Yiftach's Vow/2

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Yiftach's Vow

Exegetical Approaches

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Sanctified His Daughter to Hashem

Yiftach's plan – These commentators read the verse "וְהָיָה לַי"י וְהַעֲלִיתִיהוּ עֹלָה" as two options, depending on who or what will come out of Yiftach's house.  If it will be an animal, his fate will be to be sacrificed, and if it will be a human, "וְהָיָה לַי"י" and the person will be holy all their life.  The וי"ו of "וְהַעֲלִיתִיהוּ" serves instead of the word או.‎1
"וְהָיָה לַי"י וְהַעֲלִיתִיהוּ עֹלָה" – Radak and Ralbag explain that Yiftach's daughter was to be seclusive from the rest of the world.  Ralbag explicates that she couldn't marry any man, in contrast to Shemuel who was to be seclusive but could get married because he is special to Hashem's service in other ways.
Purpose of Yiftach's vow
"וַתֵּבְךְּ עַל בְּתוּלֶיהָ" – This approach understands that Yiftach's daughter cried about her בתולים because she wasn't going to get married.
"לְתַנּוֹת לְבַת יִפְתָּח" – The whole year round Yiftach's daughter lived in seclusion, and only four days a year would people come to visit her and comfort her.
Evaluation of Yiftach's action
Spiritual level of the nation
Annulling the vow
Purpose of the story

Sacrificed His Daughter

Intentional Outcome

Yiftach's plan – According to this approach, Yiftach's original vow was to sacrifice a human.
"וְהָיָה לַי"י וְהַעֲלִיתִיהוּ עֹלָה" – These words mean literally to sacrifice to Hashem
Purpose of Yiftach's vow – Hoil Moshe notes that in the Ancient Near East many people would vow such things especially when they were in battles or in a case of misfortune.
"וַתֵּבְךְּ עַל בְּתוּלֶיהָ" – Hoil Moshe reads that Yiftach's daughter asked for two months to cry that she did not have a chance to bear children and be a mother.
"לְתַנּוֹת לְבַת יִפְתָּח" – The young virgins would go to the grave of Yiftach's daughter to cry on it, because she didn't have any children to cry on her grave.
Evaluation of Yiftach's action – It is surprising that the verses don't note not to follow Yiftach's action.
Spiritual level of the nation
Annulling the vow – Yiftach had no desire to annul the vow
Purpose of the story – The story comes to teach us the low level of the nation, that even their leader brought a human sacrifice and murdered his daughter.

Mistaken Outcome

Yiftach's intention was to sacrifice an animal.

Yiftach's plan
"וְהָיָה לַי"י וְהַעֲלִיתִיהוּ עֹלָה"
Purpose of Yiftach's vow
"וַתֵּבְךְּ עַל בְּתוּלֶיהָ"
"לְתַנּוֹת לְבַת יִפְתָּח"
Evaluation of Yiftach's action
Spiritual level of the nation
Annulling the vow
Purpose of the story