Sin and Slaughter of Shekhem/2

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Shimon and Levi in Shekhem

Exegetical Approaches


Entire city was guilty

Did Shechem deserve death? Rambam,  Abarbanel and Or HaChayyim maintain that the act of taking DIna against her will falls under the category of "theft" which is a capital crime under the Noahide laws.1 Tosafot, on the other hand, apparently assumes that it is justified to punish rape with death, even though neither Noahide nor Torah law does so.2
In what did the city sin? These commentators differ in their assessment of the specific wrongdoing of the people of the city:
  • Condoning the Act – Ibn Kaspi and Abarbanel assert that the people of  Shechem did not protest the taking of Dina, and as such were guilty of complicity.3 Rambam adds that in not prosecuting Shechem, they violated the Noahide law to institute legal procedures, which is itself punishable by death.4
  • Actively took Dina – Or HaChayyim asserts that the people of the city participated in the taking of Dina, thereby transgressing the Noahide Law of Theft.5
  • Joined in the sexual assault – Tosafot goes even a step further to suggest that Dina was raped by the other men of Shechem as well.6
"אֲשֶׁר טִמְּאוּ" – Tosafot, Ibn Kaspi and Or HaChayyim point to these words as evidence that the entire city was implicated in the crime. 
"וַיַּעֲנוּ בְנֵי יַעֲקֹב... בְּמִרְמָה"
Yaakov's reaction: "עכרתם אותי"
Hashem's evaluation: protection, choosing of Levi
Why did they kill them on the third day?
Taking of the Spoils – Or HaChayyim justifies the looting as payment for embarrassing Dina and the family ("דמי בושת").
Shimon and Levi versus the other brothers
Yaakov's blessing in Bereshit 49
Polemical motivations

Practically necessary to retrieve Dina

Yaakov's reaction
Hashem's evaluation
"וַיַּעֲנוּ בְנֵי יַעֲקֹב... בְּמִרְמָה"
"אֲשֶׁר טִמְּאוּ"
Why did they kill them on the third day?
Taking of the Spoils
Shimon and Levi versus the other brothers
Yaakov's blessing in Bereshit 49
Polemical motivations

Shechemites reneged on the deal

Yaakov's reaction
Hashem's evaluation
"וַיַּעֲנוּ בְנֵי יַעֲקֹב... בְּמִרְמָה"
"אֲשֶׁר טִמְּאוּ"
Why did they kill them on the third day?
Taking of the Spoils
Shimon and Levi versus the other brothers
Yaakov's blessing in Bereshit 49
Polemical motivations

Deterrence for the future

Yaakov's reaction
Hashem's evaluation
"וַיַּעֲנוּ בְנֵי יַעֲקֹב... בְּמִרְמָה"
"אֲשֶׁר טִמְּאוּ"
Why did they kill them on the third day?
Taking of the Spoils
Shimon and Levi versus the other brothers
Yaakov's blessing in Bereshit 49
Polemical motivations


Yaakov's reaction
Hashem's evaluation
"וַיַּעֲנוּ בְנֵי יַעֲקֹב... בְּמִרְמָה"
"אֲשֶׁר טִמְּאוּ"
Why did they kill them on the third day?
Taking of the Spoils
Shimon and Levi versus the other brothers
Yaakov's blessing in Bereshit 49
Polemical motivations