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Exegetical Approaches

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Hashem Can Be Corporeal

Anthropomorphic verses – According to this approach it is expected that Tanakh should talk about Hashem as if he has a body.
Hashem is limited
"וְאֶל מִי תְדַמְּיוּנִי"
Seeing Hashem
Bereshit 1:26-27 – R. Moshe Taku cites these verses a proof that Hashem has a body.

Hashem Is Not Corporeal

Anthropomorphic verses – Rasag, Rambam and R. Yosef Albo all explain these verses as a figure of speech.  They render the purpose of using such language, as to simplify for the nation so they will be able to relate more easily to Hashem.
Seeing Hashem
  • Hashem's glory – R. Saadia. All the prophets who saw Hashem just saw a bright light from where they heard Hashem. Moshe, who was on a different level, saw a larger light.
  • Intellectual vision – R. Chananel. The prophets did not see any physical vision, rather "saw" Hashem in their hearts.
Bereshit 1:26-27 – The commentators suggest multiple ways of rereading these verses as not to imply that Hashem has an equivalent to a human body: