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<page type="Introduction">
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<h1>R. Yosef Bekhor Shor's Torah Commentary</h1>
<h1>R. Yosef Bekhor Shor's Torah Commentary</h1>
<div style="text-align:center; font-weight:bold" class="header"><a href="http://mg.alhatorah.org/SP/R._Yosef_Bekhor_Shor/Bereshit/1" class="btn" style="color:#832525">Open Text of Commentary</a><br/></div>
<div style="text-align:center; font-weight:bold" class="header"><a href="http://mg.alhatorah.org/Dual/R._Yosef_Bekhor_Shor/Bereshit/1" class="btn" style="color:#832525">Open Text of Commentary</a><br/></div>
<h2 name="Identifying the Author">Identification of the Author of the Commentary</h2>
<h2 name="Identifying the Author">Identification of the Author of the Commentary</h2>
<p>R. Yosef Bekhor Shor's Torah commentary has survived in only one<fn>There are not even any additional surviving fragments of the commentary.  The MS Parma Archivio di Stato 56981 fragments (containing sections of a commentary on Devarim 29-32) derive from the Sefer HaGan, despite their being mistakenly catalogued as from R"Y Bekhor Shor.</fn> mid-sixteenth century<fn>The manuscript contains commentaries of R"Y Bekhor Shor, Ralbag and R. Yosef Kara, and a colophon at the end of Ralbag's commentary on Shir HaShirim notes that its transcription was completed at the end of Adar I of 5309 (1549).  This would likely be at least 350 years after the commentary was authored (this is only an approximation as we do not have exact dates for R"Y Bekhor Shor or the writing of his commentary).</fn> manuscript, <a href="http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0010/bsb00103783/images/index.html">MS Munich 52</a>. This manuscript has thus served as the basis for all printed editions of the commentary,<fn>The commentary was published piecemeal from this manuscript, beginning in the mid 19th century. Bereshit and Shemot were published by A. Jellinek (Leipzig, 1856), Vayikra by M. Halevi in HaZofeh LeHokhmat Yisrael 8 (1924), Bemidbar 1–15 by J. Neumann (Frankfurt, 1900), Bemidbar 16–36 by M. Bamberger (Budapest, 1928), Devarim 1–15 by A. Zweig (Breslau, 1914), and Devarim 32 and 34 by G. Walter (Breslau, 1890). The first complete edition was published by Y. Gad (Yerushalayim, 1956-1960), and this was followed by Y. Nevo (Yerushalayim, 1994) and a version incorporated in Mikraot Gedolot HaKeter, ed. M. Cohen (Ramat Gan, 1997-2013). This AlHaTorah.org edition has benefited from the collective wisdom of these earlier editions.</fn> including the current <a href="http://mg.alhatorah.org">AlHaTorah.org edition</a>.&#160; That R. Yosef Bekhor Shor was the author of this commentary is clear from several pieces of evidence: an internal self-reference in the commentary,<fn>See Devarim 10:10: "ונתתי אני בכור שור סימן". This remark is reproduced in the Sefer HaGan in the name of R"Y Bekhor Shor, and it is also cited in his name in הגהות בספר המנהגים של ר' אייזיק טירנא, שחרית של חול, הגהה י"ז (it is unclear, however, whether the latter was using a copy of R"Y Bekhor Shor's commentary or was merely citing it secondhand from Sefer HaGan or later Tosafist works).The initial folio of MS Munich 52 also proclaims in large letters: "בכור שור". However, this alone is not sufficient proof, as also other manuscripts such as MSS Leiden 27 and London Or 2853 were erroneously attributed in their opening pages to R"Y Bekhor Shor (despite their citations of many later commentators).</fn> near verbatim citations of many passages from the commentary by other exegetes,<fn>The Sefer HaGan cites R. Yosef Bekhor Shor by name on sixty-three occasions, of which fifty-six can be found in MS Munich 52 (see below regarding the additional seven).  [See also note below for Sefer HaGan's statement that he copied from R"Y Bekhor Shor's autograph copy.]  Similarly, see below that almost all of the firsthand citations of R"Y Bekhor Shor in other Tosafist compendiums (e.g. all forty-three citations in Paneach Raza (MS Oxford Opp. 103) on Devarim) can be found in MS Munich 52. [See also below that many of the Tosafist works are merely citing R"Y Bekhor Shor secondhand via the Sefer HaGan, and thus do not constitute independent evidence.]</fn> and near verbatim citations of some its interpretations in other assorted Rabbinic literature.<fn>This diverse array of works includes:
<p>R. Yosef Bekhor Shor's Torah commentary has survived in only one<fn>There are not even any additional surviving fragments of the commentary.  The MS Parma Archivio di Stato 56981 fragments (containing sections of a commentary on Devarim 29-32) derive from the Sefer HaGan, despite their being mistakenly catalogued as from R"Y Bekhor Shor.</fn> mid-sixteenth century<fn>The manuscript contains commentaries of R"Y Bekhor Shor, Ralbag and R. Yosef Kara, and a colophon at the end of Ralbag's commentary on Shir HaShirim notes that its transcription was completed at the end of Adar I of 5309 (1549).  This would likely be at least 350 years after the commentary was authored (this is only an approximation as we do not have exact dates for R"Y Bekhor Shor or the writing of his commentary).</fn> manuscript, <a href="http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0010/bsb00103783/images/index.html">MS Munich 52</a>. This manuscript has thus served as the basis for all printed editions of the commentary,<fn>The commentary was published piecemeal from this manuscript, beginning in the mid 19th century. Bereshit and Shemot were published by A. Jellinek (Leipzig, 1856), Vayikra by M. Halevi in HaZofeh LeHokhmat Yisrael 8 (1924), Bemidbar 1–15 by J. Neumann (Frankfurt, 1900), Bemidbar 16–36 by M. Bamberger (Budapest, 1928), Devarim 1–15 by A. Zweig (Breslau, 1914), and Devarim 32 and 34 by G. Walter (Breslau, 1890). The first complete edition was published by Y. Gad (Yerushalayim, 1956-1960), and this was followed by Y. Nevo (Yerushalayim, 1994) and a version incorporated in Mikraot Gedolot HaKeter, ed. M. Cohen (Ramat Gan, 1997-2013). This AlHaTorah.org edition has benefited from the collective wisdom of these earlier editions.</fn> including the current <a href="http://mg.alhatorah.org">AlHaTorah.org edition</a>.&#160; That R. Yosef Bekhor Shor was the author of this commentary is clear from several pieces of evidence: an internal self-reference in the commentary,<fn>See Devarim 10:10: "ונתתי אני בכור שור סימן". This remark is reproduced in the Sefer HaGan in the name of R"Y Bekhor Shor, and it is also cited in his name in הגהות בספר המנהגים של ר' אייזיק טירנא, שחרית של חול, הגהה י"ז (it is unclear, however, whether the latter was using a copy of R"Y Bekhor Shor's commentary or was merely citing it secondhand from Sefer HaGan or later Tosafist works).The initial folio of MS Munich 52 also proclaims in large letters: "בכור שור". However, this alone is not sufficient proof, as also other manuscripts such as MSS Leiden 27 and London Or 2853 were erroneously attributed in their opening pages to R"Y Bekhor Shor (despite their citations of many later commentators).</fn> near verbatim citations of many passages from the commentary by other exegetes,<fn>The Sefer HaGan cites R. Yosef Bekhor Shor by name on sixty-three occasions, of which fifty-six can be found in MS Munich 52 (see below regarding the additional seven).  [See also note below for Sefer HaGan's statement that he copied from R"Y Bekhor Shor's autograph copy.]  Similarly, see below that almost all of the firsthand citations of R"Y Bekhor Shor in other Tosafist compendiums (e.g. all forty-three citations in Paneach Raza (MS Oxford Opp. 103) on Devarim) can be found in MS Munich 52. [See also below that many of the Tosafist works are merely citing R"Y Bekhor Shor secondhand via the Sefer HaGan, and thus do not constitute independent evidence.]</fn> and near verbatim citations of some its interpretations in other assorted Rabbinic literature.<fn>This diverse array of works includes:
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<h2 name="Accuracy of Manuscript">Scribal Accuracy of MS Munich 52</h2>
<h2 name="Accuracy of Manuscript">Scribal Accuracy of MS Munich 52</h2>
<p>As several centuries elapsed between R. Yosef Bekhor Shor's authoring of his commentary and its lone surviving transcription by the scribe of MS Munich 52,<fn>See the note above for the dating.</fn> the text of the manuscript must be examined for errors which may have crept into the text during its lengthy process of transmission.<fn>As it is exceedingly rare that a scribe succeeds in making a perfect reproduction, care needs to be exercised when utilizing a lone textual witness, even if it is a relatively early copy. The concern, though, is heightened in the case at hand, given the likelihood that there were several degrees of separation (or textual stages) between the Munich MS and the original, and corruptions likely came about at every step of the way.</fn> We are thus fortunate that R"Y Bekhor Shor's commentary was popular among later Tosafist exegetes and anthologizers, as their abundant citations of his interpretations serve in many cases as additional textual witnesses for particular passages from the commentary.<fn>They also shed light on the mystery of the הגהות – see below.</fn> The importance of mining this important resource was underscored already by S. Poznanski,<fn>In his seminal introduction, "מבוא על חכמי צרפת מפרשי המקרא", to his edition of פירוש על יחזקאל ותרי עשר לרבי אליעזר מבלגנצי (Warsaw, 1914): 74.</fn> over a century ago:</p>
<p>As several centuries elapsed between R. Yosef Bekhor Shor's authoring of his commentary and its lone surviving transcription by the scribe of MS Munich 52,<fn>See the note above for the dating.</fn> the text of the manuscript must be examined for errors which may have crept into the text during its lengthy process of transmission.<fn>As it is exceedingly rare that a scribe succeeds in making a perfect reproduction, care needs to be exercised when utilizing a lone textual witness, even if it is a relatively early copy. The concern, though, is heightened in the case at hand, given the likelihood that there were several degrees of separation (or textual stages) between the Munich MS and the original, and corruptions likely came about at every step of the way.</fn> We are thus fortunate that R"Y Bekhor Shor's commentary was popular among later Tosafist exegetes and anthologizers, as their abundant citations of his interpretations serve in many cases as additional textual witnesses for particular passages from the commentary.<fn>They also shed light on the mystery of the הגהות – see below.</fn> The importance of mining this resource was underscored already by S. Poznanski,<fn>In his seminal introduction, "מבוא על חכמי צרפת מפרשי המקרא", to his edition of פירוש על יחזקאל ותרי עשר לרבי אליעזר מבלגנצי (Warsaw, 1914): 74.</fn> over a century ago:</p>
<q dir="rtl" lang="he">על כל פנים על כל הבא להוציא את פירוש בכור שור בשלמותו להתבונן היטב בכל קובצי תוספות על התורה הנודעים למען השלים החסר ולהעמיד הגירסאות על מכונתן, ואל הוצאה שלמה כזאת יכסוף לב כל חובב דברי קדמוננו.&#160;</q>
<q dir="rtl" lang="he">על כל פנים על כל הבא להוציא את פירוש בכור שור בשלמותו להתבונן היטב בכל קובצי תוספות על התורה הנודעים למען השלים החסר ולהעמיד הגירסאות על מכונתן, ואל הוצאה שלמה כזאת יכסוף לב כל חובב דברי קדמוננו.&#160;</q>
<p>In our efforts to reconstruct the original text of R. Yosef Bekhor Shor's commentary, the <a href="http://mg.alhatorah.org">AlHaTorah.org edition</a> has systematically compared the text of MS Munich 52 with the known firsthand citations of its interpretations, particularly those found in the Sefer HaGan<fn>The Sefer HaGan is a particularly valuable resource, as approximately a full fifty percent of the work draws from the interpretations of R"Y Bekhor Shor (in many sections of the Sefer HaGan, interpretation after interpretation is lifted straight from R"Y Bekhor Shor). See also J. Orlian, in his introduction to ספר הג"ן (Jerusalem, 2009): 45, who notes the value of Sefer HaGan for improving various readings in the text of MS Munich 52. It should also be noted that, conversely, it is very important to use R"Y Bekhor Shor as well as other Tosafist manuscripts for correcting and completing some of the missing passages in the text of Sefer HaGan.<br/>[It should be emphasized, though, that the great value of the Sefer HaGan as a textual witness for the text of R"Y Bekhor Shor does not bolster the opposite claim (made in the introduction there) that material from the Sefer HaGan found its way back into the text of R"Y Bekhor Shor. The enormous percentage of the Sefer HaGan which is drawn directly from R"Y Bekhor Shor supports the default assumption that R"Y Bekhor Shor is the source of the interpretations found in both works, and there is no solid evidence of influence in the reverse direction. Additionally, that some later Tosafist compilations sometimes cite the Sefer HaGan as the source for interpretations found in MS Munich 52 also in no way proves that the Sefer HaGan was the author of these interpretations. It rather results from the simple reality (see below) that these later commentators were working off the Sefer HaGan, and not a copy of R"Y Bekhor Shor's commentary.&#160; As a result, they were unaware that the Sefer HaGan had taken these interpretations (without attribution, as it did in hundreds of other instances) from R"Y Bekhor Shor.]</fn> and Paneach Raza.<fn>See below that in the case of the Paneach Raza, only the citations in Devarim appear to be firsthand, while those in earlier Chumashim seem to be based primarily on the Sefer HaGan.  It should also be noted that all printed editions of the Paneach Raza reflect the heavily redacted version initially published by the Maharal's son-in-law, to the point where frequently the original contours of the commentary can no longer be recognized.  All of these editions are of little value for the subtle textual matters under examination, and thus our comparison utilized various manuscripts of the Paneach Raza (particularly MS Oxford Opp. 103).</fn> The analysis of these parallels has enabled hundreds of improvements of the text found in MS Munich 52, and these are all noted in the edition's textual apparatus. When full words or sentences have been added, they are also enclosed by curly braces.</p>
<p>In our efforts to reconstruct the original text of R. Yosef Bekhor Shor's commentary, the <a href="http://mg.alhatorah.org">AlHaTorah.org edition</a> has systematically compared the text of MS Munich 52 with the known firsthand citations of its interpretations, particularly those found in the Sefer HaGan<fn>The Sefer HaGan is a particularly valuable resource, as approximately a full fifty percent of the work draws from the interpretations of R"Y Bekhor Shor (in many sections of the Sefer HaGan, interpretation after interpretation is lifted straight from R"Y Bekhor Shor). See also J. Orlian, in his introduction to ספר הג"ן (Jerusalem, 2009): 45, who notes the value of Sefer HaGan for improving various readings in the text of MS Munich 52. It should also be noted that, conversely, it is very important to use R"Y Bekhor Shor as well as other Tosafist manuscripts for correcting and completing some of the missing passages in the text of Sefer HaGan.<br/>[It should be emphasized, though, that the great value of the Sefer HaGan as a textual witness for the text of R"Y Bekhor Shor does not bolster the opposite claim (made in the introduction there) that material from the Sefer HaGan found its way back into the text of R"Y Bekhor Shor. The enormous percentage of the Sefer HaGan which is drawn directly from R"Y Bekhor Shor supports the default assumption that R"Y Bekhor Shor is the source of the interpretations found in both works, and there is no solid evidence of influence in the reverse direction. Additionally, that some later Tosafist compilations sometimes cite the Sefer HaGan as the source for interpretations found in MS Munich 52 also in no way proves that the Sefer HaGan was the author of these interpretations. It rather results from the simple reality (see below) that these later commentators were working off the Sefer HaGan, and not a copy of R"Y Bekhor Shor's commentary.&#160; As a result, they were unaware that the Sefer HaGan had taken these interpretations (without attribution, as it did in hundreds of other instances) from R"Y Bekhor Shor.]</fn> and Paneach Raza.<fn>See below that in the case of the Paneach Raza, only the citations in Devarim appear to be firsthand, while those in earlier Chumashim seem to be based primarily on the Sefer HaGan.  It should also be noted that all printed editions of the Paneach Raza reflect the heavily redacted version initially published by the Maharal's son-in-law, to the point where frequently the original contours of the commentary can no longer be recognized.  All of these editions are of little value for the subtle textual matters under examination, and thus our comparison utilized various manuscripts of the Paneach Raza (particularly MS Oxford Opp. 103).</fn> The analysis of these parallels has enabled hundreds of improvements of the text found in MS Munich 52, and these are all noted in the edition's textual apparatus. When full words or sentences have been added, they are also enclosed by curly braces.</p>
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<p>There are a number of factors which argue in favor of at least many, if not almost all,<fn>There are, however, some exceptions.  At least the second part of the הגה"ה in Shemot 24:11 is not from R"Y Bekhor Shor, as it cites "ר' ישעיה מטרנא" (and this interpretation is, in fact, found in MS Cambridge 377.3).  See also the הגה"ה to Shemot 22:20 which is cited in the Sefer HaGan in the name of ר' יצחק ב"ר יוסף (noted by J. Orlian in his introduction to ספר הג"ן (Jerusalem, 2009): 45).</fn> of these הגהות being later additions or updates of R. Yosef Bekhor Shor himself:</p>
<p>There are a number of factors which argue in favor of at least many, if not almost all,<fn>There are, however, some exceptions.  At least the second part of the הגה"ה in Shemot 24:11 is not from R"Y Bekhor Shor, as it cites "ר' ישעיה מטרנא" (and this interpretation is, in fact, found in MS Cambridge 377.3).  See also the הגה"ה to Shemot 22:20 which is cited in the Sefer HaGan in the name of ר' יצחק ב"ר יוסף (noted by J. Orlian in his introduction to ספר הג"ן (Jerusalem, 2009): 45).</fn> of these הגהות being later additions or updates of R. Yosef Bekhor Shor himself:</p>
<li>The contents of five of these הגהות (Bereshit 24:7, Bereshit 33:6, Bereshit 36:12,<fn>The case of Bereshit 36:12 is cited as evidence already by S. Poznanski in the introduction to his edition of פירוש על יחזקאל ותרי עשר לרבי אליעזר מבלגנצי (Warsaw, 1914): 73-74.</fn> Shemot 1:22, Shemot 4:11<fn>See also the language of R"Y Bekhor Shor there "וראשון שלי", and see also the first person language used in the הגהות on Bereshit 26:26, Bereshit 33:6, Bereshit 41:42, Shemot 9:5.</fn>) are reproduced by the Sefer HaGan almost verbatim (except for removing the first person language)<fn>The Sefer HaGan consistently converts R"Y Bekhor Shor's first person language into third person formulations describing R"Y Bekhor Shor. For a couple of the numerous examples, see Shemot 7:20 and 8:12.</fn> in the name of R"Y Bekhor Shor.<fn>Later Tosafist citations of these interpretations in the name of R"Y Bekhor Shor are taken secondhand from the Sefer HaGan, and are thus usually not pertinent to the issue at hand.</fn> Given that, elsewhere (Bereshit 19:8), the Sefer HaGan states that he copied from an autograph copy of R"Y Bekhor Shor's commentary ("זה העתקתי מכתב ידי הרב בכור שור"), his testimony in these cases constitutes strong evidence for these הגהות being authored by R"Y Bekhor Shor himself.<fn>There are also two instances [Bemidbar 28:30 (see Sefer HaGan Bemidbar 29:8), Bemidbar 31:3] of interpretations concluding with "מצאתי" which are possibly later additions (as they are found out of order in the manuscript) which are similarly cited in the name of R"Y Bekhor Shor in the Sefer HaGan.</fn></li>
<li>The contents of five of these הגהות (Bereshit 24:7, Bereshit 33:6, Bereshit 36:12,<fn>The case of Bereshit 36:12 is cited as evidence already by S. Poznanski in the introduction to his edition of פירוש על יחזקאל ותרי עשר לרבי אליעזר מבלגנצי (Warsaw, 1914): 73-74.</fn> Shemot 1:22, Shemot 4:11<fn>See also the language of R"Y Bekhor Shor there "וראשון שלי", and see also the first person language used in the הגהות on Bereshit 26:26, Bereshit 33:6, Bereshit 41:42, Shemot 9:5.</fn>) are reproduced by the Sefer HaGan almost verbatim (except for removing the first person language)<fn>The Sefer HaGan consistently converts R"Y Bekhor Shor's first person language into third person formulations describing R"Y Bekhor Shor. For a couple of the numerous examples, see Shemot 7:20 and 8:12.</fn> in the name of R"Y Bekhor Shor.<fn>Later Tosafist citations of these interpretations in the name of R"Y Bekhor Shor are taken secondhand from the Sefer HaGan, and are thus usually not pertinent to the issue at hand.</fn> Given that, elsewhere (Bereshit 19:8), the Sefer HaGan states that he copied from an autograph copy of R"Y Bekhor Shor's commentary ("זה העתקתי ממכתב ידי הרב בכור שור"), his testimony in these cases constitutes strong evidence for these הגהות being authored by R"Y Bekhor Shor himself.<fn>There are also two instances [Bemidbar 28:30 (see Sefer HaGan Bemidbar 29:8), Bemidbar 31:3] of interpretations concluding with "מצאתי" which are possibly later additions (as they are found out of order in the manuscript) which are similarly cited in the name of R"Y Bekhor Shor in the Sefer HaGan.</fn></li>
<li>The content of another הגה"ה (Bemidbar 4:37) is cited (using parallel language) in the name of R"Y Bekhor Shor in MS Hamburg 45.<fn>This was noted by E. Kanarfogel, The Intellectual History and Rabbinic Culture of Medieval Ashkenaz (Detroit, 2012): 245 (n. 121).</fn></li>
<li>The content of another הגה"ה (Bemidbar 4:37) is cited (using parallel language) in the name of R"Y Bekhor Shor in MS Hamburg 45.<fn>This was noted by E. Kanarfogel, The Intellectual History and Rabbinic Culture of Medieval Ashkenaz (Detroit, 2012): 245 (n. 121).</fn></li>
<li>At least two of the הגהות (see Shemot 4:11, Shemot 15:26)<fn>It is possible that the citation of R. Ovadiah in Bereshit 39:2 is also part of the הגה"ה there.</fn> cite the interpretations of ר' עובדיה (בן שמואל הספרדי), and the only commentator we know who had firsthand access to R. Ovadiah's interpretations was R"Y Bekhor Shor.<fn>For a list of R"Y Bekhor Shor's citations of R. Ovadiah, see <a href="R. Yosef Bekhor Shor" data-aht="parshan">R. Yosef Bekhor Shor</a>.  Some later works (such as Sefer HaGan) cite R. Ovadiah's interpretations secondhand from the commentary of R"Y Bekhor Shor, and others cite them thirdhand from Sefer HaGan.</fn> Additionally, the הגה"ה in Shemot 4:11 includes a rare citation of ר' יצחק הגר, and Sefer HaGan Shemot 3:13 notes an additional instance in which R"Y Bekhor Shor cited an interpretation in the name of ר' יצחק הגר.&#8206;<fn>See also the citation of "החכם צח" in the הגה"ה on Shemot 1:22, and R"Y Bekhor Shor's citation of "דברי צח והשרטט הוא המנוחי ר' אברהם בר חייא מברזלונאיא זצ"ל" in Devarim 28:63.</fn></li>
<li>At least two of the הגהות (see Shemot 4:11, Shemot 15:26)<fn>It is possible that the citation of R. Ovadiah in Bereshit 39:2 is also part of the הגה"ה there.</fn> cite the interpretations of ר' עובדיה (בן שמואל הספרדי), and the only commentator we know who had firsthand access to R. Ovadiah's interpretations was R"Y Bekhor Shor.<fn>For a list of R"Y Bekhor Shor's citations of R. Ovadiah, see <a href="R. Yosef Bekhor Shor" data-aht="parshan">R. Yosef Bekhor Shor</a>.  Some later works (such as Sefer HaGan) cite R. Ovadiah's interpretations secondhand from the commentary of R"Y Bekhor Shor, and others cite them thirdhand from Sefer HaGan.</fn> Additionally, the הגה"ה in Shemot 4:11 includes a rare citation of ר' יצחק הגר, and Sefer HaGan Shemot 3:13 notes an additional instance in which R"Y Bekhor Shor cited an interpretation in the name of ר' יצחק הגר.&#8206;<fn>See also the citation of "החכם צח" in the הגה"ה on Shemot 1:22, and R"Y Bekhor Shor's citation of "דברי צח והשרטט הוא המנוחי ר' אברהם בר חייא מברזלונאיא זצ"ל" in Devarim 28:63.</fn></li>

Latest revision as of 02:32, 28 September 2018

R. Yosef Bekhor Shor's Torah Commentary


Identification of the Author of the Commentary

R. Yosef Bekhor Shor's Torah commentary has survived in only one1 mid-sixteenth century2 manuscript, MS Munich 52. This manuscript has thus served as the basis for all printed editions of the commentary,3 including the current AlHaTorah.org edition.  That R. Yosef Bekhor Shor was the author of this commentary is clear from several pieces of evidence: an internal self-reference in the commentary,4 near verbatim citations of many passages from the commentary by other exegetes,5 and near verbatim citations of some its interpretations in other assorted Rabbinic literature.6

Scribal Accuracy of MS Munich 52

As several centuries elapsed between R. Yosef Bekhor Shor's authoring of his commentary and its lone surviving transcription by the scribe of MS Munich 52,7 the text of the manuscript must be examined for errors which may have crept into the text during its lengthy process of transmission.8 We are thus fortunate that R"Y Bekhor Shor's commentary was popular among later Tosafist exegetes and anthologizers, as their abundant citations of his interpretations serve in many cases as additional textual witnesses for particular passages from the commentary.9 The importance of mining this resource was underscored already by S. Poznanski,10 over a century ago:

על כל פנים על כל הבא להוציא את פירוש בכור שור בשלמותו להתבונן היטב בכל קובצי תוספות על התורה הנודעים למען השלים החסר ולהעמיד הגירסאות על מכונתן, ואל הוצאה שלמה כזאת יכסוף לב כל חובב דברי קדמוננו. 

In our efforts to reconstruct the original text of R. Yosef Bekhor Shor's commentary, the AlHaTorah.org edition has systematically compared the text of MS Munich 52 with the known firsthand citations of its interpretations, particularly those found in the Sefer HaGan11 and Paneach Raza.12 The analysis of these parallels has enabled hundreds of improvements of the text found in MS Munich 52, and these are all noted in the edition's textual apparatus. When full words or sentences have been added, they are also enclosed by curly braces.

It should be emphasized, however, that while MS Munich 52 is occasionally missing full lines (usually due to homeoteleutons) and displays no shortage of common inadvertent scribal errors,13 the manuscript is not characterized by intentional or wholesale abridgments of the text. Indeed, the text of MS Munich 52 frequently either matches the Tosafist citations almost letter for letter, or preserves more complete versions of the interpretations.14 It thus appears to be a predominantly faithful rendition of the original text of R"Y Bekhor Shor.15

The Hagahot in MS Munich 52 – Later Additions of R. Yosef Bekhor Shor Himself

There are 125 cases in MS Munich 52 in which an interpretation is followed by a notation of: הגה"ה‎, הג"ה‎, or הג'‏‎.16 These notations appear to indicate that the preceding interpretations were missing in the base text of the version of the commentary from which the scribe of MS Munich 52 was copying, and that he found them either glossed in the margins of the text or in a second copy of the commentary.17

Although it is theoretically possible that some of these הגהות are simply corrections of inadvertent scribal omissions, many of them disrupt the flow of the text18 or are self-contained interpretations, and thus bear the hallmarks of being later additions to the text. It is thus likely that most, if not all, of these הגהות were added to the commentary at a later stage. However, the question which remains to be resolved is whether these הגהות were added by R"Y Bekhor Shor himself or by a different person.

There are a number of factors which argue in favor of at least many, if not almost all,19 of these הגהות being later additions or updates of R. Yosef Bekhor Shor himself:

  • The contents of five of these הגהות (Bereshit 24:7, Bereshit 33:6, Bereshit 36:12,20 Shemot 1:22, Shemot 4:1121) are reproduced by the Sefer HaGan almost verbatim (except for removing the first person language)22 in the name of R"Y Bekhor Shor.23 Given that, elsewhere (Bereshit 19:8), the Sefer HaGan states that he copied from an autograph copy of R"Y Bekhor Shor's commentary ("זה העתקתי ממכתב ידי הרב בכור שור"), his testimony in these cases constitutes strong evidence for these הגהות being authored by R"Y Bekhor Shor himself.24
  • The content of another הגה"ה (Bemidbar 4:37) is cited (using parallel language) in the name of R"Y Bekhor Shor in MS Hamburg 45.25
  • At least two of the הגהות (see Shemot 4:11, Shemot 15:26)26 cite the interpretations of ר' עובדיה (בן שמואל הספרדי), and the only commentator we know who had firsthand access to R. Ovadiah's interpretations was R"Y Bekhor Shor.27 Additionally, the הגה"ה in Shemot 4:11 includes a rare citation of ר' יצחק הגר, and Sefer HaGan Shemot 3:13 notes an additional instance in which R"Y Bekhor Shor cited an interpretation in the name of ר' יצחק הגר.‎28
  • Parallel content to over twenty of the הגהות appears in the Sefer HaGan.29 Given that approximately fifty (!) percent of the Sefer HaGan is drawn from R"Y Bekhor Shor,30 it is very likely that at least some, if not all, of these הגהות are also taken from R"Y Bekhor Shor.31
  • There are several instances (see Shemot 4:8,32 Shemot 23:19,33 Shemot 30:16,34 Shemot 32:11,35 Shemot 34:21) where the content of the הגהות corresponds precisely to distinctive positions found elsewhere in R"Y Bekhor Shor's commentary.36

The question of whether or not the הגהות (or most of them) were written by R"Y Bekhor Shor himself impacts the assessment of the range of earlier exegetes which may have influenced the commentary (or the additions to it). Over thirty of the הגהות cite other sources, and approximately the same number have content which parallels that found in other exegetes. In particular, two of the הגהות cite Ibn Ezra37 and the הגה"ה on Bereshit 33:6-7 cites the "ספר הדייקות של אבן פרחון".‎38 If these הגהות were later additions of R"Y Bekhor Shor, they may indicate that he obtained access to these works only after completing the original version of his commentary.

An additional complication in the analysis of the הגהות is that it is not always clear how to demarcate their boundaries.39 In almost all cases,40 the הגה"ה notation marks the end of the הגה"ה. However, since MS Munich 52 does not mark where each הגה"ה begins, this must be determined based on content and context.41 The AlHaTorah.org edition places brackets around the contents of the הגהות, and the apparatus provides the basis for these demarcations.42

See also the section below on Citations Not Found in MS Munich 52 for the hypothesis that there were additional הגהות of R"Y Bekhor Shor written in the margins of his personal copy which the Sefer HaGan saw and cited, but which did not get incorporated in MS Munich 52.

Tosafist Citations of the Commentary

The later Tosafist commentaries which cite R. Yosef Bekhor Shor may be divided into those which cite him firsthand from a copy of the original commentary, and those which cite him from secondary or tertiary sources. Noteworthy examples from the firsthand category include the following:

  • MSS Munich 252 and Oxford Marsh 225 – This work cites R"Y Bekhor Shor by name on only eight occasions, but it incorporates interpretations from R"Y Bekhor Shor's commentary without attribution on a regular basis.43
  • Sefer HaGan – Approximately fifty percent of this work draws on the commentary of R. Yosef Bekhor Shor, and it cites him explicitly sixty-three times.44 In Bereshit 19:2, the Sefer HaGan even states explicitly that he is working off R"Y Bekhor Shor's autograph copy ("זה העתקתי מכתב ידי הרב בכור שור").
  • Paneach Raza on Sefer Devarim45 – In contrast to the books of Bereshit through Bemidbar, where Paneach Raza's citations of R"Y Bekhor Shor are derived from secondary Tosafist collections (particularly the Sefer HaGan who is sometimes cited as the source for these interpretations), in Sefer Devarim, his citations of R"Y Bekhor Shor are not generally found in earlier collections. They are also much more numerous (forty-three compared to thirty-seven in the rest of Torah), and more faithfully preserve the original text. These factors make it likely that, in Devarim, Paneach Raza was working off a copy of R"Y Bekhor Shor's commentary itself.

Examples of works which appear to be accessing R"Y Bekhor Shor's interpretations only via a secondary or tertiary source include:

  • Hadar Zekeinim Shemot through Devarim – Nearly all of Hadar Zekenim's thirty-seven citations of R"Y Bekhor Shor in Shemot through Devarim46 can be found in Sefer HaGan, and on one occasion (Vayikra 1:1), Hadar Zekeinim explicitly cites Sefer HaGan as his source. The Hadar Zekeinim's citations also frequently reflect the Sefer HaGan's edited versions rather than R"Y Bekhor Shor's original formulations.
  • Daat Zekeinim – All seventeen47 of Daat Zekeinim's citations of R"Y Bekhor Shor can be found in Sefer HaGan, and these reflect the Sefer HaGan's edited versions of the interpretations.

The distinction between these two categories of works is significant since works which contain firsthand citations of R"Y Bekhor Shor are generally more reliable in their citations and more valuable as textual witnesses.48

Citations Not Found in MS Munich 52

The vast majority of the Tosafist citations of R. Yosef Bekhor Shor can be found in MS Munich 52. These include:  fifty-six of the sixty-three firsthand citations in the Sefer HaGan (see above),49 all forty-three citations in Paneach Raza on Devarim, and seven of the eight citations in the Munich 252-Oxford 225 MSS.50 Of the citations which are not in MS Munich 52, a few appear to be simply the result of scribal error and mistaken attribution.51

However, there are at least a dozen cases in which there is a distinct likelihood that the cited interpretations, despite being missing in MS Munich 52, may have been authored by R"Y Bekhor Shor himself.52 One of these is the unique case of Bereshit 19:8 in which Sefer HaGan states that he is citing from R"Y Bekhor Shor's own copy. A possible explanation is that this case, as well as several others which share the characteristics of R"Y Bekhor Shor's הגהות‎,53 are additional examples of R"Y Bekhor Shor's updates to his commentary.54 These were glossed in the margins of R"Y Bekhor Shor's personal copy which the Sefer HaGan saw and used. However, not all of these updates made it into the copies which were made of the commentary,55 and hence MS Munich 52 (which is apparently a derivative of one of these copies) is missing some of these updates.56

In cases where there is a reasonable probability that a Tosafist citation of R"Y Bekhor Shor is authentic, the AlHaTorah.org edition encloses the citation in braces and notes its source in the critical apparatus.

Acknowledgments and Manuscript List

AlHaTorah.org's edition of R. Yosef Bekhor Shor's Torah commentary utilizes MS Munich 52 as its base text. It also makes ample use of interpretations of R. Yosef Bekhor Shor incorporated (both in his name and anonymously) in many assorted Tosafist texts. The following is a list of some of the manuscripts utilized in this edition. We gratefully acknowledge the libraries which house them for preserving these texts for posterity:

Finally, we express our appreciation to the staff of the Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts for all of their assistance.