards the building of the Mishkan and the preparation of the Mishkan tapestries, walls, and curtains.
  • Building the Mishkan VesselsChapters 37-38 continue the detailed description of the building of the Mishkan and its vessels.

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