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< Rachel
Version as of 09:28, 17 November 2021 by Neima (talk | contribs)

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Unique Traits

Possible Flaws

"Give me Children..."

In Bereshit 30:1 Rachel beseeches Yaakov, "Give me children; if not, I am dead!" Yaakov responds harshly, getting angry at her and saying, "Am I in place of God who has kept from you fruit of the womb?"  What did Yaakov find problematic about Rachel's words that he grows so angry?  Was Rachel's lament somehow misplaced, or is it Yaakov who is being insensitive?

  • Rachel erred – Many commentators assume that Yaakov's anger was justified and that Rachel had erred:
  • Yaakov Erred – Bereshit Rabbah71:7About Bereshit Rabbah maintains that Yaakov was in the wrong, presenting Hashem as responding to Yaakov, "כך עונין את המעיקות?!" 
  • Misunderstanding – R"Y Bekhor ShorBereshit 30:1-3About R. Yosef Bekhor Shor4 asserts that Yaakov misunderstood his wife, assuming that she was expecting him to somehow do what Hashem had not, when Rachel had meant only that he should take her maidservant and sire children from her so that Rachel could be their surrogate mother.

Taking the Terafim

Bereshit 31 describes Yaakov's flight from Lavan's house. Surprisingly, the Torah adds that Rachel took advantage of Lavan's absence to steal ("וַתִּגְנֹב") his terafim ("תְּרָפִים"). The chapter provides neither motivation nor justification for Rachel's actions. What are "terafim" and why might Rachel have taken them? How are we to understand the theft? [For full discussion, see Rachel's Stealing of the Terafim.]




    Rivalry with Leah

    Love of Yaakov