Relationship Between Vayikra 1-5 and 6-7/2

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Relationship Between Vayikra 1-5 and 6-7

Exegetical Approaches

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Complement Vayikra 1-5

The laws of Vayikra 6-7 complement those in Vayikra 1-5.  The directives of Vayikra 1-5 focus on the bringing and preparation of the sacrifice, while the laws of Chapters 6-7 focus on the apportioning of the sacrifices.

Target of the command – The laws of Vayikra 1-5 are directed at lay Israelites ("דַּבֵּר אֶל בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל") who bring the sacrifices,2 while the commands of Vayikra 6-7 are aimed at the priests ("צַו אֶת אַהֲרֹן וְאֶת בָּנָיו") who apportion them. This accords with the focus of each unit.
Order of the sacrifices – The sacrifices in Parashat Vayikra are listed according to the level of obligation mandating their offering, while those of Parashat Tzav are ordered according to whom each is apportioned. Again, this is in line with the theme of each unit.
  • Thus, Vayikra 1-5 moves from voluntary offerings (Olah, Minchah and Shelamim) to obligatory sacrifices brought as atonement for sin (Chatat and Asham).3
  • In contrast, Parashat Tzav moves from קדשי קדשים to קדשים קלים.  The Olah is listed first as it is offered totally to Hashem.4  The Minchah and Chatat follow as there are examples of each which are for God exclusively5 and others that are shared also by the priest.6 The Asham, which is always divided between Hashem and the priest, comes next, while the unit closes with the Shelamim which is shared also by the lay Israelite.7
Sacrificial procedure – On the whole, Vayikra 1-5 details the sacrificial procedure for each offering, while Vayikra 6-7 does not. This is logical if we assume that Vayikra 6-7 revolves mainly around the allocating of the portions and not the dynamics of the offering itself. This position, though, must explain two exceptions to the rule: the Minchah whose procedure is mentioned in both units, and the Asham, whose protocol is mentioned only in Vayikra 6-7:
  • The Minchah – As the Minchah is a meal offering which does not require slaughter, sprinkling of blood, or the like, its preparation is basically equivalent to its allotment between the altar and the priest, and so it is mentioned in both units.8
  • The Asham – It is not clear, according to this position, why the Asham's sacrificial procedure is not mention in Vayikra 1-5, where expected.
Reasons for bringing the offerings – As expected, only in Parashat Vayikra do the verses explain why the various sacrifices are brought, listing the sins and circumstances which mandate bringing a Chatat or Asham.
Subtypes of sacrifices listed – As Vayikra 1-5 focuses on the bringing of the sacrifice, it is only these verses which distinguish between the different animals which can be brought for each sacrifice and the various types of meal offerings.9
Minchat Kohen Mashiach and ShalmeiTodah – Both the Minchah of the Kohen Mashiach and the Thanksgiving Offering, a type of Shelamim, are mentioned only in Parashat Tzav.  This position would explain that since each of these has certain laws regarding the allocation of the sacrifice that distinguish it from other offerings in its category,10 they needed to be mentioned individually as a contrast to the other similar offerings.11  They are omitted from Parashat Vayikra because this distinction is irrelevant there, as the unit does not focus on the apportioning of the sacrifice.12
Guiding word - "זֹאת תּוֹרַת" – This phrase repeats throughout the unit of Vayikra 6-7,13 yet never appears in Vayikra 1-5.  As the phase is often understood to mean "procedure",14 this is somewhat surprising considering that it is specifically in Parashat Vayikra that most of the sacrificial procedures are enumerated. However, translated literally, the words "זֹאת תּוֹרַת" simply mean "this is the teaching" or "laws of..." and, as such, in context, might refer to the laws of allocating each sacrifice.15
Offering of the Ashes and eternal fire – As the process of removing the ashes has nothing to do with the lay Israelite's bringing of the sacrifice, it is not mentioned in Vayikra 1-5.  Moreover, as the ashes highlight how the entire offering had been given to Hashem, it is appropriate to the discussions of Parashat Tzav.
Ohel Moed vs. Har Sinai – It is not clear why one set of laws would be given at Har Sinai and the other in the Ohel Moed. Ramban16 attempts to explain that really the two phrases refer to the same place, the Tabernacle.17  When the verses speaks of Mt. Sinai, it means in front of the mountain,18 where the Ohel Moed was stationed.19
The conclusion: "זֹאת הַתּוֹרָה לָעֹלָה... וְלַמִּלּוּאִים" – This approach must explain why the miluim are mentioned in the closing sentences of Vayikra 7 if those sacrifices are not mentioned in either Parshat Vayikra or Parashat Tzav.

Supplement Shemot 29

The laws of Vayikra 6-7 supplement the laws regarding the Miluim in Shemot 29, adding laws specific to the priest which were relevant not only for this ceremony but for future generations as well. The laws of Vayikra 1-5 are detached from the ceremony of the Miluim and focus on laws governing the individual's bringing of sacrifices throughout the generations

Sources:R. D"Z Hoffmann
Ohel Moed vs. Har Sinai – R. Hoffmann's hypothesis is based on this distinction in the location in which each set of laws was given.  Since the verses teach that the laws of Vayikra 6-7 were given on Mt. Sinai, he concludes that they were given before, and not together with, the laws of Vayikra 1-5.  As such, they serve to supplement not these chapters but rather Shemot 29 which was similalry relayed on the mountain.
The conclusion: "זֹאת הַתּוֹרָה לָעֹלָה... וְלַמִּלּוּאִים" – R. Hoffmann suggests that the inclusion of the "Miluim" in the closing verses of Vayikra 6-7 proves that the verses form a conclusion not just to these chapters but also to Shemot 29 which discusses the Miluimin detail.  As such, all three chapters form one unit and were commanded together.
"זֹאת מִשְׁחַת אַהֲרֹן וּמִשְׁחַת בָּנָיו...  בְּיוֹם מׇשְׁחוֹ" – This verse, too, clearly connects Chapters 6-7 to the events of the Days of Consecration mandated in Shemot 29.
"וְהִשְׁלִיךְ אֹתָהּ אֵצֶל הַמִּזְבֵּחַ קֵדְמָה אֶל מְקוֹם הַדָּשֶׁן" – R. Hoffman points to this verse as proof that the laws of Vayikra 1-5 were given after those of Vayikra 6-7 and are aware of them. The verse assumes knowledge of the place where the ashes of the Olah were brought, even though this is mentioned nowhere in this unit and only in Parashat Tzav.
Why here? This position must explain why Vayikra 6-7 are separated from Shemot 29, if they were given together.  R.  Hoffmann answers that though both sets of chapters are aimed at the priests and elaborate on their service, Shemot 29  only includes those laws which were needed for the Days of Consecration themselves, while Vayikra 6-7 adds those laws which are relevant for all time.
Sacrificial procedure – Vayikra 6-7 does not delve into the procedures for most of the sacrifices not because they are mentioned in 1-5 (which was only given later) but because they were relayed already in Shemot 29.
Elaboration regarding the Olah
Minchat Kohen Mashiach