
Bilam in the Biblical Text

Bilam is one of the more mysterious characters in Tanakh. Bilam is first mentioned in במדבר כ״ב:ה', when Balak, King of Moav, requests his assistance in cursing the People of Israel. The Torah spends the next three chapters detailing Hashem's warnings to Bilam, Bilam's attempts at cursing the Israelites, and how the curses were turned into blessings, at the end of which (במדבר כ״ד:כ"ה) Bilam goes home. Bilam then appears again during the battle with the Midianites, where Bilam is mentioned as being killed together with the four kings of Midian (במדבר ל"א:ח', with parallels in יהושע י"ג:כ"א-כ"ב), and is said to be the instigator of the Sin of Baal Peor (במדבר ל"א:ט"ז).

The hiring of Bilam is mentioned as one of the reasons Amonites and Moabites are banned from joining the Israelites (דברים כ"ג:ה'-ו', and also נחמיה י"ג:א'-ב'). The reversal of Bilam's curses is mentioned as one of the major ways Hashem protected Israel in the desert in יהושע כ"ד:ט'-י' and מיכה ו':ה'. Who is Bilam? What is the meaning of him being a "קּוֹסֵם" (יהושע י״ג:כ״ב)? Why did his attempt to curse Israel leave such a lasting impression?1

Was Bilam a Prophet?

The verses give varying indicators regarding Bilam's status.2 Bilam receives prophetic dreams (במדבר כ״ב:ט'-י"ב,כ'), sees an angel (במדבר כ״ב:ל"א-ל"ה), and receives other heavenly messages (במדבר כ״ג:ד'-ה',ט"ז, כ"ד:ב'). He also states throughout the story that his actions are dependent on Hashem's guidance, and refers to himself as "שֹׁמֵעַ אִמְרֵי אֵל אֲשֶׁר מַחֲזֵה שַׁדַּי יֶחֱזֶה נֹפֵל וּגְלוּי עֵינָיִם" (במדבר כ״ד:ד', and similarly in במדבר כ״ד:ט"ז). In contrast, in יהושע י״ג:כ״ב he is referred to as "בִּלְעָם בֶּן בְּעוֹר הַקּוֹסֵם", without mentioning prophetic abilities, in במדבר כ״ב:ז' the messengers bring "קְסָמִים" to Bilam, and במדבר כ״ד:א' mentions Bilam using "נְחָשִׁים".

Bilam and Other Characters

Bilam's Origins

Where did Bilam live? According to במדבר כ״ב:ה', Balak sent messengers to find Bilam at "פְּתוֹרָה אֲשֶׁר עַל הַנָּהָר אֶרֶץ בְּנֵי עַמּוֹ", in במדבר כ״ג:ז' Bilam states "מִן אֲרָם יַנְחֵנִי בָלָק מֶלֶךְ מוֹאָב מֵהַרְרֵי קֶדֶם", and in דברים כ״ג:ה׳ Bilam is identified as coming "מִפְּתוֹר אֲרַם נַהֲרַיִם". Further complicating the issue is the combination of במדבר כ״ד:כ"ה, which states that Bilam returned home after being dismissed by Balak, and במדבר ל"א:ח', which states that Bilam was killed soon after in Midian.

Bilam in the Ancient Near East

Bilam is the only character in Torah who appears in (non-Biblical) Ancient Near Eastern texts. In 1967 an inscription was found on the wall of a temple in Deir Alla, Jordan. This inscription, written in red and black ink on plaster, is written in Aramaic and can be dated to the late ninth century BCE. The inscriptions begins by saying "[זה] ספר [ב]לעם [בר בער]", and tells of apocalyptic visions seen by Bilam in dreams. The inscription refers multiple times to "בלעם בר בער", and contains linguistic parallels to the blessings of Bilam in the Torah.

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