Why Permit Slavery/2

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Why Permit Slavery

Exegetical Approaches

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Beneficial to the Slave

The institution of slavery improves the lot of the slave so that he benefits rather than suffers from his enslavement.  The position subdivides regarding whether the benefit received is physical or spiritual in nature:

Physical Benefit

Slavery improves the physical conditions of the person being enslaved.

Hebrew vs. Canaanite slave
מֵהֶם תִּקְנוּ עֶבֶד וְאָמָה – According to R. Hirsch and R. Uziel it is forbidden to turn a free person into a Canaanite slave against his will.  One is permitted to buy only someone who already has slave status, for the whole purpose is to save them from the harsh treatment being born under the foreign master.  This might be learned from the fact that the verse does not simply say  "כִּי תִקְנֶה עֶבֶד כנעני" but rather emphasizes that one is buying the slave from others.
"גַם מִבְּנֵי הַתּוֹשָׁבִים הַגָּרִים עִמָּכֶם מֵהֶם תִּקְנוּ" – This verse would seem to be difficult for R. Hirsch, as it implies that one is allowed to buy a slave from local residents (even though they are not already  enslaved under harsh conditions).  This is likely what leads R. Hirsch to explain that the verse means that such a resident can sell himself at his own volition (not that one can forcefully buy him).1
Freedom for knocking out  a limb
Penalty for killing
לְעֹלָם בָּהֶם תַּעֲבֹדוּ
וּבְאַחֵיכֶם בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל... לֹא תִרְדֶּה בוֹ בְּפָרֶךְ
Why not free them totally?

Spiritual Benefit

Enslavement of a Gentile gives him opportunity for moral and religious growth.

Concession to Human Nature

The institution of slavery is undesirable and permitted only to prevent worse evils.