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Part of SpeechNoun
Possible Meanings
  1. Weariness
  2. Difficulties
Related Wordsלאה

Possible Meanings

There are only four Biblical instances of the noun תְּלָאָה. Three of the cases, Shemot 18:8, Bemidbar 20:14, Nehemyah 9:32, plainly speak of the תְּלָאָה which befell the Children of Israel, and it is likely that the fourth verse, Eikhah 3:5, does so as well.1 However, the meaning of the word and the events to which it refers are not completely clear in any of the occurrences. The basic possibilities correspond to the two possible meanings of the verb לאה.

1. Weariness

2. Difficulties, hardship, travails

Disputed Cases

Shemot 18:8

See the discussion in Shemot 18 of Two Accounts which Yitro Heard regarding the implications for understanding what Moshe told Yitro.3

Malakhi 1:13 – מַתְּלָאָה

The etymology and meaning of this word are the subject of significant debate.


Relationship to Synonyms

Semantic Evolution


Rabbinic Hebrew

Modern Hebrew
