Shabbat Table Topics – Parashat Bemidbar/0/he

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נושאים לשולחן שבת – פרשת במדבר

Choosing the Levites

When and why was the tribe of Levi chosen to be the priests and Levites?  Was the selection merit-based?  If so, for what actions?  Why were the firstborns replaced?

Tanakh and Ancient Near Eastern Studies

Sefer Bemidbar opens with a census of the nation, taken a mere few months after an earlier census described in שמות ל"ח, when the nation had been counted via their half shekel donations to the Mishkan.  But why was it necessary to count the people twice in such a short period?  In addition, surprisingly, the tallies of the two censuses are identical.  How is this possible?  Were there no deaths or births in the intervening months? 

Is the Torah Chronological?

When recording any story, an author must balance the competing demands of chronological and thematic order.  The Torah is no exception, and though chronological order appears to be its default setting, at times this is sacrificed to achieve other objectives.


לעוד נושאים בפרשה, ראו: רשימת נושאים – פרשת במדבר.