Prophecy to Achaz – Calamity or Consolation/2

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Prophecy of Calamity or Consolation?

Exegetical Approaches

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Yeshayahu's words constitute a prophecy of consolation and encouragement.  This approach subdivides regarding the event about which Achaz is being comforted:

Only the Aramean-Israelite Threat

All of Yeshayahu's words relate to the threat posed by the Aramean-Israelite alliance. Yeshayahu tells Achaz that he need not worry since both countries are soon to be destroyed by Assyria.

Sources:A. Chakham1
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Both the Aramean-Israelite and the Assyrian Threat

Yeshayahu tells Achaz that he has nothing to fear from Aram and Israel, since Assyria is soon to ravage both countries.  Though Assyria will invade Yehuda as well, Yehuda will survive and Sancheriv's army will be defeated.


Yeshayahu's words constitute a rebuke to Achaz for not trusting in Hashem's promise that He will aid Yehuda. Achaz is told that, as a punishment, Assyria will smite not only Aram and Israel, but Yehuda as well.