Who was Enslaved in Egypt/2

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Who was Enslaved in Egypt?

Exegetical Approaches

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The entire Israelite nation was enslaved.


The Israelites worked for Paroh in shifts.  Each labored at the palace for several weeks or months and then was free to go home until his next shift.

וַיָּשִׂימוּ עָלָיו שָׂרֵי מִסִּים

Those Who Could Not Afford the Monetary Tax

The Israelites were expected to pay a monetary tax to Paroh; only those who could not afford it worked instead.

וַיָּשִׂימוּ עָלָיו שָׂרֵי מִסִּים – Ralbag understands "מִסִּים" to refer to a monetary payment. 
Freedom of Movement – Ralbag points out that it does not appear that all of the nation was enslaved since