Two Accounts of Shaul's Death/2

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Did the Amalekite Kill Shaul?

Exegetical Approaches




The Amalekite Killed Shaul

Who killed Shaul – Shaul originally asked his arms bearer to kill him, who refused, so then he tried to fall on his sword unsuccessfully, and only died after the Amalekite killed him completely.  According to this approach the Amalekite didn't lie rather actually killed Shaul, just the story in Shemuel I 31 omitted that part of the story.
הַחֶרֶב and חֲנִיתוֹ
הַמּוֹרִים and הָרֶכֶב וּבַעֲלֵי הַפָּרָשִׁים
Why two stories
David's double question
"כִּי אֲחָזַנִי הַשָּׁבָץ" – Ralbag says this verse explains why Shaul didn't totally die when he fell on his sword, because the cloths he was wearing were משובץ, meaning strong so a sword can't go through easily.
Why kill the Amalekite – It is obvious following this reading, that David ordered the killing of the Amalekite because he actually killed Shaul.

Shaul Killed Himself

Who killed Shaul – Shaul killed himself, and the Amalekite lied saying that he killed Shaul to find favor in the eyes of David.
Why kill the Na'ar
David's double question
No mention of the lie
The נֵּזֶר and אֶצְעָדָה