Prophecy to Achaz – Calamity or Consolation/2

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Prophecy of Calamity or Consolation?

Exegetical Approaches

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Yeshayahu's words constitute a prophecy of consolation and encouragement.  This approach subdivides regarding the event about which Achaz is being comforted:

Only the Syro-Ephraimite Threat

All of Yeshayahu's words relate to the threat posed by the Aramean-Israelite alliance. Yeshayahu tells Achaz that he need not worry about either country since they are both soon to be destroyed by Assyria.

Both the Syro-Ephraimite and the Assyrian Threat

Yeshayahu tells Achaz that he has nothing to fear from Aram and Israel, since assyria is soon to ravage both countries. 


Yeshayahu's words constitute a rebuke to Achaz for not trusting in Hashem's promise that He will aid Yehuda. Achaz is told that, as a punishment, Assyria will smite not only Aram and Israel, but Yehuda as well.