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<aht-formatted><aht-topiclist data="Parashat Yitro/TopicList" for="page"/></aht-formatted>
<aht-topiclist for="page">
<topic="Core – Shemot 18" display="Core">
<topic="Plot – Shemot 18" display="Plot">
<topic="Plot Listed by Verse – Shemot 18" display="Listed by Verse" />
<topic="Yitro's Visit – Purpose and Significance" />
<topic="Two Accounts which Yitro Heard" />
<topic="אחר שלוחיה – Who Sent What to Whom" />
<topic="When Did Zipporah Return to Midyan" />
<topic="Who Accompanied Yitro" />
<topic="כי בדבר אשר זדו עליהם – Power and Justice" />
<topic="Yitro's Sacrifices and Eating Bread Before God" />
<topic="Long Lines of Litigants" />
<topic="Moshe's Duties and Yitro's Advice" />
<topic="Chukkei HaElokim – Statutes Before Sinai" />
<topic="Did Moshe Need Yitro's Advice" />
<topic="Yitro's System – A Bloated Bureaucracy" />
<topic="Advice and Implementation" />
<topic="Yitro's Life After Shemot 18" />
<topic="The Decalogue: Direct From Hashem or Via Moshe" />
<topic="Characters – Shemot 18" display="Characters">
<topic="Yitro" display="Overview" />
<topic="Yitro – Names" />
<topic="Yitro – Religious Identity" />
<topic="Zipporah" />
<topic="Moshe" display="Overview" />
<topic="Moshe's Family Life" />
<topic="Children of Israel – Overview" display="Children of Israel" />
<topic="Aharon" display="Aharon – Overview" he="אהרן – סקירה" />
<topic="none" display="Literary Devices">
<topic="Literary Devices – Shemot 18" display="Chapter 18" he="פרק י&#34;ח" />
<topic="none" display="Beliefs & Theology">
<topic="Are Children Punished for Parents' Sins" />
<topic="Seeing Hashem" />
<topic="Reward and Punishment" />
<topic="none" display="Themes & Messages">
<topic="Themes and Messages – Shemot 18" display="Chapter 18" he="פרק י&#34;ח" />
<topic="none" display="Legal">
<topic="Altars of Earth, Stone, and Wood" />
<topic="Backdrop – Shemot 18" display="Backdrop">
<topic="Context – Shemot 18" display="Context">
<topic="Context Overview – Shemot 18" display="Overview" />
<topic="Yitro and Amalek" display="Yitro & Amalek" />
<topic="Chronology – Shemot 18" display="Chronology of Shemot 18" />
<topic="Chronological and Thematic Order" />
<topic="none" display="Structure">
<topic="Structure – Shemot 18" display="Chapter 18" />
<topic="Biblical Parallels – Shemot 18" display="Biblical Parallels">
<topic="Biblical Parallels Overview – Shemot 18" display="Overview" />
<topic="Yitro and Amalek" display="Yitro & Amalek" />
<topic="Yitro and Bilam" display="Yitro & Bilam" />
<topic="Encounters with Foreign Leaders" />
<topic="In-laws" />
<topic="Appointing Moshe's Assistants" />
<topic="Decalogue Differences Between Shemot and Devarim" />
<topic="Moshe and Eliyahu at Sinai" />
<topic="Ma'amad Har Sinai in Shemot and Devarim" />
<topic="Biblical Parallels Index – Shemot 18" />
<topic="Biblical Parallels Index – Shemot 19" />
<topic="Biblical Parallels Index – Shemot 20" />
<topic="Ancient Near East – Shemot 18" display="Ancient Near East">
<topic="ANE:Treaties in Tanakh and the Ancient Near East" />
<topic="ANE:Judicial Systems" he="מערכות משפטיות" />
<topic="Ancient Near Eastern Index – Parashat Yitro" />
<topic="Art and Literature – Shemot 18" display="Art & Literature">
<topic="Yitro's Arrival in Art" />
<topic="none" display="Comparative Religion">
<topic="Yitro in Other Religions" />
<topic="Details – Shemot 18" display="Details">
<topic="Biblical Life – Shemot 18" display="Biblical Life">
<topic="Realia:Midyan" display="Where is Midyan?" />
<topic="Realia:Life in the Wilderness" />
<topic="Lexical – Shemot 18" display="Lexical">
<topic="Dictionary:כֹּהֵן" display="כהן – Yitro's Profession" he="כהן – מקצועו של יתרו" />
<topic="Dictionary:חֹתֵן – חֹתֶנֶת" display="חותן – Yitro's Relationship to Moshe" he="חותן – יחסי הקורבה בין יתרו למשה" />
<topic="Dictionary:שִׁלּוּחִים" display="אחר שלוחיה – Did Moshe Divorce Zipporah?" he="אחר שלוחיה – האם גירש משה את צפורה?" />
<topic="Dictionary:תְּלָאָה" display="תלאה – Troubles and Travails" he="תלאה – צרות וקשיים" />
<topic="Dictionary:חדה" display="ויחד – Yitro's Emotions" he="ויחד – הרגשות של יתרו" />
<topic="Dictionary:זוד" display="זדו – Intent or Arrogance?" he="זדו – במזיד או יהירות?" />
<topic="Dictionary:אֵ-ל – אֱ-לוֹהַ – אֱ-לֹהִים" display="לדרש א-להים – Where and What?" he="לדרש א-להים – מה ואיפה?" />
<topic="Dictionary:דרש" display="לדרש א-להים – Seeking God" he="לדרש א-להים – הביקוש אחרי ה'" />
<topic="Dictionary:נבל" display="נבל תבל – Humans, Animals, and Plants" he="נבל תבל – בני אדם, חיות, וצמחים" />
<topic="Dictionary:חזה" display="ואתה תחזה – Seeing or Selecting?" he="ואתה תחזה – ראייה או בחירה?" />
<topic="Dictionary:חַיִל" display="אנשי חיל – Leadership Qualities" he="אנשי חיל – תכונות של מנהיגות" />
<topic="none" display="Grammar" />
<topic="none" display="Textual Variants">
<topic="Textual Variants – Shemot 18" display="Chapter 18" he="פרק י&#34;ח" />
<topic="Educators – Shemot 18" display="Educators">
<topic="Motivators – Shemot 18" display="Motivators" />
<topic="Creative Writing – Shemot 18" display="Creative Writing" />
<topic="Projects – Shemot 18" display="Projects" />
<topic="Assessments – Shemot 18" display="Assessments" />
<topic="Lesson Plans – Shemot 18" display="Lesson Plans" />
<topic="local" display="Study Guides" />
<topic="Index:Resource Articles#Yitro" display="Resource Articles" />
<topic="local" display="Family">
<topic="local" display="Shabbat Table Topics" />
<topic="local" display="Study Guides" />
<topic="Bar–Bat Mitzvah – Shemot 18" display="Bar/Bat Mitzvah">
<topic="Learning From Others – Moshe and Yitro" he="לימוד מאחרים – משה ויתרו" />
<topic="Puzzles – Shemot 18" display="Parashah Puzzles" />
<topic="Index:Resource Articles#Yitro" display="Resource Articles" />
<topic="local" display="Haftarah">
<topic="Yeshayahu's Mission in Chapter 6" />
<topic="Chronological and Thematic Order" />

Latest revision as of 03:03, 29 December 2023

Parashat Yitro – Topic List

Core Topicsנושאים עיקריים

Probe the primary textual and conceptual questions presented by the unit.חקרו את השאלות הטקסטואליות והרעיוניות המרכזיות שמוצגות על ידי היחידה.


Broaden your learning using an array of both Biblical and extra-Biblical sources.הרחיבו את אופקיכם בעיון במקבילות תנ״כיות וטקסטים מהמזרח הקדום.


Zoom in to explore the intricacies of Biblical life and language.התמקדו בפרטי הריאליה והלשון המקראיים.

Educatorsרעיונות למחנכים

Discover ideas and resources to enhance your students' classroom experience.גלו רעיונות ומשאבים שישפרו את החווייה החינוכית של תלמידיכם.

Familyלימוד משפחתי

Engage your family with stimulating questions, sources, and puzzles.עניינו את משפחתכם בשאלות נוקבות, מקורות מעניינים, וחידות.
