Shas:Objects Which May Be Loaned/2

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Objects Which May Be Loaned

Exegetical Approaches

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The Facts of the Case Prove Ownership

Legal possession is entirely dependent on physical possession, and thus the defendant, who maintains physical possession, is also in legal possession of the object. However, the dubious nature of the transfer of possession, is enough to prove the claimant's case. This approach subdivides regarding the details of the dubiousness of the transfer, which depend on the chosen textual variant.

The Original Owner Has Legal Possession

Legal possession is dependent on the facts of the case, and need not follow the physical possession. If physical possession is unlikely to have been caused by a sale, then legal possession returns to the original owner. Thus, in such cases, despite the defendant being in physical possession of the object, the claimant retains his original legal possession, which results in a ruling in his favor.

Either, Depending on Object

Legal possession is dependent on the object, and need not follow the physical possession. If physical possession of a certain object can happen legally without a sale, then legal possession returns to the original owner (thus resulting directly in a ruling favoring the claimant). If, however, it is unlikely that that object will be transferred legally without a sale, then legal possession remains with the physical possessor, which will require proof that the transfer of possession is dubious enough, in order to override the legal possession (also resulting in a ruling favoring the claimant).